10 | The Kids Are Alright

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Our group dynamic was strange sometimes. With all four of us together our personalities balanced us out. We were a little noisy but mostly contained together. If you took one friend away the other personalities dominated. If it was just D, Tyler, and I, we got extra unruly and usually ended up in trouble. If D was gone we stayed pretty calm and quiet, the model citizens. Without Tyler we became horny teenage boys. It usually ended in the other two making fun of me.

This time it started with it.

"You've got no chance with Sophia," Desmond warned me, leaning between the seats as we left the parking lot.

"Put your seatbelt on." I glared back at him before focusing on the road. I gestured my elbow toward Alex with an aggravated huff, "I get enough of that from him, I don't need it from you too. You'll go after anything."

He rolled his eyes, complying reluctantly and sitting back, "I'm not crazy enough to get that rejection though. The only person qualified for that job is a shrink or another model."

"What, you don't think I'm model material?"

I rubbed my chin thoughtfully and looked at him through the rearview like he cut me. He rolled his eyes and quietly chuckled to himself with a shake of his head. I decided not to question the shrink comment too hard knowing how harsh he could be. My mom was a psychologist anyway. That's close enough right?

"We're not debating your worth here, it's her." Alex chimed, turning slightly in his seat to face me, "I've seen her, you know. She talks to all the guys, and girls, like that. You don't stand a chance, Mike."

"Oh, yeah?" I threw back and when we stopped at a red light I pulled my phone back and shoved it in his and D's faces, "What does that look like to you? For being out of my league she seems pretty interested to me. Since you're the expert, tell me; Is that a winky face or the middle finger?"

Alex's eyes scanned the thread of messages we had sent since she first texted me right before we left. I don't text and drive so it's not long but it was enough to get my hopes up. She mainly made sure this time the number was right. She called me cute again and asked about my car but she hadn't responded since.

"Am I cool enough for you now?"

Alex rolled his eyes before pinning me with a serious stare, "I bet she texts a hundred other guys just the same."

I narrowed my eyes right back. I didn't want to believe him. He was still being salty. Why? I wasn't entirely sure. At the same time I couldn't refute it. If I was as attractive as her I'd talk to a lot of girls too. It's not like we were dating.

"You're just being sour now. Can't you be supportive and have my back like a best friend should."

I stowed my phone and started driving again. I could feel Alex's eyes on me like he wanted to say more but I didn't look at him. D moved forward again to get between us and broke the silence before it could stretch out, "More power to you man. With a waist like her's you'll need it and all the time in the world."

I glared at him again sitting up without a seatbelt. I looked around and behind to see the street empty and slammed my foot down on the break. With the D went flying forward tumbling over the center console and falling face first into the dash. He groaned when we came to a complete stop and sat up, rubbing his cheek. He shot me a nasty scowl to which I returned a smile.

"Seatbelt please."

He grumbled profanities at me and sat back again. This time I waited to hear the click before driving off. He sat with his arms crossed but again didn't let the silence settle over us, "I'm just saying, if she's talking to ya then you're in there. She's not like your usual girl so it'll be difficult. But I bet she could take a guy straight to heaven."

I smiled at his response. He could be crass but even he understood. She was an angel.

Alex sighed and leaned against the window with crossed arms, "This will end badly."

D laughed forward to punch my arm, "What are you going to do when she realizes how inexperienced you are?"

"Ow," I growled and grabbed my arm while the car swerved slightly. I sent him a quick glare before refocusing, "Not everyone worries about that kind of thing."

Alex sat up again to actively engage in the conversation, "A girl like that will laugh at you."

"You don't know that. Quit saying that. You shouldn't talk about her like that."

I recalled when I had said something similar. Hearing her compared to others girls of a certain type she was unimpressed. It was like she'd heard it so many times before and she was tired but knew it was just a part of life. Just because she was pretty didn't mean she didn't deserve respect.

"You don't even know her, Michael." D pointed out.

I shrugged back, "No, but I'm trying to. Let me figure it out for myself. She's nice enough to me, that's all that matters."

They were silent for a moment, sharing a look. D shrugged and slouched in his seat and asked a very important question, "What's the move then?"

I sat to mull this over. I wasn't sure what to do next. She spoke to me, sought me out this time, and we exchanged numbers. Did I ask her out now or do I wait? Should I let her do it or was that cowardly? I didn't think I was ready to actually go out with her yet.

