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This chapter is dedicated to XxMystic_nightxX for being my awesome friend

Kai's pov

After my little thing with mystery man, whom I should really ask what his name is, I go to the hospital to see Lloyd. I walk into the hospital and go up to his room.

I open the door and see he hasn't moved. I always have that little bit of hope inside of me telling me he might be awake, but he never is. I walk over to Lloyd. I hate it. I hate how cold his skin is, I hate how pale he has become, I hate him not being awake. I miss his so much. So so so much.

"Lloyd?"I ask. That little spark of of hope he might answer is still there. He doesn't. I sigh. I grab a chair a pull it up next to Lloyds hospital bed. I sit down next to him and look at him. I move his blond curly hair away from his face.

"I don't know if you can hear me Lloyd, but I need someone to talk to. Do you think I can tell you something and for you just to listen and not talk?"

Lloyd doesn't respond, of course.

"I will take that as a yes,"I chuckle softly, "Lloyd if you can hear me I just want you to know that I miss you. I miss you so much. I want you to be awake. It's my fault your in this coma. I'm sorry. I'm so so so sorry. I could have saved you from that fire,"I let a tear slip from my eye thinking of the fire,"I also adopted a kid. His name is Logan. He awesome. He is always so happy and cheerful. He reminds me of you. He doesn't look like you though. He has dark brown hair. Almost black. He is so adorable. He does have green eyes. He is amazing just like you,"I smile at the thought of Lloyd,Logan, and me all as a big family.

I frown when I realize that Lloyd is still asleep. "There is a mystery man. He knows who started the fire. It was on purpose. Someone is after you Lloyd and I dedicate my life to find out who and why. I wanted information about the sicko so the mystery man asked me to steal money. I know I'm a ninja and I shouldn't. But I had to. For you. Then he told me to kill with him for more information. He hasn't given me any yet. But he will."

I grab Lloyds hand and a tear falls down my cheek. God I love Lloyd so much. I kiss his hand,"It felt good. Having power over every single persons life I took. I had control if they died right then or not. I loved having that control,"I say,"I want to feel it more."

I get up from my chair and kiss Lloyds forehead softly. I open the door leaving the hospital going to the bounty to try to get some sleep.

Lloyds pov (Finally! *fangirls*)

I have been in the darkness alone for what seems like forever. I want out but I can't do anything. I'm just stuck only seeing darkness. I just want out. I feel like a mime that is trapped in a box. I hate it. I want to leave the darkness to the life I use to live.

I hear something. I listen closely. A door shuts. I feel someone is in here. I can't hear them clearly. There voice sounds like the adults on Charlie Brown. I can't understand and if annoys me. There is silence for a few minutes. Then the voice starts talking again.

I want to know what you are saying, but I can't. Who is the person who is even talking? I want to know, but I can't figure out how to get out of this place I'm stuck in. I don't even know where I am or how I got here. All I know is I want out.

I use all my strength to try to open my eyes. I can't. I try again and again but I can never get my eyes open. I try to move but I can't. Nothing is working. I want out of this stupid frozen state. I hate it. Please. I try to open my eyes again but I can't. I try harder and harder each time, but every time I fail once again.

Someone grabs my hand. Their hand is warm and it feels so normal. Like out hands are meant for each other's. I try to squeeze the hand, but I can't move. Why can't I move!? I want to be able to move and find out who this is and what they said. I feel a soft lips on my forehead. I want to smile, but sadly I can't.

I hear a door open, and then close. The person left. I once again feel alone. That person always comes, but he never really talks to me. He just hold my hand. I caught a few things the person said.

The person said something about stealing something and killing someone and about someone named Logan. Did this Logan person steal something then kill someone! Why would someone do that. Logan is mean if he did that.

I soon come to the realization that I'm alone. I'm alone. I'm always alone. People visit me, but I never see them or get to communicate with them. I want to be able to talk again. I want to be able to move again. To be completely honest..

I'm scared.

The third chapter peoples! Yep number 3! You know that number that's before four and after two. If you don't know what the number three is or where it's located then go ask someone.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter my ninja dudes. Luv you. Bai!

Anyways I need an oc for a chapter coming soon. There will only be one though. I won't tell you what he/she needs to look like or anything because I want to see how many of you actually will get this right. Anyways here is the information.


Hair color:

Eye color:

Ability/powers:(doesn't have to be powers)

Regular outfit:


Thanks so much for your ocs and I will pick one. And I won't tell you when the oc will show up though. It's a surprise!

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