Sprouting Joy

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As I toil above brown earth

Seek to find a sense of worth

For my life is near the end

And my body fights each bend

But my soul will not give up

As I work, I fill my cup

With strong hope of days to come

Life will sprout with effort's strum

Blooms will spark a neighbor's smile

Bring relief from daily trials

And with time my garden bed

Sparks critters to join my thread

Start friendship with Mother Earth

Spreading joy with each sprout's birth


When I decided to turn my front lawn into a garden, I was hoping for a visual display of color. I did not expect a wide variety of wildlife would benefit from my efforts. Now, hummingbirds flit through the garden all summer. Birds eating seeds explode from the foliage when startled. Strange insects seeking nectar have become routine. The wide variety of butterflies, skippers and bees are a delight to watch. Small lizards are permanent residents. Neighborhood cats keep the voles and mice under control. Predatory wasps and praying mantis keep destructive caterpillars in check. I have realized there is a natural give and take occurring in a small front yard garden. I am delighted and grateful.

Copyright 2021 - 2022 by Cleomez (all rights reserved)

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