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This chapter is dedicated to TacoNightFury please read the a/n at the bottom of this chapter after you read the story. Don't do it now because then there would be spoilers.

Lloyds pov

I only woke up a couple of hours ago. In so confused from all the information I have gotten from Kai. It's all to fast. It gives me a headache really. Kai told me that I was big time criminal and that we are the most wanted people in Ninjago. He also told me I was his boyfriend. I believe that. I can remember blobs of my past and I remember us kissing once. I also remember eating way to much candy and getting tummy aches.

I don't know if I should believe Kai or not about the criminal thing. I don't think would lie? Would he? I honestly don't know since I can't remember much. I can trust him. I know I can.

The "mystery man" well that's what Kai calls him stops running. We have been running for a while in this forest. It's darks and you can see all of the starts and the crescent moon. It's truly beautiful.

"We shall sleep here for the night,"the mystery man says.

I look around wondering where to sleep. I walk over over the a tree and lay down against it. I turn on my side freezing cold. I feel warm arms wrap around me. I turn my head a little to see its Kai. I see the baby boy with mystery man.

"Kai?" I ask.


"Can you tell me more about my past. Why I became a killer. How we met. Where did that baby came from?"I ask.

Kai tightens his grip on me and gives me a light kiss on the neck. "You kill because it's fun. You kill because you let out the anger you have bottled up for years and years. We met at the park. I was dating a girl at the time but we became friends. And then me and the girl broke up and you helped me get over her and then I asked you to be my boyfriend. And the baby's name is Logan and he is my son and we adopted him."

I snuggle next to him,"thanks,"I mumble and I drift to sleep.
Hope's pov (yes again)

I can't find Logan anywhere! Lloyd and Kai have been gone for a few days and so has Logan. Did Kai and Lloyd leave with Logan? Where did they go and why did they go?

I get up from my bed and start to pace around my room. What happened to them? Lloyd is so vulnerable with him losing his memory and still mildly hurt. What if someone stole them?! I need to find them. I can't let them get hurt. Especially with him on the loose.

"Why hello there,"I hear a very familiar voice say. I turn around a see a person I hoped I would never have to see again.

They have blue hair in a ponytail which right above the shoulders. They have light grey eyes and A smirk on there face. They are short for their age, only 5'2. The navy blue hoodie made her pale skin look even paler in possible. She wears plain black leggings with tennis shoes.

"Why are you here? I thought you were in jail!"I say just above the regular voice tone.

"Well I broke out and he sent me on a mission,"the person says.

"Well why are you at my house! Get the fuck out!"I yell.

"But you see I'm the one who did it,"the horrible person that I wish would go away forever whispers transporting closer to me,"and now ash will finish off the job."

"What do you mean finish the job?"I ask very angrily.

"Hun you know what I mean. Ash will kill him finishing what I was trying to do when I started the fire."

"Leave them alone or I swear I will-"they interrupt me.

"You'll do what?"they test me.

"Why are you following ash. He is the bad guy. Please join the good side T please,"I beg her.

"Ash is not a bad guy!"she yells,"we will bring you to our side and you will kill him if it's the last thing I do,"she yells then disappears.

I race to the bounty to the rest of the ninja. I know what happened to Kai,Lloyd, and Logan now. I must tell them. I run faster and faster trying to get there faster. The bounty was landed. I run in the bounty out of breath.

"GUYS! GUYS! EVERYONE!"I yell out of breath.

Jay, Zane, Cole, Nya, and Sensei Wu run into the room. "Hope what's wrong?"Cole asks.

"Lloyd....trouble....T....Ash....die,"I say out of breath.

"What?"Jay asks.

I catch my breath,"I know what happened to Kai, Lloyd, and Logan."

"You do? Tell us,"Nya says.

"Well my father is a mean man. I don't even consider him as my father. I call him ash. Ash sent my evil sister, T, to kill Lloyd. Ash sent her to do this because when Garmodon was child Ash was best friends with him. When Garmodon turned evil. While ash was sleeping one night garmodon kidnapped ash's wife and dropped her in a deep pool of water. She couldn't swim and she died. Ash swore revenge on him. He broke me sister out of jail to kill Lloyd. She started the fire and tried to kill Lloyd, but failed. Now somehow ash convinced Kai to get Lloyd and leave. Kai probably brought Logan along because it is him baby. Now that ash is alone with Lloyd he will get T to kill Lloyd. If we don't hurry Lloyd will die,"I finish.

They all look at me. I look down in shame. I have a horrible family. I'm so ashamed. I don't want my family be the reason for my best friends death. It isn't fair. A tear slips from my eye. I feel arms wrap around me.

"Don't worry we will find them,"Cole says hugging me and I hug him back. He pulls away and smile at me. I wipe away my tears.

"Yeah okay,"I say not knowing what else to say.

I promise Lloyd if you die I die too.

There was my chapter. Yes TacoNightFury won the oc contest with T the oc. T fit the part perfectly and it was really hard to pick between a few. So thanks for trying out in chapter 3. :) see ya in the next chapter.

And T is a Demisexual and I'm not use to writing it that pov. If you don't know what Demisexual is it's basically where you don't feel any attraction to anyone that you don't have a emotion relationship with. It's like in the middle of asexual and sexual. Asexual means you don't like anyone. It means you have no attraction to boys or girls. Demisexual people usually don't go by her or she, him or he they go by they or them. It was hard to write this because I'm not use to that so if it sucked sorry.

I choose TacoNightFury's because it was different, it fit what I needed, and it would be a good challenge.

I do realize I did use she/her sometimes but I really tried not to so sorry. Thanks for reading this incredibly long authors note. Bye!!!!

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