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Dedicated to MotionGurly for having an amazing book (go check it out after you read this) and for being a great friend

Kai's pov

"Kill with me."

"No! I'm a ninja!"I yell.

"Do you not remember your little bomb on your wrist? If you disobey me I kill you,"the mystery man says.

I sigh. What have I gotten myself into? Am I really going to kill the innocent? I'm a ninja and ninja don't do that. I have to sacrifice myself to save the people.

"I don't want to kill,"I say.

"Then I will have to kill your little boyfriend,"he says then disappear.

Where did he go? I jump off the bounty quickly and form my dragon racing to the hospital. I land quickly running to Lloyds room. I see the mystery man holding a knife to his neck. I push him off Lloyd, but he just pushes me against the wall holding the knife to my neck.

"Kill with me,"he says once again.

I agree this time for Lloyds protection. He smirks and puts his knife in his pocket letting me go.

"Good. Tomorrow night. Instead of using an old fashion katana here is this,"he hands me a small gun,"Don't try anything. You will regret it. Meet me at the park at midnight."

Once again he disappears. I hold the gun in my hand. I look at it. I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm only doing it for Lloyds protection. I put the gun in my pocket and walk over to Lloyd. I touch his red neck hoping that he didn't get hurt from the knife. I hope he wakes up soon. I need him so badly.


It's almost midnight and I start to get ready for my little meet up with mystery man. It's weird I don't even know his name. He might be serial killer for all I know, wait he is one.

I change into an all black outfit so no one will recognize me. I don't want anyone to see the fire ninja killing me. It makes me sick to the stomach the thought of me killing someone. I really don't want to go but it's for Lloyd. I grab the gun and stick it in my weapon belt that I have.

I open the door to my bedroom and start to walk out. No one should hear me. Every should be asleep by now. I tip-toe trying to be as quiet as I possibly can. I walk past the living room and see Jay and Cole cuddling. I smirk.

I continue to walk trying to get pasted with no one seeing me. Thankfully both of them don't. I walk outside to the edge of the flying boat. I'm most likely going to kill someone today. Hopefully mystery man will let me just sit back and watch.

"Kai?"I hear someone question.

I turn around a see Jay and Cole. Jay is rubbing his because he has just woken up and Cole is just looking at me tiredly.

"Where are you doing,"Cole questions yawning.

"I'm uh,"I don't know what to say. I can't just tell them oh I'm going to go kill innocent people of Ninjago with a crazy psychopath that I barely know. Yeah I can't tell them that. Come on brain work! What should I say. Cole and Jay look at me waiting for me to answer.

"More importantly what were you two doing?"I question them.

Jays face turns bright pink and Coles cheeks tent with red.

"I asked you where you were going first!"Cole says.

"The hospital to see Lloyd,"great save Kai. They will believe you with that excuse.

"Dressed like that?"Jay questions.

"You must answer my question first,"I say.

"You know what you can just do whatever,"Jay says leaving and Cole follows him.

I smirk and form my dragon. I go straight for Ninjago city then land. I walk the rest of the way to the park. I see mystery man sitting down on the park bench. I approach him. He looks at me.

"I thought you wouldn't show and I would have had kill your boyfriend. Too bad,"he says.

I roll me eyes. Mystery man and I walk over behind a bush. He pulls out his gun and I do the same. My hand shakes uncontrollably. I'm so scared. I don't want to kill the innocent. It's not right.

I hear two gun shots. I look over at mystery man to see him pointing is gun out of the bush we are behind. He killed two people. They have there, I assume to be there daughter, with them. She is young just like Logan.

"Kill her,"mystery man says to me.

"W-what no!"I protest.

"If you don't Lloyd dies!"he barks.

I can't let Lloyd get hurt. I lift up my gun. I aim in toward the girl and pull the trigger. I hear the gun make the blasting sound. I hear the scream of the girl. Then silence. I look at the girl. Blood looting out of her head and mouth. I killed her.

"I can't believe you made me do that!"I yell,"She was so young! She didn't deserve to die!"

"Shoot them,"the mystery man points at a man and a woman. It looks like a date. I shake my head and point the gun at the guy. I pull the trigger. He falls to the ground blood staining the grass. The girl runs over a hugs the boy. I shoot her too.

Through out the night we killed and killed and killed. I can't believe I'm actually killing this many people. Wow.

"How does it feel?"asks the mystery man.

I smirk,"It feels..good."

Okay hope you enjoyed this chapter. See ya next time peoples. Oh and do you think my chapters are too short lately?

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