Chapter Seven: Choosing to Love

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Watching the children of Berk while their parents were away was something Adrianna was beginning to enjoy quite a lot. Berkian children were old enough to take care of themselves within the village limits by age 3 (as long as adults were around) and outside of them by age 6. Thus parents were required to spend an awful lot of time with their youngest children and, as any parent knows, that can be a full time job in and of itself. That was why the parents of the village adored Adrianna. She wasn't expensive and she did a very good job entertaining their little ones while they were away. But now, no one loved Adrianna's childcare service more than Svala Thorston.

"I just fed her," Svala was saying on a sunny day two weeks after the fire, "so she'll probably be fine for the next couple of hours. She's likely to sleep through it all so feel free to sit by and read. Extra diapers are in the bag but you know that."

"We'll be fine." Adrianna said cheerfully, gently rocking her body so Ava would remain calm. "She's already falling asleep."

"If she fusses, it's probably gas. Let her get it out of her system. But if she keeps fussing, come get me." Svala added.

"We're all set, Svala. Really, if she has a problem, I won't hesitate to take her to you. But we've been lucky enough to avoid that so far." Adrianna gently lowered the baby into the crib. "Have a good time!"

"Bless you for doing this on such short notice." Svala said before waving to her baby and leaving the house.

Adrianna stretched before sitting down and getting out her book. She'd finished the spaceman book days ago and had moved onto one she'd found in storage written by the same author. She liked this one too, though it was odd to see such similar writing without the characters she'd grown to love. She was reading a chapter about a man who claimed he could tell the future using the position of the stars (as if anyone could really do that) and had become so engrossed in the story that she didn't hear a nearby window open up.


Adrianna let out a startled squeak and jumped. Relief flooded her when she saw Brandyn standing outside the window looking very amused.

"Oh, it's just you."

"How flattering to be greeted with such enthusiasm." Brandyn deadpanned.

"Don't start, it's too early in the morning." Adrianna grinned and walked over to the front door to let him in. "And keep your voice down; Ava's asleep."

"I wasn't going to ruin your fun." Brandyn whispered. He strode over and made a face at the sleeping baby. "Oh, she's a tiny, wrinkled thing, isn't she?"

"She's adorable." Adrianna smacked Brandyn's stomach, making him laugh.

"I guess if you're into that." Brandyn shrugged. "I dunno, I never liked babies. Smelly little things. They're okay when they're old enough to sit up on their own and don't drool all over everything."

"I think they're sweet." Adrianna gently stroked the baby's cheek. "So innocent and cuddly."

"Sure until they puke on you." Brandyn shook his head. "I could survive just fine without ever having changed a diaper."

"Oh come on." Adrianna giggled. "You're not seriously telling me you don't want to have kids one day."

"Well actually," Brandyn scratched the back of his head, "I kind of don't. They tie you down, don't they? I've got a life to live. Maybe when I'm 40, I can have a son and be done with it."

"Can't really decide that ahead of time." Adrianna bit her lip, a sinking feeling in her gut.

"Nah, I guess not. All the more reason to just avoid the whole thing altogether." Brandyn laughed. "Why do you look so disappointed? Is there something you need to tell me?"

"No, don't be ridiculous." Adrianna shook her head vehemently; she didn't even want to think about that. "I just thought... never mind."

I thought we'd agree on that, she finished her sentence in her head. It wasn't like she was planning to elope with him, they weren't even dating... but she'd always assumed that having children would be a big part of her future. Not because it's what people usually did but because she truly wanted to be a mother. It wasn't something she wanted to do soon, not at 15, but it was on her list of things she most wanted to do when she grew up and moved out of her parents' house. Well, get married first and then have children.

"Helloooooo, Berk to Nani!" Brandyn waved a hand in front of Adrianna's face, making her jump again.

"Sorry, just thinking."


"Nothing. It's nothing." Adrianna smiled at him as genuinely as she could. "Do you want to get lunch when I'm done here?"

"I've love to. I was just checking in to ask you that, actually." Brandyn slung an arm over her shoulder. "It wouldn't be the same without you. Morgan never shuts up."

"You've noticed that, have you?" Adrianna laughed. "Do you think Cale actually listens to it?"

"I think he only looks at her to get a peripheral view of her chest, to be honest."

"Brandyn!" Adrianna giggled and put a hand over her mouth before she hiccuped loudly and awoke the sleeping baby.

"Tell me it isn't true." Brandyn waggled his eyebrows at her. "I know what I see. It's a guy thing. I mean she dresses like she wants that anyway."

