Chapter 1

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3rd P.O.V.


While Lenny's family start packing up for funeral along for the trip. The rest of his friends hears the bad news about their coach's death. Each of them having their own reaction from the bad news.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Lenny can be seen putting all the family's luggage including Jenna's stuff inside the back of the vehicle as he gets done stuffing them in.

Lenny: That should do it!

Closing the trunk as he said that, Lenny then spot his son getting on his motorcycle.

Lenny: Are you picking up your girlfriend?

Y/n: Yeah, Jenna texted me saying she's ready. I'll see you all at the funeral later!

He revs up the engine before driving off.

Lenny: Alright be careful and drive safely or else your mother will kill me for buying you a motorcycle instead of a car!

He said, yelling out from a distance as his son drove off  father away.

Lenny: I swear his mother is going to kill me one day for this.

Jenna's house...

Reaching his destination, Y/n parked his bike in front of his girlfriend's house. As he turn off the engine, Y/n gets off from his bike before making his way toward the front door. Knocking on the door a few times and waiting a few seconds before Jenna came bursting out of the house to give Y/n a hug.

Jenna: You finally came!

Y/n: I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long?

Jenna: Nope! You arrived right on time as always~

Y/n: Glad to hear, let's go so we can catch up with my family at the funeral.

Jenna: Ok!

Handing Jenna the spare helmet, he brought with him. They get on the bike as they sped off with Jenna holding on to him tightly once reaching the highway.


After driving all day, Lenny's family decided to stop at a motel for the night. Lenny, renting out three rooms at a motel, one for him and his wife, the second for his children, and the third for his oldest son and his girlfriend.

Y/n: Finally! I can finally rest... we been driving all day...

He said, collapsing on top one of the beds.

Jenna: You can say that again, Babe! My ass is killing me after siting so long on that motorcycle of yours.

She said, rubbing her ass in pain after sitting a long time before taking a seat on the edge of the bed where Y/n is on.

Jenna: So, tired...

Y/n: Hey, at least we got the whole weekend together, tomorrow.

Jenna: True~!

Jenna falls backwards on the bed as she and Y/n look at one another upside down.

Jenna: Can you remind me on how we first met~

Y/n: I remember like it was yesterday, my dad invited me to experience the agency field. I immediately got bored and decided to wonder around the sets. That is when I met the most beautiful and talent young actress, I ever met. I was stunned by her performance playing the main character, Wednesday. I immediately fell in lover with her~

Jenna: *giggle* I could say the same thing to you~ During one of my breaks after finishing up a scene, you came up to me. At first I thought you were some creepy stalker of mine but learning you're Lenny's son and getting to know you better. I soon fell for your charm and your enthusiasm for my performance as a young actress. We agreed to have coffee together during my day off and one thing let to another, we soon started dating afterwards.

Y/n: I can still remember how you reacted when I asked you out. You almost choked on your coffee and spill some of it on your dress. Hahaha!

Jenna playfully slap his shoulder as they share a quick kiss afterwards.

Jenna: Hey, Y/n... I wanted to tell you something before we arrive at the cabin after funeral. I have a special surprise for you that will be arriving tomorrow~

Y/n: Really! What is it?

Jenna: Is a secret, you just have to wait~

This left Y/n curious but nothing less excited. Before they called it a night, the two decided to have some "fun" if you know what I mean. With Jenna getting back on top of him and Y/n caressing her ass while she straddles him.

Jenna: Before we go to sleep... want to continue where we left off, earlier before we got interrupted~

Y/n: I was thinking the same thing~

As they were about to continue where they left off...

Lenny: Hey, I wanted check on you guys-


Lenny decided to interrupt them once again by barging in the room without knocking.

Lenny: My bad.

He immediately close the door as couple of pillows are thrown at him.

The Next Day...

New England...

It was the day of the funeral and Lenny's family arrived at the location while Y/n and Jenna are five minutes away on arriving. Lenny quickly take off his sunglasses not wanting show off to his friends.

