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I dedicate this chapter to GrimThree515 for being awesome.

Kai's pov

I go through my old book. The one with the story of me and Lloyd I just used different names. I miss Lloyd so much. I miss his smile. The way his laugh sounded. Everything about his was perfect. I ruined it with my stupidity.

My phone rings and I take it out of my pocket. I press answer and hold it up to my ear. "Hello?"I ask.

"Lloyd had woken up,"I hear Sensei Wu's voice say.

I end the call and jump off the bounty. I form my dragon and zoom off to the hospital. My dragon disappears and I run into the hospital. I can't believe Lloyd is awake. My heart races as I think of him more and more. I walk to Lloyds room but a nurse stops me.

"I'm sorry sir but we cannot let you pass,"one of the nurses say.

"I have to,"I say walking pass them but the doctor blocks my way.

"You aren't allowed!"the doctor barks.

"Let me through!"I yell and push the doctor.

The doctor pushes me back which makes me mad. I run to him but other doctors hold me back not wanting me to hurt him. I try to get them off me but they wouldn't leave. I just want to see Lloyd.

"Let me see Lloyd!"I yell.

Cole walks out of Lloyds room and comes to me,"Don't worry,"he says to the doctor,"he is with us."

All of the doctors let go of me. Cole and I walk to Lloyds room. Cole opens the door and I walk in. I smile ear to ear when I see Lloyd standing up. He is moving around and everything.

Lloyd looks at me. We make eye contact. Everything around me becomes a blur except Lloyd. Sweet, smiling Lloyd. My love is awake and he will be with me. I run over to Lloyd and hug him. I kiss him and kisses back. I didn't want to be harsh since he just woke up. I pull away and look at Lloyd. I cup his cheek.

"I missed you so much,"my forehead leans against his as I say that.

"I missed you too,"he say.

Tears fall down my cheeks. "I'm so sorry Lloyd. For I have done. I love you. I love you so much. Please will you be mine. Will be my boyfriend? I love you,"I say crying with tears of joy.

"Of course Kai,"he says and kisses me once again. He wraps his hands around my neck and I wrap my hands around his waist. I don't want this moment to ever end. I love Lloyd. Now we can be together. Forever.

I wake up. It was all just a dream. It was a stupid dream! Why!? Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! If felt so real! Why did this happen? Why couldn't have the dream be real. God this is fucking stupid. Lloyd was finally mine, but it was just a dream.

Suddenly mystery man appears in my room,"Kai I need to speak with you,"he says in his deep voice.

"What is it?"I ask a little annoyed.

"All of Ninjago city is looking for the people who murdered all of those people and stole the money,"he informs me.

"So, they won't figure out it was me,"I say.

"They have all types of things to find out who it was. Didn't you say it felt good killing and stealing?"he asks curiously.

"Yeah,"I answer.

"Come hide with me. We can kill and steal for a living. Plus my boss needs someone like you,"he says.

"I can't. What about the guys?"I ask.

"The cops will figure out it was you and I who did it. Now do you want to stay here and get caught or leave?"he asks.

I sigh,"Fine but what about my teammates?"I ask.

"Forget about them. I will be back tomorrow morning to pick you up so we can leave. Pack a few pairs of clothes and anything that you need. Also you can't wear that ninja stuff anymore,"he says. He snaps his fingers and my clothes change to blood red almost black clothing. The same outfit appears on my bed. "You will also need this,"he snaps his fingers and a tattoo of black fire covers around my eye. My eye is in the center of the tattoo.

He snaps his fingers again and he vanishes. I begin to pack my things I my red backpack. What about Lloyd? I can't just leave him. He is my almost boyfriend. What if he wakes up and sees that I'm gone. He would be so hurt. I couldn't do that to him.

I finish putting all my clothes in the backpack. I decide since I'm leaving I need a new style. I changed my clothes, but now it's time for this. I go to the hair salon and ask for a different hair cut. My hair now covers half my face and it doesn't stick up. (Look at picture above) I know this is a big change but I need to look different. I also ask the lady to die it black and she does. After she finishes I get a call. I answer it's and hold it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Lloyds awake."

I know it is a little short. But I have written way shorter like only 500 words. I usually try to write 1000 word. This was only 910 words.

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