"She probably does, though that doesn't mean Cale shouldn't control himself." Adrianna said firmly.

"Yeah, I guess not. It's harder for us, you know. And it's not like you're some goody-two-shoes. I know you stare at my butt every time you get the chance." Brandyn winked at her.

"What? No, I... I mean I..." Adrianna's face went scarlet.

"It's fine, I know you don't mean to do it." Brandyn turned his body so his back was facing her. "Is it a nice butt?"

"Brandyn!" Adrianna couldn't tell whether to laugh or crawl under her covers and hide from the world.

"Come on, I'm not shy." Brandyn smacked his backside. "I'm not having a bad butt day today, am I?"

"You're so inappropriate." Adrianna choked out through her giggles.

"You like it." Brandyn winked at her again before walking out the door. "See you at lunch."

"See you." Adrianna shut the door and covered her face in her hands to keep her laughter as silent as she could. Several hiccups jolted her system before she could relax enough to focus on her job.


Astrid could always tell when her husband was faking it. Ever since they were teenagers, he displayed the same signs: fidgeting, lack of eye contact, and low energy. These sorts of things were easily overlooked when a village is still rebuilding after a major catastrophe. But Astrid knew those symptoms better than anyone. As she walked out of a council meeting, she saw them all as her husband thanked everyone for coming and bade them goodbye only the two of them remained.

"Hey," Astrid said in a gentle voice as she entwined her fingers in his, "want to take a break from all this?"

Hiccup didn't reply. He didn't have to. Taking a deep breath, the two fell in step as they journeyed back to the house they shared. They nodded to Gobber and Finn at the forge (only the former acknowledged their presence) and to Hoark as he brought in the day's catch in a gigantic wheelbarrow. But the couple didn't feel awkward in silence as they might have years ago. Silence is a comforting presence when you love someone. The lack of pressure to end it can be the most freeing feeling in the world.

They returned to the Haddock house all too soon to find their dragons snoozing in the pen nearby. When they walked into the house, Astrid could almost feel the stress radiating off of her husband. The empty Haddock house had a calming effect on her husband despite any past conflicts that had taken place there. The twins were out, Adrianna at Tuffnut and Svala's and Finn at the forge, and the dragons were sleeping. Comforting silence was easy to achieve in this atmosphere.

"Do you want a cup of tea?" Astrid asked in a soothing voice.

"All right. I can make it." Hiccup reached for the kettle.

"You're wearing yourself out, Hiccup." Astrid gently pushed away his hand. "I'll do it."

Hiccup didn't have the energy to argue. He flopped down on the couch and ran his fingers down his face. Astrid put the kettle on and slowly sank down next to him. For a moment, they were completely silent.

"This... is... a... disaster." Hiccup exhaled in a voice that sounded almost like a whine.

"I know." Astrid agreed.

"It's not just the rebuilding, though that's a gigantic task all on its own." Hiccup continued in the same desperate tone. "People healing from the burns, grieving over lost ones. How am I supposed to feel as chief when I walk down the street and see such miserable people? I feel like I owe them something but I don't know what."

"Just keep doing what you're doing." Astrid snuggled into him as he automatically placed an arm around her. "There's not much else you can do."

"When my dad was chief, he made it look easy." Hiccup sighed deeply. "It's not."

"You were expecting it to be?" Astrid asked.

Hiccup breathed a laugh. "No. But I didn't think I'd have to deal with the deaths of two people in their early twenties either."

"Your dad dealt with my brother's. And he was 16." Astrid reminded him. "Chiefs have to be there for the darkest moments of their people's lives. But that doesn't mean they don't have feelings. Or that they don't need a break."

"I don't have time for a break, Astrid." Hiccup groaned. "Just a cup of tea with you will set me back a bit."

"You sound like Finn." Astrid rolled her eyes. "And last time he pulled something like that, he got so sick he was out for days. Forgive me if I don't want the same to happen to you."

Hiccup smiled and snuggled up to her. "You're probably right." he kissed her forehead just as the kettle hissed.

"Tea's ready." Astrid rose from the couch and poured the hot tea into two cups. She then sat back down and took a sip. "Too hot."

"Why do you do that?" Hiccup asked her as he took his own sip. "I'm okay with slightly cooler tea if it makes you more comfortable."

"And yet it's you I'm trying to calm down. And for you, calming down means scalding tea."

"It's not scalding..."

"Speak for yourself." Astrid stuck her tongue out at him. "Am I burnt already?"

Hiccup laughed. "You're fine. Your taste buds haven't melted off quite yet."

