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This chapter is dedicated to ninjagolloydkai

Once he pulled away I missed his kiss. I grab the collar of his shirt and begin to kiss him again. I'm dating someone, but I don't care. I want kai. I need kai.

I love the feeling of his lips on mine. The way his lips move against mine. The way his peicings are cold against my skin.

"K-kai," I stuttered as I pulled away.

He looks into my eyes. I feel like he is staring right through me. He is smirking too. That stupid, hot, smirk.

"I-i'm with Avery."

"Then leave. If you love Avery so much then leave," he says laying down on his bed.

I don't want to leave. I know, I'm a horrible person. I also know that Kai is testing me to see what i'll do. I don't know what to do. I just stand there, not moving. I feel Kai watching me to see what I do.

I hear kai's door open. I swing my body around to see who it is.

"What are you guys doing up here? Why is Lloyd holding a cigarette? Kai did you let Lloyd smoke?" Cole says.

"Uh no, this isn't my cigarette," I say to cole.

Kai gets up and comes over to me. He grabs the cigarette from my hands and takes a drag. I begin to cough.

"You know the rules kai. You can't smoke in the house unless you're next to an open window," Cole scolds and leaves.

I follow him back into the living area. I walk over to Avery and he immediately puts his arm around my waist. He then bends down to whisper in my ear, "Lets leave."

"Why? Do you not like me friends?" I ask worried.

Avery smiles and lets out a small chuckles, "No babe, I just want to show you something."

I return the smile, "Okay."

He grabs my hands and heads to the door. I look behind me to see Kai look at me. We make eye contact. It felt like we were staring at each other for years, but in reality it was only a mere second. I saw the sadness and anger in his eyes. I felt bad, but I said nothing.


"C'mon just tell me where we are going," I whine.

Avery and I are walking through ninjago. He is taking me somewhere, but he says it is a suprise.

"Lloyd, I don't know if you know what a suprise is, but I'll tell you. It is something you keep a secret so you can catch the person you are suprising off guard," Avery says.

I laugh and hit him playfully, "Shut up."

We turn down a dark ally. I was starting to get suspicious. Maybe it isn't a generic place. I then see two men come up to Avery and me.

"Lloyd, these are my friends Dale and Fred. They will be escorting up to the secret place, but for then to take us you'll have to be sleeping," Avery says to me.

"What?" I say confused. I feel something metal hit the back of my head. I fall to the ground and then everything goes black.


When I wake up I cannot see anything. It is freezing and feel pain in every part of my body. I try to yell and scream out, but it is all muffled by a piece of cloth that is tired around my mouth.

"I see you," I hear someone say. They sound so familiar, but I cannot figure out who it is.

"Let me go!" I try to scream, but once again it is muffled.

"Oh silly Lloyd. No one can hear your screams for help except me. You shouldn't even try. Also if you were thinking of using your powers you can't. You are handcuffed to your cell bar. The handcuffs block all powers, even the golden ninjas," the man says.

I try to move from the spot I was sitting in, but I couldn't. I wanted to leave. I should have never left with Avery!

"Don't struggle my dear. Soon you'll feel nothing," the man says. Then I feel someone sit in my lap, "I'm going to have so much fun with you, aren't I?" I stay silent. "Hmm, it's no fun when you don't struggle and scream. Maybe," the man gets off of me, "I should make you scream."

Then something touches my side. At first it burned a little, but then it got really really hot. I scream hoping someone hears me. Suddenly instead of my side burning it turns cold making tears slip from the pain. I begin to scream and wiggle around.

I hear the man laugh evilly, "that's better."

Soon the pain stops. Thankfully.

"I'm going oh to take this gag off. Don't scream or you'll regret it," the man says. He unbuckled the gag and takes it off. He also takes off my blindfold.

When I see the man I recognise him, but the voice doesn't fit the body. It's Avery but he looks slightly green. He is smirking sitting in my lap.

"So, what's up with you?" He asks.

"What's up with me? What's up with me! I don't know.. my boyfriend's friends made me pass out. Then they tied me up, gagged me, and blindfolded me! But yeah I'm doing great," I say sarcastically.

"I'm doing great too!" He says, "But I need to show you something."

He gets up and walks away from me. Soon the green leaves Avery and is flying in the air. Avery falls to the ground, coughing. I look at the green and realise who it is.


He uses his power of the wind to blow Avery against the wall. He pulls out a small gun and pulls the trigger. Avery falls to the ground. Dead.

"Hey Llodie!"

Hey guys!! Yes I am alive! I know I never update, sorry about that. Hopefully you liked this chapter. What do you think will happen next? Do you think kai will find out? If he does what will he do? Why does Morro want with Lloyd?

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