epilogue part two

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Lloyd pov

"K-kai," I say on the verge of tears. There was a long pause. I hated the pause I just wanted to know who it was.

"Get off the top of the building please."

It was kai. It was his voice. I started to cry. He was okay. Kai was okay.

"Lloyd don't cry just come down," kai says.

I get off the edge of the building and rush down the stairs, "Where are you?"

"In front of the apartment building," then kai hangs up.

I rush down out of the apartment. I am so happy I get to see kai again. I see kai. He has his old hair style back. I run faster than I have ever ran before and hugged kai. Kai hugged me back tightly. Tears rush down my face.

"Lloyd don't cry."

Hearing his voice makes ne cry harder, "Kai why did you not come back sooner. I-i was miserable without you. P-p-please never leave me again."

Kai hugged me tighter and kisses ny forehead, then my nose, then he peck my lips. "I won't leave again. I promise." Kai ran his thumb over my cheak wiping my tears away, " I love you too much to leave you by choice."

Suddenly I jump up and press my lips against his. I wrap my arms around his neck. He doesn't respond for a second which scares me, but then wraps his arms around my waste and returns the kiss.

I haven't done this in so long. I feel overwhelmed with joy. Then I think about how all the sudden he just came back. He died. I saw him die. And if he didn't why didn't he come back sooner. I pull away.

"Where were you?"

"It is complicated. I don't even understand fully," kai answers.

"Please tell me something about where you were, or did yoy just not love me then all the sudden you wanted me back!" I yell tears forming into my eyes again.

Kai grabs my hand and pulls me over to a bench. "Lloyd I love you. Don't ever think I would ever leave you. Now i'll tell you what I remember."

Kai pov

I fall. Lloyd will be safe thats all that matters. Everything turns black. Im dead. Wait how am I still thinking if Im dead

Suddenly im in a room. The walls a are purple, the mist in the room is purple. I see mirror and a girl.

"Who are you?" I ask she doesn't answer. "Who are you!" I repeated yelling.

She stay quiet. I start to get angry. Then she speaks, "You are welcome."

"Why should I thank you?"

"I saved lloyd's and your life," the girl says.

"What? But lloyd got out alive becausr of me," I say confused.

"Lloyd kills himself 4 years from now because of you. So either way he would have died," she says.

"How would you know?"

The girl turns around, it was hope, "Because kai, I can see the future. Now lloyd will kill himself on the top of this building," the wall shows a picture of an apartment building, "save him for me kai."

She she disappers.

Back to lloyds pov

"And then I appered at the video game shop, and came running here. I was almost to late, but I am so glad I came in time."

Kai finished his story and hugs me. I hug him back, and I never want to let go.

the end.

I hope you guys enjoyed going on this amazing journey with me. Tell ne your favorite part of the book, or with part gave you the most emotions. And also what did you think of the ending?

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