// Jeans got Talent... :p

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( We can't find Jean and I have a feeling I know why.....)

I am Groot?

( No it's not cuz she fell out our window that one time... It's probably because according to what one of my Experts has said Lolo aka XLogan_HowlettX Has apparently killed Jean 5 times... Idk why she still likes you tbh....)

I am Groot?!? I AM GROOT!

// HOLD ON! Before we get carried away, do you have any proof?

( Maybe... It's only a picture though.....)

/ Show us the proof child...

( -.- Fine... But don't call me child ever again...)

I am Groot....

( It's my friend from Ifunny so don't judge the Ifunny mark... :p)

// -.- How rude of him to stab her...

/ Just cuz you have claws doesn't mean you get to stab Jean Logan....

( Lol, I was thinking he just was showing her how to shank people and then accidentally killed her 4 out of those 5 times....)

I am Groot.......

( Don't be disappointed Groot... We still need to judge our newest tv show JEANS GOT TALENT!!!)

* Crowds quiet...*

I am Groot....

( We need more people so Imma tag people to try out and become the new Jean... Especially since our old Jean seems to be........... Gone.............. ;-;)

// Anyways, Here's the peeps who should totally become the new Jean.... And we'll have a special guest on this... Whatever you wanna call it.....

/ Who's that special guest?

( .-. We didn't discuss a special guest.......)

I am Groot....

( How about, instead of tagging people everyone who reads this is now doomed to try out and become the next Jean Grey 😈 problem SOLVED!!!)


// that's not very fair...

/ But it does get people to try out...

( exactly, now if you excuse me, I have to make a story about how Lolo got his name with Scott_Cyclops it's gonna be called The Stripper named Lolo... :3)

I am groot........


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