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3rd P.O.V.

A/n: I didn't feel like writing the opening since it takes too long to describe everything that's going on and it obvious another cliché about friendship.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

30 years later...

It been 30 years since that special event, Lenny and his friends are now all grown up with family no less. Lenny grew up to be an agent for Hollywood, Eric became an owner of a car repair shop, Kurt became a househusband, Marcus became a player and drunk just like his father and Rob... ended up marrying a milf or should I say gilf at this point.

All five friends went their separate paths after growing up but it doesn't mean they aren't still great friends at the end. However, a sudden event is about to take place that will bring all of them together for a heartwarming reunion.

Beverly Hills, CA...

Yelling can be heard coming inside the house as we see inside to be Lenny, himself. Screaming on the phone with someone while holding a box of some kind in his hand. Making his way toward the living room where his two youngest children are playing video games.

Lenny: I am the biggest agent in Hollywood
and you just pissed me off! And now I'll pull Brad pitt from your movie, I'll pull Julia Roberts from your movie! I don't care Sandy! That's right. You better back down! Thank you! Have a good Fourth of July all right, love you too.

Hanging up the phone as he took a seat.

Lenny: What's up boys? Hey! Greggy, Keithie.

The both sons don't listen except focus on the game.

Lenny: You guys ever hear of a game called chutes and ladders? Pretty awesome game I used to play it when I was a kid. Ok, what it is, is... they give you a spinner and you spin. If you land on a ladder... you get to climb up the ladder. If you land on a chute you got to slide down the chute and start all over again. Trust me, even your older brother enjoyed this game when he was your guys ages. *thought* But he sometimes rage quits and flip the table.

Greg: Yeah what happens? The winner gets a training bra?

Keithie: Yeah dad, that game sounds like it sucks.

Lenny: No, I'm telling you. This is like the greatest game. Me and my buddies would play it on a winter day. We'd go down to the basement and drink hot chocolate.

Keithie: I wouldn't mind a hot chocolate right now. Hey, Rita! Rita!

Greg: Dude you gotta text her! She's doing laundry. Hey Dad, we went to Spielbergs' house yesterday. They have a 150" TV. Could we get one of those?

Lenny: You know what? When you direct E.T. I'll get you one of those.

While Greg is texting Rita, Lenny looks at the tv to see what the kids are playing. On the screen showing someone causing mayhem on a cruise ship and killing random civilians.

Lenny: What is the object here? I don't get it You're on a cruise ship and... and you... chop peoples heads off with a chainsaw?

Keithie: Oh! And you can drown them.

Lenny: Oh, you can drown them. Okay, now I get it

The house phone start ringing repeatedly making Lenny annoyed.

Lenny: Can somebody answer the phone?

Keithie: Maybe I should get some chamomile for my throat too.

Lenny: Would you stop texting the Nanny! Do you know how gross that is for a kid to text his Nanny? Just go walk down the hallway!

Keithie: Why? You text everybody!

Lenny: I text people for my job! So I can make money
to pay for your texting!

After saying that, the nanny arrives with a tray of cups that the children requested earlier by text.

Rita: Okay, I got everything for you boys.

Lenny: Who was that on the phone Rita?

Rita: I'm sorry Mr. Feder I don't know, Becky answered.

Lenny: Okay okay thanks for making the...

Greg spit out his drink in disgust.

Greg: Oh my god Rita! This isn't Godiva?! What are you trying to poison me?

Rita: Oh...umm

Lenny: Good lord, go back to texting. I don't ever want to hear that out loud again.

Lenny notice something outside.

Lenny: What the heck's going on out here?

Walking over towards the widow, he sees his vehicle only see it crash against the chairs in the front lawn.

Lenny: Oh my god!

Rushing out of the house in a hurry with his kids and nanny following behind. They reach vehicle only to see Lenny's youngest daughter step out and quickly apologize.

Becky: I didn't mean to... It was an accident!