This wasn't going to be like every other girl I charmed. I had to actually get to know her first. We could start by being friends. She already knew I thought she was gorgeous and I was pretty sure she flirted with me too. So we both knew where it could go. I just needed to take it slower this time. It wouldn't be confusing, right?

Alex finally sighed as he watched me battle over my thoughts. It seemed he was willing to take pity on this poor fool. "What are the rules?"

I frowned as I thought it over, everything he's ever told me. Alex liked girls and he liked sex. He wouldn't feel bad for that. Unlike D he was definitely not a player. He was sensitive and he felt bad for hurting other people. To avoid any sticky situations he set some guidelines for himself. They were simple enough.

"Don't mess with crazy people, exes, or anyone emotionally attached."

Even as I repeated this I knew it wasn't for me. I wasn't trying to hump and dump her. I wanted an emotional attachment. Alex thought this as he realized it too and shook his head.

"Forget all that. Those are my rules. I've told you, dating is for the thick skinned. Now, we all know that you can take rejection but when rejection isn't an option you need tact. You're horrible at flirting so just watch her, every response she has to you. If she touches you for no reason, laughs at your stupid jokes, or bats her pretty lashes and pouts her full lips, you're good to advance. If she's losing interest then change gears."

I pouted at this. "Shouldn't I just be myself?"

Desmond snorted a laugh to which Alex smacked him and looked back at me with a shake of his head. "Later, I mean... she seemed to like your clumsy charm before but if you do that too much she might start to think you're retarded."

I scowled at him and gaped. "That's harsh. I'm not that bad. She said I'm cute."

He chuckled, he and D both this time, as I pulled into my drive. "Cute compared to her smoking hot. You'll have no chance unless you step up the game. Be charismatic and confident like a man, not a scared clumsy boy."

I didn't have a reply for that. I just grumbled to myself as we climbed out of my car one by one. Was it so wrong to be a scared little boy? I just didn't want to mess another one up. It felt like al I did with girls was screw up. I was getting sick of it. For once I wanted to do something right.

I pulled out my phone to see no new texts. It was probably too soon to worry about her ghosting me. She had asked about my car and complimented it. The last thing I said was thanks and she hasn't responded. She was probably busy but I couldn't help wondering if I'd already screwed up. Was it too plain? Should I say something a little spicier or just leave it for now?

I sighed and stowed the phone back in my pocket as I thought about what Alex said. A man wouldn't double text a girl after he just got her number. If she wasn't interested right now I should just back off. I could try again later. Tonight wasn't about her anyway. It was about hanging out with my friends.

As I shut the front door of my car Tyler pulled up. His headlights blinded me for a moment as he stopped just in front of me. I held up a hand to block the light before he turned it off. Immediately Kara hopped out with a large smile on her face. I tried calling out to her as she dashed for the front door after Alex and D. The blur of motion wasn't enough to hide her blushing face.

When I turned back to glare at Tyler I saw his back to me. He leaned over the back door of his car as he opened it for Nona. She climbed out mumbling something I couldn't hear with him. I could swear she looked a little embarrassed with the conversation. She shook her head at him letting her eyes wander over his shoulder to me where they narrowed into a scowl.

I tried smiling and waving but she scoffed at my attempt and stomped away toward the front door. I figured as much so it didn't offend me. The sound of a car door slamming brought my attention back to Tyler. I held back my glare as he approached me. I knew it wasn't his fault she was mad at me. Seeing her smile so easily with him just got under my skin since she seemed to hate even the air I breathed.

"What was that about," I asked as I kicked the ground to turn around and head inside with the rest. I didn't want to sound too concerned but it did irritate me a bit.

"I was just apologizing." He said it simply and grabbed the front door before I could. He looked down as I stopped to stare at him in confusion and sighed, "For last week. I wanted her to know it was okay. I wasn't mad or anything and it's not like I get to talk to her often."

"Oh..." The word escaped me like a guilty plea. I should've known it was something so innocent.

"Did you?"

I sighed as he finally opened the door and escorted me in, "No, I don't want to make her more uncomfortable. I'm waiting until she's willing to be in the same room as me again without choking me."

"That's fair and courteous of you." He nodded his head thoughtfully. "She's here tonight though."

