Fallen Angel

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You rubbed Charlie's head as she wept in her room of the hotel. After Vaggie left, the others had returned. (A/g) gave them a run down of the situation and told them to keep a look out for her. (A/g) went with Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb to search for Vaggie in the first 4 rings. (H/g), Husker, Nifty, and Pentious went to search for her in the other 5. You and Alastor stayed behind incase she came back and watch the twins, Fat Nuggets, and Henry for Angel and (A/g).

You felt the blonde's curls through your fingers while you carried a sleeping Anarchy in your other arm. Karma was playing with the pets on the floor, along with a black cat that was part of the hotel. You couldn't remember its name, but you didn't wanna ask Charlie either. Especially with her like this. "Charlie, I'm so sorry."

"She could've told me...I would've-" Charlie cried as she curled up in her blankets a little more. You placed your hand on her shoulder. "Charlie, extermination day's getting closer. I know Vaggie lied to you, but..." you trialed off. As much as Vaggie didn't tell the truth about her clipped wings, you weren't the type of person to leave someone in the dust like that. And deep down, you knew Charlie wasn't like that either. Charlie sniffed a bit. "H-Have they found her?"

"No. Not yet." You answered truthfully. Charlie rolled her head so you could have a clear view of her face. "Please find her. I didn't mean all that stuff I said. I was so-"

"Hey hey it's okay. We're gonna find her. And you and she are gonna apologize." You replied wiping away Charlie's tears. You felt Anarchy fidgeting in your arm, the course for sleep getting to the poor demon. You also looked to find Karma trying to keep her eyes open. "I'm gonna go put the twins to bed. Lemme know if you need anything." You said to which Charlie gave you a small but firm nod.

As you made your way out of the room with the twins in your arms and the pets in tow, you closed the door behind you and found Alastor waiting for you down the hall. You sighed heavily, not wanting to deal with the radio demon's antics. "Have you heard anything from the others?" you asked making your way to Angel and (A/g)'s room. "No dear I'm afraid not." Alastor answered, opening the door for you. You rolled your eyes, but accepted his gesture, gently placing the twins in their cribs. "Well, if you hear anything, lemme know."

"(Y/N), wait." You didn't want to, but for some reason you did. You turned around to face your boyfriend, arms crossed and a firm glare. "What do you want?" You asked as Alastor cleared his throat. "I uh...wanted to apologize. It was never my intention to cause you so much emotional pain."

"Oh really, I haven't noticed." You sarcastically remarked. Alastor placed his staff on the wall, making his way over to you. "Please dear, lemme explain-"

"Why you don't want kids? Is it because you don't want them to rip up your precious coat whenever they whine about something? Is it because you don't wanna spend money on a brat?"


"Is it because of the fact that maybe you don't want me as a mother?"

"No! Never!"

"Then what Al? What is it? Is it so bad that I want-"

"I can't have kids!" You looked at Alastor in shock, your mouth gaping and your two hands covering it out of instinct. You had to replay that in your head over again. "Y-You can't have-"

"It's part of a deal." Alastor explained. "I made a deal with someone. Don't ask who because I don't know. Part of the deal was that I can't have any children of my own." You looked, really looked, at the radio demon for any signs of deception. Alastor turned away, his smile now longer as wide as before. "Alastor...I'm-"

"YOU GUYS!" A voice boomed in the room. Both you and Alastor whipped your heads around with wides eyes to find Nifty standing in the door way. "Sorry to scare you. We found Vaggie. Figured you wanted to know that." For a moment, everyone was in an awkward silence until Alastor cleared his throat. "Thank you Nifty dear. Me and (Y/N) will be down in just a moment." With that, the crazy flea demon scurried away, leaving the two of you alone again.

You glanced to the twins, frightened that Nifty's outburst might've woken them up. Luckily, it didn't, their bodies still peacefully sleeping in their warm beds. "We shall continue this another day dear. I promise I will tell you everything." With that, Alastor made his way out of the room and for the first time, you knew he was telling the truth.

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