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Dedicated to: AnonymousBlogGirl for being an awesome friend

Kai's pov

It has been three months sense the fire happened. Lloyd is still in a coma. It's starting to worry me. What if Lloyd doesn't make it? The doctor said he will, but things can happen.

Hope and I take care of Logan. Hope somehow convinced Sensei to let me keep Logan. So yeah..Logan is my kid. I have a kid. I first I did freak out, but hope helps me with Logan. Logan has grown up in the last 3 months. His hair turned darker to black and he has gotten taller. He doesn't talk though. He is very quiet most of the time.

I haven't seen the mystery man since 3 months ago. I was so close to figuring out who was trying to kill Lloyd. Why did this have to happen. Why couldn't it happen to me? What did Lloyd even do? Nothing. The answer is nothing. He has done nothing.

Right now I lay on my bed thinking about Lloyd while hope takes care of Logan. I just wish that the mystery man would come back to tell me more.

I get up and leave my room. I form my dragon going to the hospital to see Lloyd. I land my dragon once I get to the hospital. I walk in and go to Lloyds room. He looks the same as three months ago. Just more pale. It's like all the life is getting sucked out of him. He is super thin now. It scares me.

I close the door quietly and take a few steps towards Lloyd. Lloyd doesn't move. Just like always. I caress his cheek and look into his once bright green eyes to his now lifeless dull eyes. I want him to wake so badly. His skin it's so cold.

"You're here once again,"someone says.

I turn around and see the mystery man,"Who did this to him."

"I'm afraid I can't just give you answers. You have to give me something first,"the man says.

"And what's that?"I ask.

"The baby. You saved from the fire. I need it ,"he says.

No way! I'm responsible for Logan. He is my child. He is my son and I won't give him away.

"No. Something else,"I demand.

"I guess you don't want to figure out who did this to your poor poor boyfriend,"he says.

"I'm not giving you my kid. Tell me who did this to Lloyd,"I say.

"I want the baby. Give me he baby and I will tell you all the information you want to know,"he says.

"Please something else! Please I can't give away my son please something else!"I beg staring to cry.

"Fine. I need $2000,"he says.

"How am I suppose to get that much money!"I yell.

"There is something called stealing,"he says.

"But I'm a ninja,"I protest.

"Do you want any information on who did this to your love?"he says.

I sigh in defeat and I agree to steal the money. For Lloyd. My one and only love. "Good. I also need you to do one more thing,"he says.

"What's that?"I ask.

"You are on my side. You are part of my team and you follow my rules,"I nod at his orders. He puts a metal thing on my wrist. It makes and locking sound,"Ypu have to follow my order now or you will blow up."

I nod once again,"Now tell me something about the person that did this to Lloyd,"I order.

"No. Not until I get my money."he says,"Have it by tonight. When you have it meet me at the park,"Then he disappears. I'm a Ninja I can't steal. I look at Lloyd. I will do it for him.

~time skip~

I put on all black and sneak out of the bounty. It's pretty late at night and the perfect time to steal the money. I look at the bank from a far. I take a deep breath and run into the bank.

I silently pick the lock. The door open and I step in. I look around. I go down a small hallway. I enter a room where all the money is located. I touch one of the 100 dollar bills and alarms start to go off. I quickly push all of the money into a bag. I fill it to the top until it can't be filled anymore.

I cop run into the room. He points his gun at me,"Put the money down,"he yells. I run past him to the exit. I try to open the door but it doesn't open. I god what do I do?! I can't get arrested. I did this for my love.

I hear a gun shoot and I duck quickly. The gun shoot through the glass wall and I jump through it. I run as fast as I possibly can trying to get away from the cops, but they still chase me. I can't just use my dragon or they would know it's me.

I turn a corner quickly and jump into the sewer. They come down the corner I turned, but they leave. Thank god they left. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding is. I climb out of the sewer and go back to the bounty.

~time skip~

I walk into my room with the money in my hand. I look around seeing if the mystery man is here. I don't see him anywhere.

Poof. Out of nowhere he appears.

"Money?"he asks. I give him the money. "Good. Now you want some information of the person who did this to your loved one. Well I know there past. They were born in a rough house. Parents abused and one day he had enough. He killed his parents and his siblings and didn't regret it. He got and girlfriend and had a baby girl with her. He kill his girlfriend. He was a mad man. He surprisingly didn't kill his baby. He thought once she got older she could be put to good use. That's all you get,"he says.

"What?! I need more. I stole the money now give me more of what I want!"I yell.

"I will give you more if you do something for me,"he says.


"Kill with me."

Hope you liked the first chapter of the second book.

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