"Yeah, but she still wants me dead and I don't blame her."

He laughed and walked through the archway to the living room where everyone else had congregated. Dad was probably already upstairs asleep for his early shift tomorrow since the lights were off when we pulled up. Alex must have let himself in with his spare.

Everyone knew the rules. As long as it wasn't a school night we could stay up as late as we wanted and eat whatever we wanted. We just had to stay quiet. No fighting, rough housing, or loud music after ten. Nothing that could wake my parents up or get us hurt. Over the years though I learned not a lot traveled through the walls of this house to the upstairs. So unless we actually started a fight club or threw a rave we were fine.

When we had guests it was our responsibility to make sure they were taken care of. We had to clean up the place and set up. If we wanted any special groceries we had to go get them ourselves. I did all this and prepared the living room for us to hangout in. It was spotless and the entertainment center set up for whatever we wanted whether it was watching movies or playing games.

"Why are there so many sweets," D asked looking at the coffee table littered with cookies and candy. He turned back to me with a disgusted scowl, "You don't even like sweets."

I liked sweets, we just didn't always get along. I had a sensitive stomach for sugar and could only handle so much. Maybe I did go a little overboard, grabbing almost one of anything sugar related. That wasn't all I got though. I was just excited to have them all over. It'd been awhile since I worked that summer and now I had extra money to spend.

"It's not always about me," I responded watching as Nona swiped a bag of gummies for herself before plopping on the couch.

"There is no such thing," she argued through a mouth full of sugar with a low hum.

I chuckled but D scoffed in disdain, "There is, it's called diabetes."

She grunted in response proceeding to shovel another fist full in her mouth. At least I wasn't the only one she hated. I laughed again, already headed toward the kitchen.

"There are chips in the kitchen. I'll get them and some sodas. Make yourselves at home, mi casa es su casa, or whatever.""

I smacked the sign stating that same slogan right by the kitchen door. Mom loved having guests. Unfortunately she worked the late shift tonight and couldn't be here to greet us. I was somewhat thankful for this. Not that she'd hover around and bother us. She was just so embarrassing sometimes when my friends came over. It was like they were all her children from other men.

I swear six kids wouldn't even be enough for them. Then again they didn't have much choice. I was my mothers miracle baby and I ended up being her only baby. I don't think even Kara knew. It was one of the reasons they adopted her. Mom always wanted a little girl.

I sighed with my arms full and headed back to the living room where they had started up the xbox. Everyone was on the couch now except Nona who had migrated to the floor at the end of it. Kara sat behind her next to Tyler who was already wrestling for the good controller beside D. Alex sat on the opposite end with a gap between him and D as he leaned against the arm. He always got comfortable as soon as he arrived and by the looks of it he'd be the first one to pass out. I figured he'd try to stay up and hangout, for a while at least.

Not even an hour later he was barely awake when my mother stumbled through the door. When he heard the jingle of her keys and the creaking of the front door he jabbed me in the rib with his elbow. I glared at him asking "What the hell". I was in the middle of a game with Ty. He gestured toward the door as if he'd been awake the whole time and I groaned, tossing my controller to Kara.

I stood up and jogged across the room to lean around the corner. As I figured she was at the front door locking up as she took off her shoes. She looked exhausted. All my previous annoyance at Alex faded away immediately. My parents worked hard for us and I was never one to take advantage of their charity. I slowly stepped into the hall and started helping her with her bags.

She had three of them. One for work, one her purse, and the other for lunch - well today it was dinner I suppose. I grabbed all three so she could take off her jacket. She smiled a light grin as I approached, "Oh, thank you, mijo. But don't get too close to me. Ha sido un día duro."

I backed away and held out her bags. I wasn't stupid. My mom worked at a hospital which meant she could bring the sick home. She mostly dealt with mental health patients and children though so I wasn't too worried either. Dad on the other hand had to shower when he came home before we could even hug him. My parents were smart but they were also cautious.

"Are your friends still here?"

I nodded as she dug through her pockets to empty them. "Yes, we're playing games in the living room. Do you want anything, ma? I can make you some tea or food."

