When he gets jealous

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As the weeks flew by, you began to gaze around the hotel with your new friend Sir Pentious. After he decided to be reformed and seek redemption, the two of you had a quiet nice relationship. The snake himself would help around with your chores around the hotel and his minions were super sweet. He even asked you to watch over them while he went off to fetch more groceries.

When he returned, he found you tucking them into their beds. "They were helping me so much with dinner today. I didn't have the heart to tell them that they were making dog food instead of ground turkey." Sir Pentious chuckled. "That's alright dear. Thank you for all your help. As much as I boss them around, they're the only family I have." he replied looking off sadly. You held your hand to your heart and placed your other one on his shoulder. "That's not true. You have us now."

"*sniff* Oh thank you (Y/N)." The two of you gave one last glance to the sleeping eggs before you both quietly left the room, closing the door silently. You let out a sigh, looking down to the floor in sadness. "Is something wrong?" Sir Pentious asked as you gasped, realizing that your sadness was known to him. "Oh, it's nothing."

"You can tell me." You looked at the giant snake as he gave you a reassuring smile. Even though Pentious was only here for a few weeks and no one but Charlie began to trust him, you were pleased with the outcome of how he began to gain everyone's trust. Including yours. Plus, you didn't wanna keep your feelings to yourself and Charlie always said that it was okay to let it all out. Even to yourself.

You took a deep breath and began to speak. "It's Alastor. I started saying that I wanted kids, but he kept telling me no. That he wasn't ready. And every time I bring it up, he always changes the topic." You say as tears start to dwell your eyes. "It's always been my dream to be a mother. What am I gonna do?" Sir Pentious twirled his tail around your body to show his affection to you. "I'm not a father or a father figure for that matter. But if I learned one thing from being a former-villain is that no matter what, always chase after your dreams." You smiled at the advice. "Thanks Pentious. That means a-"

Suddenly, a static grabs both of your attentions from down the hall. A few feet away from you both was Alastor. His entire aura was filled to the brim with radio static and for the first time since you've been together, he wasn't smiling. Sir Pentious released you immediately as you raced to stand in front of him. "Alastor don't. We were just talking."

"Stay away from her." Alastor said, ignoring you as Sir Pentious rapidly nodded and slithered away. Heartbroken, you glare at the radio demon and stomp your way towards him. "He was my friend. Don't you trust him?!"

"No." A simple answer. You growled under your breath as you turned on your heel to look for Sir Pentious, ignoring your boyfriend's calls to you.

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