Lenny: Okay guys, let's try to act normal in there.

Roxxanne: What's wrong with your sunglasses?

Lenny: I don't want any reason for these guys to call me...

Kurt: Hollywood! Ha ha ha!

Stepping of his vehicle, Lenny goes to say "hi" to his long time friend.

Lenny: Hey, look at that Kurt McKenzie and the whole McKenzie clan.

Kurt: Hey, come here.

The two friends embrace each other into hug for a moment before Lenny said "hi" to Kurt's wife.

Lenny: Deanne, you look great... my wife's over there, go say hi.

Kurt: See that ass is still growing. You got a little Kardashian in there.

Lenny: Okay, you kind of turned into a little Michael Vick thing... if he was bulimic.

While the two friends are catching up for old time sake. Deanne walk over to Roxanne as she greets her.

Deanne: Hi Roxanne, I don't know if you remember me? I was at your wedding. I was the one that was table dancing all night. Deanne... Mackenzie...

Roxanne: Of course! Hello!

Deanne: Hi good to see you!

Roxanne: Oh my god, you're glowing, you look
so beautiful with your pregnancy.

Deanne: What the hell are you talking about?

This was Roxanne feel awkward for a moment, before Deanne laugh it off showing she was just messing her.

Deanne: Hahaha! I'm just playing! Oh my god! You should see your face... you're like...

Back with Lenny and Kurt...

Kurt: I notice I don't see your oldest son, anywhere. Is he not coming?

Lenny: Oh, he's on his way here with girlfriend.

Kurt: Girlfriend, you say?

Lenny: Yeah, they started dating about 2 years now. Yet, even today they act like young couple in heat!

Lenny then whisper quietly to Kurt's ear.

Lenny: I sometimes I had to "accidentally" interrupt their love session. The last thing I need is my son getting his girlfriend pregnant in such a young age. They barely just turn 21 for crying out loud!

Kurt: Oof! Yeah, best to avoid that.

But they were soon interrupted by Kurt's mother in law calling out to Lenny.

Momma Ronxoni: Little Lenny Feder!

Lenny: Momma Ronzoni got big huh?

Momma Ronxoni: Look at this handsome hunk of prochute And such a big success. Come on, give Momma a kiss!

Lenny: Can I get a cheek in all that...

Lenny quickly gives Momma Ronxoni on the cheek wanting to avoid any direct kiss.

Lenny: I got you, I got you Poked in the eye by the hat but I'm all right. How about the tale of your son-in-law here. He's a house husband now.

Momma Ronxoni: My daughter's got to bust her hump all day to pay the bills. While dummy here stays home and cleans

Kurt: I don't know how you can talk to me like that when you look like Idi Amin with a propellor on your head.

Lenny: Oh, that's nice

Deanne goes over to introduce Roxanne to Momma Ronxoni.

Deanne: Roxanne, this is my Mother

Roxanne: Hello Momma Ronzini, I am so pleased to meet you. I am little Lenny's wife!

Momma Ronxoni: Ooh, whay a spicy quesadilla you got yourself, Lenny.

Lenny: Oh, yeah... she tastes great.

Momma Ronxoni: Mmm... I bet. That remind me, where you oldest son?

Roxanne: He's on his way, riding that death machine with his girlfriend. I told you, we should've gotten him a car instead!

Lenny: But the insurance, Roxanne! Do you have any idea, how crazy expensive they are considering his age.

Roxanne: Yet, a motorcycle is the best option?

Lenny: Ah... fair point.

Momma Ronxoni: Girlfriend?! *whistle* I knew that boy was a ladies man to begin with!

Deanne: Who is this girlfriend of his? How did they meet?

Lenny: It's best if you see her for yourself but how they met was when I brought him to work.

Suddenly the sound of rapping music is heard coming from Greg's phone.

Lenny: Whoa ho didn't I tell you to turn the phone off there Greg?

Greg: Yeah, but it's my massage therapist.

Lenny: What? No, no, no cell phones

Higgy: Wait, no cell phones then I'm out of here

Lenny/Kurt: Higgy!