"Oh, what I would give for some champurrado like mi mamá solía hacer." I stared at her for a moment not entirely understanding her. I knew she was talking about her mom but had no clue what champurrado was. She must've noticed my confusion as she lifted her hand and waved it about, "Oh, don't worry about it, mijito. I'm fine. I'll just go to bed. You all have fun and I'll be up to make you breakfast."

She grabbed her bags from my hands and scurried up the stairs, eager for sleep. I watched as she disappeared up the landing with a frown. I wanted to ask her what she meant. If she was hungry or thirsty I wanted to be able to help her. I felt bad that she thought she needed to brush off such things with me just because I had gotten upset with her. Not bad enough to actually do anything about it though.

I walked back to the living room and slumped into the sofa. Kara and D were playing Mortal Kombat, I assumed because she had beaten Tyler already. It was a mistake giving her the controller. It'd be awhile before anyone else won. I should've known better. It was better than her being glued to her phone.

Alex was already nodding off again. It made me happy knowing he felt safe enough in my home to relax so easily. If all I could do was let him crash on my couch every now and then so be it. I thought about suggesting he go up to my room. He could make that decision if he wanted to.

I looked to the floor to find Nona missing. Before I could wonder if she'd made the decision herself to go up stairs she stumbled out of the swinging door of the kitchen. She had her back to me at first so she could push it open. When she turned around I noticed her arms filled with drinks of multiple varieties. The kids had a rule that the first person to get up for a refill had to get one for everyone else as well. I didn't expect Nona to comply with this.

To my surprise she started passing them around, setting one down in front of Alex too, even though he was unconscious. Everyone got one except me. I wanted to roll my eyes. Now she was just acting like a child. I wanted to show her patience but this was ridiculous.

"What? I don't get one," I asked her as she flopped back into the floor.

She didn't look at me as she responded, "There was no more Crush."

I had a hard time believing that. Kara drank them every now and then but I hadn't seen her touch one all night. Nona would probably drink it just to spite me but orange flavored things gave her stomach aches. No one else liked orange drinks but me. I grumbled under my breath getting up to go check myself. I needed a refill anyway. I wasn't going to bother asking her to make a second trip just for me even if it was to get a different kind. She'd just say no.

I say that but as I got up, so did she. I furrowed my brows as she followed me toward the kitchen. Before going through the door I stopped and turned around to block her off, "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?"

I snapped as she mocked me and nothing else, "Knock it off, Nona."

"Knock it off, Nona."

I headed toward the fridge again with a scoff, "You're so immature."

"You're so immature."

She leaned against the doorframe and watched while I rifled through the fridge. Right in front of my face was the box of orange soda. I knew she was lying. A can sat outside the box with a bit of condensation on it. I narrowed my eyes as she stood by in curiosity. Something felt off.

There was no way I was taking that can. Who knows? She probably poisoned it. She stared indifferently as I pushed it away and grabbed one from the box instead. Of course, this is Nona we're talking about. If she poisoned one she probably poisoned the whole box.

I hovered my hand over the box. She wouldn't have had time for all that. I take out the first few just in case and set them aside for testing later. She raised a brow at my action but still said nothing. I shut the fridge again keeping my eyes trained on her for any other reaction out of the ordinary. Even as I lifted the can she gave me nothing.

Not until I pulled the tab did anything happen. I heard the hiss as her smirk spread. Then my vision was flooded by orange soda, blurring her face behind it. I shouted quickly and rushed to try and get the rest into the sink. Unfortunately the can was like a volcano and before the eruption calmed two thirds of the drink were gone. Not only was I soaked but the fridge, the counter, and a majority of the floor between the two was doused in Crush.


July 31, 2024

Don't know if this is a fully chapter yet. It had a nice length and it felt like a good place to stop because I plan on a good bit more writing going into this chapter and I never like them too long.

I've done awful with updating this. You know how I know they've been too slow. To get them out every week I've had to cut some in half. While this version is ten chapters my docs version is only seven. It's only three chapters so maybe I'll work a little more these coming weeks and double post until it's caught up. I don't know right now. 

Just trying to stay healthy, mentally and physically. It's exhausting. I flip flop between depression and motivation but it gets easier to ignore it and focus. Thought about changing the name but I may just wait until the final revision for cover purposes. I also have a back up cover though that I like I just wasn't sure if I'd ever use, so maybe I'll just use that. I liked the original for this title but the new name just doesn't fit it. I guess we'll see once I post this. 


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