Protect Lives in the Garden

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So many types of life

Are deep beneath my soil

Eking out a living

As they quietly toil

Bacteria break down

More complex bits of life

Convert stored energy

For other soil wildlife

Like carbon, nitrogen

Phosphorus and more

Important nutrients

In underground rapport

Fungi have a tough job

They break down dead cell walls

Extend great distances

For yards and yards they sprawl

Large fungi networks move

Nutrients through dark soil

White and yellow strands

Around plant roots they coil

Springtails and nematodes

Mites, spiders, centipedes

Ground beetles, ants and worms

Slugs, snails and millipedes

Cicadas and pill bugs

Bees, termites, grubs and flies

Moles, voles and even skinks

All visit soil high-rise

Their tunnels through dark soil

Let air and water seep

Waste products and their death

Help many lives to reap

Must think before I dig

No chemicals I'll spread

Wildlife must be preserved

Rules drum inside my bed

When I protect soil life

Let nature work to bring

Balance to garden beds

I'll find delight each spring

Copyright 2021 - 2022 by Cleomez (all rights reserved)

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