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I am Groot...

// That's cold Groot....

/ Says the part of his mind that is always rude... 😒

( Shhhh, your mind is annoying me again Groot... It's just like Wade all over again just not as funny....)

// HEY!


( Do you think I care?)

I am Groot.....

(Hm? What's that Groot? We're suppose to be saying where we were hiding this whole time? Why didn't you just say so!)

I a-

// I'm pretty sure that's not what he sa-

/ Shhh, just go with what she said...

( Anyways, we were out on vacation for a bit buying some new things... Like Yesterday I got my new Xbox One S which comes with Battle field 1 and Groot got.... A flower.....)

* Looks at flower smiling* I am groooooot!

( * Whispers to everyone* He's waiting for that special lady to come into his life.... Don't tell him I told you...)

// Can we get back to the topic?

( Yeah... AAAAAANYWAAAAYS! Grooty here and I were watching a bunch of super hero movies and I was doing a lot of honors English homework. It was pretty chill when watching the movies.)

I am Groot...

// We were watching Captain America movies mainly... Kalli has a "Thing" for cap....

( It's not my fault that he's one of my favorites....)

I am Groot?

( Hahaha, no... You're like, my forth favorite... Even Petey is ahead of you....)


// Thats harsh...

/ At least she got even with him after what he had said before...

( Um.... Can we just like, goooooooo and eat some pizza or something? I would really enjoy that right now... Plus it takes us out of this awkward convo...)

I am Groot...

( Um, NOW BACK TO YOUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED PROGRAM!!! * Does the fading sound type thingy mobober*)

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