"That's comforting. If I couldn't eat sweets anymore thanks to your tea preferences, I would have to make the second week of every month even more difficult for you than it usually is."

Hiccup shuddered. "Don't joke about that. Between you and Addie, I feel like I'm in a war zone already."

"You wanted a daughter." Astrid nudged him.

"And I'm thankful for the one I've got." Hiccup grinned. "I mean it could be worse. She could be like Heather and start throwing things at us."

"That's not Heather's fault." Astrid rolled her eyes. "Have you seen who she's married to? Snotlout doesn't understand the concept of tact."

"So we've got about 2 years before the Jorgenson household becomes twice as dangerous." Hiccup breathed a laugh. "I think I'll forcefully remove the boys until everything blows over and let Heather and Inga finish each other off."

"It would be a perfect way to get Snotlout out of the way." Astrid added. "Just take the twins out and lock him in the house with them."

"I don't know, women are pretty smart." Hiccup said thoughtfully. "I think it would be more likely that he'd disappear completely and the house would be spotless when it's over."

Their unrestrained laughter echoed for a few seconds before the house became silent again. Astrid put down her half finished cup of tea and curled into her husband's body.

"Mmm," she hummed, "you're so warm."

"It's the tea." Hiccup quipped as he put down his cup too.

"Very funny." Astrid took a deep breath and relished the scent of leather that always seemed to linger around her husband. "But... can I say something without you getting upset at me for saying it?"

"Why would I get upset?" Hiccup asked with genuine curiosity.

"Well... I guess I had this idea that you'd think I was selfish for saying it."

"What you have to say is important to me." Hiccup placed his arms around her and brought her in closer. "Tell me."

Astrid took a deep breath. "I feel... ignored."

Hiccup's heart constricted. "How so?"

"You've been distant, Hiccup." Astrid said in a patient tone, running her fingers over the leather covering his chest. "I know it's hard with Finn and Adri ignoring you all the time. I know you've been depressed lately. I know the village is in crisis right now so I'm not expecting anything right this second. But any time we've had has been stolen moments. Chaste kisses in public, a bit of cuddling at home here and there. I love you, Hiccup, and that's not ever going to change. I just..." Astrid sighed again. "I just wish we could be more intimate."

"Wait," Hiccup stiffened, "how long has it been since we-"

"A few months now." Astrid answered. "And I'm not saying we need to get going now, I'm just saying I miss you."

"Oh gods..." Hiccup covered his face in his hands. "Astrid, I am so sorry."

"Hiccup, it's okay-"

"No, it's not!" Hiccup shook his head. "All this stuff going on, Aud and Curt and Finn being so angry and Addie and Brandyn, I didn't even think... I am the worst husband. Ever."

"You're really not." Astrid breathed a laugh. "You've needed support. Emotional support. And I learned years ago that if I don't give it to you, everything spirals downwards faster than Toothless with his tail fin on fire."

"Yes but that doesn't give me any excuse to ignore you." Hiccup tightened his hold on her. "In fact, it means I should be appreciating you all the more."

"You're doing fine." Astrid hummed contentedly. "I'm in no mood for that right now anyway. Too tired. But for now, can we just... stay here?"

"Yeah." Hiccup rested his head on top of hers. "That, I can do."

As they got themselves comfortable, their cups of tea forgotten, Hiccup silently thanked the gods for such a loving, patient wife. It truly was a miracle he and Astrid were still together, and happy together at that. Sudden parenthood, stillbirth, kidnapping, fighting, not having enough time together, even one of those things should have broken them up. Any average couple who had endured the kind of strain they had would probably never speak again. But love isn't about euphoric feelings that surround closeness to another person. Love is a choice. It's a choice to ignore your feelings and your anger and to still fight for your loved one regardless of circumstance. And, without a doubt, at this point it was easy to tell that Hiccup and Astrid loved each other with that rare kind of intensity that set them apart from the starry-eyed couples around them.

But even more than that, it was the very same intensity of love for Finn and Adrianna that prevented Hiccup from giving up, despite their disdain. He could only pray that it would be enough to change their attitudes about him before it was too late.


Erick barely left the house in the two weeks following his sister's death. His skin was still rather raw from his burns but he was healing quite nicely according to Mara. His mother had left him alone for the first week. He honestly preferred the silent treatment from her. It meant no pointless chores. The only thing that made much of a difference was that Lara had stopped cooking for him altogether. He enjoyed cooking, was quite good at it in fact, but it was lonely making his meals late at night when his family had gone to bed.

