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A/n so I didn't dedicate anyone last chapter so here are two dedication meajess and Littlecatmeowzer314

Tw: descriptive kissing (no smut tho), and swearing


He is kissing me. Avery, the guy I met two days ago, is kissing me. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss back. The small kiss soon turns into a make out session.

Okay so let me set the scene. I'm sitting in a chair and Avery is standing up towering over me. He has his hands on my waist. He is leaning down a little bit so he can reach me. My hands are on now tangled in his hair.

He asks for entrance by licking my bottom lip. I agree and open my mouth. He runs his tongue all over the inside of my mouth. He begins to put his hands under my shirt where my sides are.

I pull away to catch my breath. We look each other in the eyes and he smirks. He smirks. I didn't know what to do next since that was my first make out (not kiss).

He chuckles, "Let's dance."

He grabs my hand and leads me to the dance floor. I smile and laugh, but a part of me still doesn't want me to be happy..


The party starts to die down until only a few people were there. I haven't seen kai since we had a the fight. I sigh leaning against the wall in the kitchen.

"What's wrong, babe?" Avery asks.

"Nothing," I tell him.

After our little make out we went and danced. We danced for about thirty minutes until he pulled me into my room. I asked him if something was wrong and he said yes. I was so scared, but then he just said, "The only thing that is wrong is that your not officially mine." I told him, "Let's make it official." I then kissed him.

After that we danced and talked more to other people. People started to leave so we decided to go to the kitchen, so that's where we are now.

Me, Lloyd Garmodon, is in a relationship.

Avery and I begin to kiss again, but all the guys (except kai) came into the kitchen. We heard Cole do the cat call whistle, so we pulled away quickly.

I wanted to kill myself. I'm not out and I was just caught kissing another guy. They hate me now don't they?

"And who is this?" Jay asks obviously talking about Avery.

"Um, he's is uh my um," I said while stuttering scared to actually say boyfriend out loud.

"I'm Avery," Avery says, "Lloyd's boyfriend."

I wince waiting for there response. I know Zane doesn't care because I asked him about what he thought about the LGBTQ+ community. He said that he supported it and he wasn't fond of the people who put down people because of there sexuality. Jay, Cole, and kai are who I'm worried about.

All I do is see jay smirk and Cole give him 20 bucks, "I knew you weren't straight!" Jay says holding up his twenty dollars.

"You guys bet on me?" I question.

"Yeah and I won!" Jay says in victory. He then looks and see a changes his mood, "I mean, no this was for something else."

I roll my eyes, "I can't believe you bet on me! Well actually it is the only thing you can win at."

"No it's not. I can crush anyone at video games," jay says with a smile.

"Yeah right I can beat no problem," I challenge.

Jay begins to walk into the living room. We all follow him and Avery wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"I'll show you that I'm better at video games than you," jay says to me.

"I really doubt that," I says back to him.

As we walk into the living room I see kai on the window seal. He has a cigarette in his hand. I can't really see his face since he is turned all I know is that I'm mad. I can't believe he is smoking! I hid those cigarettes in my room. He probably went through my stuff!

"Kai?" I question.

He turns around so I can see him. I see he has a septum and snakebite piercings. I can't lie it makes him look so sexy. Did I just think that? No I didn't I'm with Avery.

"Yes?" He says taking another drag of his cigarette.

"You've got a piercings," I say stating the obvious. I wanted to punch myself for saying something so stupid. Of course he knows he has piercings!

"Do you like them?" He asks then takes another drag of his cigarette.

I stay silent. I love them. I think they make him look hot. It gives him more of the badass player vibe. I wouldn't tell him that though. I see him smirk. His smirk makes me go weak in the knees. I don't know what to say to answer his question.

"Y-yeah they're cool," I say. I say that. I want to hurt myself for saying that. It's so pathetic. I can't even speak right. I try to change the subject quickly.

"You should put the cigarette out," I say quietly.

"Why should I?" He asks.

"Because they'll kill you!" I say. I mean it's pretty obvious. Cigarettes are disgusting and gross. All they do is bring death.

He gets up and puts his hand under my chin and pulled it up softly so i was looking at him. He whisper just loud enough for me, and only me, to hear, "Everything can kill you. I'm just adding another one to they list."

Then he winks at me, he winks.

Then he walks away. I'm left there frozen. I can't move or speak. It felt like an eternity before I could move again.

I can't believe he did that. I sigh madly and storm out of the living room. I'm mad at myself for finding him attractive. I'm mad at myself for not hiding the cigarettes well enough. I'm mad at myself for calling kai sexy while dating Avery.

I go upstairs and look between my room and Kai's room trying to decide which to go in. Every bone in my body tells me to go to my room. Every siren in my head tells me to go to my room.

I storm into Kai's room, I'm stupid I know. I smell smoke in his room and I begin to cough. I see kai smoking.

"What the hell was that?" I ask kai talking about what he did in the living room.

"What?" He acts innocently.

I march over to him and take the cigarette out of his hand and reach over in his pocket and take the pack. I throw the packet on the ground and stomp on it.

"Why'd you do that!" Kai yells.

"These kill you!" I scream back.

"I don't care Lloyd! My cigarettes kill me and your self harming will kill you! We both have things that kill us!" Kai yells.

"Well there is one difference, I actually care about you dying from smoking, no one cares about me dying from self harming," I say to him.

"Lloyd I care," he says seriously stepping closer to me.

"You don't care," I say sharply.

"Lloyd I do care-"

"No you don't! You only care about yourself Kai! Don't you dare-" I say raising my voice, but Kai interrupts me with a kiss.

He pulls away quickly," I do care."


Okay that was this chapter!! I hope you enjoyed. So I just published my blog so go add it to your library and read it pls and I publish a cp rp. Join if you'd like!

What did you think of this chapter??

((Oh and thanks for the 511 reads!!!))

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