epilogue part one

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Days past and lloyd just laid in his bed. He didnt move, he didn't train, he didn't eat, and he didn't speak. The other ninja, nya, sensei, and hope feared for his health. They tried to get him to eat, but he just couldn't

His life was empty without kai. He felt numb all the time. He would never get over it. He could have saved kai. He could never turn back time to see him again. He would never hear kais voice again. It was all his fault.

Weeks past and the funeral came. Even though they didn't have kai's body they agreed to have one out of respect. Lloyd didn't want a funeral for kai, but they had one anyways. Lloyd didn't want to go, but he did. It was the first time he had been out of his room in weeks.

At the funeral lloyd saw a picture of kai. Before the ceremony started lloyd broke down. He couldn't handle it. He fell to the ground and cried. He went home early and put on his pajamas which were too big for him now since he hasn't ate much. He cried himself to sleep that night, and most nights after that.

Months past and sensei got him theropy. Lloyd stoped talking to everyone. Everyone forgot the sound of his voice. Lloyd would never forget the sound of kai's though. Theropy didn't help since lloyd didn't talk

Lloyd cried a lot. He isolated himself from everyone. He was in a deep deep depression. He would do anything to see, hear, and talk to kai again. He would offen stay up all night thinking of ways he could have saved kai, or if he could bring him back. It always ended up in lloyd crying his eyes out.

Years past. Lloyd had no job. He lived in his own apartment barely making enough for rent. He wanted to die. He wanted to kill himself. What's the point of living if you can't remember the last time you were happy?

So he planned it all out. I climbed the stairs to the roof of his apartment building. He would jumo, he would die, he would see kai, it was his suicide.

He stood on the edge of the building and then his phone started to ring. He pulled it out. It was kai. He froze. Maybe someone was calling from kais phone? Lloyd didn't care he just answered.

What do you guys think? I'kl probably upload again in like 20 minutes :p

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