But the thing that made him most miserable in his home life was the unfortunate fact that the house Nikolas and Mel were going to move into had been completely burned down in the fire. Suddenly, Erick went from feeling hopeful that Nikolas would be out of his hair soon to being forced to accept the reality of another few months of his pompous and incredibly insensitive brother constantly sneering at him.

Hiccup had come by every day since the funeral. He was careful to visit the leather shop instead of the Larson home because Lara didn't want him coming by the house. Horst left him alone most of the time. He, more than anyone, understood Erick's pain and he didn't intrude. Erick worked on his own, trying to keep his emotions at bay.

But emotions are unpredictable at the best of times.


Erick froze halfway through a stitch on a saddle. His mother was on the war path and the last thing he wanted to do was cause trouble. Not with her.

"ERICK!" she bellowed again.

"I'm here!" he shouted back. "In the shop."

Thundering footsteps suddenly filled the shop just before Lara threw open the door.

"What the Hel did you do to your room?" she snapped at him.

"My... room?"

"It's like a full scale dragon attack went on in there! I didn't raise you to be that messy or careless!" Lara huffed.

"I'll clean it when I get home." Erick mumbled.

Lara put her hands on her hips. "You'll clean it now."

"I have to work!" Erick protested.

"You should have thought of that before you messed it up." Lara pointed to the open door. "Get a move on. I'll tell Horst where you are when he gets back."


"No arguments!" Lara said sharply.

Erick walked out of the leather shop with slouched shoulders and his hands in his pockets. In truth, he was neither neat nor messy by nature. He didn't dust everything to perfection but he did like to have some semblance of order to his bedroom. But after Aud, he simply didn't care. Why should he keep his room cleaned when it could all be destroyed in an instant? Why take care of himself when he was going to die anyway? He walked, staring down at his feet and not paying any attention to where he was going.

A body suddenly slammed into his right side. Erick was halfway through mumbling an apology when he stopped and stared. He knew those boots. He looked up and his insides turned to ice. Bright green eyes met his gaze, eyes that showed the same trepidation as his own.Adrianna.

"S-sorry." he stuttered, turning away from his former friend. "Didn't see you."

"Erick wait." Adrianna stood her ground and waited for him to face her again. "I'm... I'm really sorry."

"It's fine. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

"No, not that." the Haddock girl continued, trembling slightly at the prolonged eye contact. Erick knew it made her uncomfortable. "I wanted to come by. I just... I didn't know what to say."

Something struck Erick so hard, his knees buckled slightly. Shame flooded through him, drowning his other emotions, even his grief. He wanted to cry again but he gritted his teeth and held it together.


Adrianna fixed her gaze on him, her eyes full of apprehension at what she was about to hear.

"Not your fault." he mumbled, not sure if he wanted her to hear.


"It..." he sighed and forced the tears back. "What happened with my dad. You..." one of the tears rolled down his cheek. "You tried. You just couldn't..."

Adrianna, eyes glistening with tears of her own, suddenly stepped forward and put her arms around him. He felt like she was squeezing the tears out of his eyes. He slowly placed his arms around her too and held on tight.

And just like that, it was as if the last year and a half hadn't happened. She was his best friend, the one person who truly understood him. It felt like she was meant to be there, like she fit perfectly in his arms. For one wild, reckless moment, Erick completely forgot he had a girlfriend and was overwhelmed with the desire to kiss her. But common sense kicked in a split second later and the gnawing pain ate away at his insides yet again. His heart ached for her, for everything she offered. Her friendship, her stories, her laughter... but he was dangerous. He had loved Olaf and Aud with the same carelessness and he had watched them both die. He couldn't let that happen to Adrianna. What if it was her pyre next? In an instant, he could see it as clear as day. A boat decked in her favorite flowers and stories slowly sailing out, her father shooting the flaming arrow into it, tears running down his face. Erick tensed. Her life was so much more important than his happiness. He suddenly grasped her shoulders and thrust her away.

"I'm sorry." he muttered, his eyes still leaking with tears. "But I can't do this. I don't blame you for what happened but I... I just can't."


"You're better off without me." Erick took several steps backward.

"That's not true." Adrianna hiccuped silently and wiped her tears away with her wrist. "I was horrible to you and I'm so sorry. But I really missed you."

Erick shook his head. "No, please stop. Just leave me alone."

He didn't wait to see her reaction. He didn't need to. As he turned and took off in a run toward his house, he distinctly heard a familiar hiccuping sob. But he couldn't go back. He couldn't look back. He couldn't let her die too. And, most importantly, he could never let himself love anyone ever again.

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