Lenny and Kurt hugged their friend.

Higgy: Who's ready to get their funeral on? I'm sorry, death makes me weird. What's up McKenzie? You got those soft hands still using Palmolive? Hey, what's up Lenny? Buddy, I thought you were going to start working out

Lenny: What does that mean?

Higgy: Um... you're fat

Lenny: No! Hey guys, this is good news I've always wanted to represent you. You're the third Olsen twin?

Higgy: Keep it down. So these are your kids? And who's that girl... That's not a Nanny is it?

Higgy pointed out the Nanny that cleaning the kids' clothes.

Lenny: Uh... No, no. This is a...a friend of ours from China.

Higgy: Oh yeah, no I've been on that website.

Lenny: No, no, like an... an exchange student that my wife brought into the house.

Higgy: Oh your wife's into chicks? Oh that's nice~

Kurt and Kiggy first pump with one another.

Kurt: Hollywood.

Higgy: Hollywood, see he always lucks out. I always thought something like that...

Then another friend of Lenny came into view as he came riding a Caddy vehicle.

Lamonsoff: Hey now!

Lenn: Lamonsoff! Rolling up in a Caddy?

Lamonsoff: That's how we do it!

Lenny: Look at you you're growing up on me man, you're a B cup now?

Lamonsoff: Haha! Hey nice ears. Do you get the NFL package on those?

Kurt: Nice Caddy! You sell lawn furniture and crack?

Lamonsoff: Come on! I'm the co-owner of Branchford lawn furniture man. I'm the boss now baby!

Lenny: Oh, good for you there!

Kurt: I'm glad you brought your Mother this time.

Lamonsoff: Oh! That's a good one. Wow! It's like shaking hands with an Eagle. I'll see you later!

Driving off, the three spot their final friend coming out from the church.

Higgy: Oh my god, It's Captain Caring of the S.S. Melodrama.

Kurt: Oh, he's going to play this one big

Higgy: Cue "Hey"...

Hilliard: Hey.

Lenny: Hey.

Hilliard: Hell of a circumstance, I know I know, it sucks. Great to see you! Well, Buzzer's up there coaching heaven's team now.

Lenny: That's true.

Hilliard: He's got wilt, pistol Peete, Dr. J

Lenny: Yeah, Dr. J's alive still.

Hilliard: Well, those type of guys

Lenny: Yeah, yeah. You look good though man like uh... If Elvis was an Oompa Loompa he's right in front of me.

Hilliard: Wow. I don't make jokes at funerals because it's disrespectful. But if that's part of your healing process. I'm cool with it

Lenny: Aw... that's nice, thanks.

The hug it out for a moment and suddenly the sound of motorcycle is heard as everyone turn their attention to see Y/n and his girlfriend finally arriving.

Lenny: There he is!

Kurt: Whoa! I barely recognize him.

Higgy: Is that his girlfriend? She's looks hot!

Lenny: Don't let him hear you say that, he really protective of her. Trust me, the last guy who tried to hit on her, ended up with broken nose and missing tooth.

As Y/n turn off the engine, they get off the motorcycle.

Y/n: Sorry, we're late! Traffic in the highway got bad.

Jenna: We had to take a detour to get here, sooner.

Lenny: No problem, you two! The funeral is just about start.

Deanna: Wait is that... *gasp* Jenna Ortega! Your son's girlfriend is Jenna Ortega, who played as Wednesday from the Adam Family on the Netflix series of Wednesday. Why is she doing here?

Roxanne: My husband invited her to come with us since Jenna wanted to spend more time with my son. My son and Jenna can only spend time together during the weekend since the rest of weekdays, she's on set for a film or show.

Y/n and Jenna walk over to the group holding hands.

Y/n: Hello, uncle Higgy, Kurt, Hilliard. Where's uncle Lamonsoff?

Lenny: He went to park his car. Come on! Let get inside is hot out here as it is.

They all start making there way inside the church as the funeral get started.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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