Lenny: I don't care. Are you all right? What the heck were you doing?

Becky: I was trying to use the navy

Lenny: The navy? What's the navy?

Becky: The navy in the car to ask it a question.

Keithie: You mean the navigation system Idiot.

Lenny: Shhh... Keithie, relax.

Becky: Some man called. He said your friend Coach Buzzer went to heaven, I was trying to find heaven for you on the navy station so you could go visit him.

This made Lenny sad to hear as could barely say anything in response.

Lenny: Oh... yikes.

Becky: Who's your friend Dad?

Lenny: Coach Buzzer was someone very special in Daddy's life. It's terrible... Ok... go drink some hot chocolate with these guys. Are you sure you're okay?

Y/n Bedroom...

Y/n is seen in bed cuddling with his girlfriend while they watch the latest episode of "Wednesday" on Netflix. They're watching the prom scene where his girlfriend is doing the infamous dance that everyone been talking about lately.

Y/n: Wow, Jenna! You really know how to dance to dance. Where do you learn how do to that?

Jenna: It's a secret, sweetheart but I'm glad you like it~ You should've seen everyone reaction at the set, they were baffled by my performance.

Y/n: I can definitely believe that! Considering how amazing you are playing the main character, Wednesday.

Jenna: Is that so~?

Jenna pause the episode as she got on top of her boyfriend.

Jenna: Don't think I haven't noticed you been staring at my character this whole time~

He gave a smirk in response.

Y/n: What gave it away~?

Jenna: Oh, I don't know... probably the fact you get excited whenever I appear in a scene especially with my coworker, who plays Enid. You definitely get excited whenever the two of us are together~

Y/n: I mean... the two of you look cute together in the show and I especially saw the many fan pics of your characters.

Jenna: That cute~! I bet you were jealous seeing me with her and wish it was you?

Y/n: Maybe... But I'm not telling you~

Jenna: Don't worry, Y/n... I know a way to make you talk~

The two lean into each other as they have a heated make out session. Before things could go any further, Lenny barge in the room.

Lenny: Hey, Y/n- OH MY GOD!?!?!

The two couples stop what they were doing before panicking after seeing Y/n's dad enter the room unexpectedly.

Y/n: Dad?! What the hell! Haven't you heard of knocking?

Lenny: I'm sorry! My bad! I didn't know you and your girlfriend was getting intimate. By the way... Hi, Jenna!

Jenna: Hello, Mr. Feder!

Y/n: What do you want Dad?

Lenny: Oh, yeah... you remember my coach, the guy I introduced you when you were younger.

Y/n: Coach Buzzer, I remember him. Why, what happened?

Lenny: Umm... he sadly passed away, today.

This made Y/n sad to hear.

Y/n: I'm sorry about your loss, Dad. When is the funeral?

Lenny: It starts tomorrow so I wanted to let you know to start packing your stuff so we can pay our respect to him for the whole weekend.

Y/n: Sure, I'll get started.

Jenna: Wait, you'll be gone the whole weekend. But the weekend is our only time we can be together!

Y/n: I'm sorry, Jenna... but this is a family matter I need to attend.

Lenny: Actually, your girlfriend can come with us if her parents and agent is ok with it.

Y/n /Jenna: Really?!

Jenna got off the bed as quickly put on her shoes.

Jenna: I'll go ask them, sweetheart! Just wait for me, ok.

Jenna gave Y/n a kiss before running out the room.

Lenny: Great girl, you have there kiddo.

Y/n: Thanks dad.

Lenny start leaving the room, but before he left. He mentioned something that will embarrass his son.

Lenny: By the way, you might want to take care of that before your mother sees it.

Y/n: Huh?

Y/n look down where his dad was pointing at, seeing his boner is poking through his pants. Making Y/n go red from embarrassment.

Y/n: OH, COME ON?!?!?!

He said before grabbing his pillow to cover up.

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