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Another a/n at the end. Please read after you read the chapter 030

Listen to the music above. It's what I was listening to while I was writing this. It's one of my favorite songs.

Tw: Cussing,


"Lies, lies, lies! That's all I hear from you kai!" He yells at me. Tears are streaming rapidly down my face. He opens the door, leaves, and slams it shut.

I put my back against the wall and slid down in. I pull my knees to my chest and cry into my hands. I never cry. Why does Lloyd have such a fucking effect on me!

I know exactly why. Because I love him so much.

I wipe my tears and stand up. My face is still flushed from all the crying so I keep my head down.

I push past people trying to find Lloyd. When I find him I wish I would have stayed in the closet. He is sat there in a chair with a guy towering over him. They were kissing.

I stand there and watch. Not that I wanted to watch I just couldn't move. As soon as I could move I ran to my room.

I collapse on my bed and cry and cry.. and cry some more. I cry until I can't anymore. I scream into my pillow and bite it. I get up and look in the mirror.


My face is red and tear stained. My hair is messy in the non-good way. I'm a mess. I go to the restroom and look at myself again.

No, I'm not going to let someone like Lloyd control my feelings. I don't need him. If he loves that stupid guy I can't change that. What's the point in crying, it won't solve anything.

I turn the shower on, strip out of my clothes, and get in. I close my eyes and clear my mind. Hot water hits me calming me. I hear music down stairs but I drown of the sound.

When I get out of the shower I dry off and wrap a towel around me. I go to my room and change into black jeans and a black hoodie with a red dragon design on the back.

I put the hood of the hoodie and leave. I start walking around ninjago with my hands in my pocket.

I still feel sad, not as sad, but still sad. Lloyd shouldn't have this effect on me. No one should. I look at all the buildings around me. I see one that catches my attention.

Tattoos and piercings

I walk into the shop and see a man cover in tattoos. He is tattooing a girl's shoulder. She is biting a towel so she doesn't scream in pain. A purple haired girl walks over to me.

"Are you getting a tattoo or piercing?" She asks me.

"Piercing," I answer. I've always wanted piercings I've just never actually got one.

"Follow me," she says. She begins to walk off and I follow. She walk behind a curtain as do I. She motions me to sit in a chair. I sit, "What piercings do you want?"

"Septum and snakebites," I tell her. She nods and gets out a needle. She tells me to sit back and relax so I do.
I look at my new piercings in the mirror the lady gave me. I smirk. I look hot. I tell her thank you and leave.

I go home to see the party has died down. People were still there, but most of them were just saying goodbye to others. I go to my room and look for my cigarettes.

I can't seem to find them. Lloyd probably took them. He has been trying to get me to stop for weeks. I go to his room and open the door. He wasn't in his room, so I go to his drawer and open it. I see my cigarettes. I grab them and leave.

I go downstairs to see the only people here are the rest of the guys, and the guy who was kissing Lloyd. They are all in the kitchen. I get the lighter out of my pocket and go to the living room. I open the window and sit on the edge. I bend my knees so I can fit on the window seal.

I pull out a cigarette and light it up. I put it to my lips and take a drag. I breath out and lean my head bag. It feels so good.

"I'll show you that I'm better at video games than you," I hear jay say.

"I really doubt that," Lloyd says back to him.

I groan really not wanting to be near anyone right now, but this is where I always smoke.

"Kai?" I hear Lloyd question.

I turn my face so he can see me, "Yes," I see that stupid guy has his arm around Lloyd's shoulder. I take another drag of my cigarette and then breath out.

"You've got a piercings," he states.

"Do you like them?" I ask then take another drag.

He is silent. The whole room is silent. The tension is unbearable. I smirk waiting for an answer.

"Y-yeah they're cool," he says then looks away, "you should put the cigarette out."

"Why should I?" I ask.

"Because they'll kill you!" He says in a 'duh' tone.

I got up and put my hand under his chin and pulled it up softly so he was looking at me. I whisper just loud enough for him to hear, "Everything can kill you. I'm just adding another one to they list."

I wink at him to add affect and then walk to my room and finish my cigarette in there. I may not be over Lloyd, but I know he can't control my feelings.

Okay I'm thinking about making a blog to get out all the feelings I have to I don't take it out on myself. Would any of you actually read it?

Bye babes

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