Big, Bigger, and Borrower

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(I am bad with titles.)

Marcus's Pov

"Ugh..." I groan as lean further back into the couch, my body practically becoming one with it. I am potato couch man now, or something. I look up again, mindlessly staring at the TV. Who knew a summer could be SOOOOOOO boring. I wish I could be in Phineas and Ferb and ride in a roller coaster or something because this sucks. I finally get an idea. I peel myself off the couch and fumble with the remote before clicking it off. Well, at least I though. It then turns on again with no sound. After a dew minutes of clicking 2 different remotes and 5 different power buttons, it turns off. After glaring at it for a couple seconds, making sure I wasn't bamboozled, I begin to walk over to the window in the living room. I pull back the curtains and am blasted with sunlight. I glance over to the clock on the wall, seeing it's 1:30. My parents shouldn't be back for another four hours so I deem it to be fine.

"Hey Jack!" I turn my head and shout out, although not to loud.

I hear a faint "Eh?!" from the kitchen.

I then fully turn my body away from the window before walking out of the carpeted living room and into the hardwood hallway. I quickly run down it before stomping my feet down and sliding into the kitchen with my socks on my heels.

"Whas- OOP!" I was about to say 'whassup' before my heel hits the small one centimeter gap between each of the tiles in the kitchen, sending me falling down. I quickly grab the counter and yank myself up, like a newbie ice skater, before I hear a small chuckling.

I turn to my left to see a small girl, no taller then 3 inches, grabbing a small box of raisins like she was moving boxes. I walk over to her, or rather shuffling, as I don't want to slip and slide everywhere. When I approach I crouch down slightly to come face to face with her. Or rather eye to entire freaking body.

"You are such a klutz." She says, still laughing slightly.

"Yeah, well, it's just in my genes." I reply, giving a warm smile. "Hey why are you carrying that, you know I could have helped." I then pluck it out of her arms and lift it up, before being surprised that she's still holding on.

"I need my exercise and I didn't want to bother you!" She fired back jokingly. "And, uh, a little help?"

Now it's my turn to laugh as I place my hand under her and she drops down into it.

"Thanks." She says, now looking a little flustered. 

"Adorable." I think as I pretend not to notice. "Oh yeah, and about exercise, ya wanna take a walk? I was getting bored and thought of heading into the forest."

(Oh yeah, its a "THE FOREST" story. Deal with it.")

"Oh totally, yeah!" She responds, now looking excited, "It's impossible to go outside when you're this small."

"Alright then, here you are." I say as I lift my hand up to my shirt pocket jumps in before I giver her a little bap on the head.

"Could I have my raisins? I NEED MY RAISINS!" She says while giving me a mock angry look. We both laugh a little as I open the box of raisins and put it in my pocket. I immediately hear her rummaging through it.

I quickly walk to my room before grabbing my phone, my earbuds, my sketch book and a pencil. Oh yeah, and my shoes. I slip them on and tie them before heading out the door.

Stacy's Pov

"Come onnnnn... I'm so comfy." Chris says as I poke him in the stomach.

"Chris..." I moan, "We do this all the time, what gives?" I ask the little borrower. Today we were planning on going on our weekly "hike" to get fresh air. That was before he took a nap.

"The blanket's so big! And so sawft." He says before nuzzling back into the big furry blanket.

"Fine. I guess we're doing this the hard way." I say before giving him a mischievous grin.

"Wait wha- WAH!" He yips in surprise as I softly yank him out from the blanket. I begin petting him a bit as he relaxes. I then tickle him a bit, taking him off guard. "Alright, alright, fine! Let's go!" He says between laughs. I won. "But you owe me!" He adds.

"Sure, sure, ok. I owe you. Now lets go." I agree seeing as there's no point in arguing. Besides, it will probably just be to give him a cookie or something. He's easily satisfied. I set him on the table and yank my boots a bit, making sure they are tight enough. Once I feel they are good, I slip on my backpack and pick Chris up and put him... Wait, where do I put him? I slip my hand in my pocket. It seems big enough.

"Are you fine with my pocket?" I ask. I want to make sure he's fine with it at least.

"It's fine, c'mon, let's go. I wanna get back as soon as possible." I'm not exactly satisfied with his answer but there aren't any other options so I open it and place him in. I feel him squirm a bit before he gets comfortable. I think. I hope. Maybe...

Well, anyway, we walk out of the back door of the house before I lock it with my key. After that, we begin our adventure into the woods.

Jacquelyn's Pov

After about 5 minutes of walking, Marcus finally stops before sitting down. I then feel his large, meaty fingers rap around me and pull me out. He then sets me in some large grass, some blades are even as tall as me! I look up to see his kind, sky blue eyes stare down at me. He might be big but he is the kindest soul I have ever met.

"So," He begins, his loud, rumbling voice taking me by surprise. "I'm just gonna sit here and relax. You can go out and explore or something. Just call out if you need me and if you see someone, come back to me as quickly as possible."

I give a large nod to show I agree with this. He then pushes his brunette hair out of the way of his eyes before pulling out his phone, putting one ear bud in, and pulling out his pencil and sketch book. He's not exactly an artist but his drawings are pretty good. After he does that, I turn around and trudge into the forest.

-Time skip brought to you by an excited Jacquelyn (and a lazy writer who isn't good with witty comments and is now making a time skip way to long, why don't we just stop it here)-

I have been walking around for some time, just enjoying the beauty of nature. I keep looking around and walking when I see something that surprises me. When I looked to my right this time, I saw a woman looking back at me. But, get this, she was the same size as me! This is awesome! I begin to walk over but as I do I see her get a little nervous.

"Hello!" I say cheerily. Another borrower! I never thought I would see one, let alone out in the forest.

"Um, hi." She says, looking a little on edge.

"What are you doing all the way out here?" I ask, still wondering what a borrower was doing all alone in the forest.

"Huh? I'm just on a walk in the forest, same as you. At least it seems..." What borrower just goes out into the forest? Without my big friend, I would never think of coming out here. Wait. She doesn't look like a borrower. Now that I'm looking I see she has a t-shirt, shorts, boots, and a backpack that all seem... Like they were... Made by giants. But it's to precise! It looks like she bought it from a... uh... Store! That's it. Now I think I should get going.

"Heh, uh, yeah! It was a pleasure to meet you! I am on a walk, just a walk, um... Bye!" I hurriedly say before walking out of her sight. Once I can't see her, I bolt back to Marcus.

-Time skip brought to you by a now worried and confused Jacquelyn-

After some running, I finally see a large shoe come into sight.

"Marcus!" I yell at him, still running towards him. He looks up from his sketch book and looks for me. When he sees me and that I'm in distress he puts all his stuff down and pulls out his ear buds.

"Hey, Jack, what's wrong? Is there someone out there?" He asks in worried tone, which is already calming me down.

"Yes! No! Sorta?!" I say, now right in front of him. He offers his hand and I quickly climb on.

"What do you mean sorta?" He ask, while rubbing my back with his large digits.

"There was a person! But she was my size! But I don't think she was a borrower!"

"Wait, a small person but she's isn't a borrower? How so?"

"She had giant clothes on and didn't have any borrower gear. And when I asked why she was in the forest, she said she was just on a hike. No borrower enters the forest just for a hike!"

"Yeah, that's pretty strange-" He doesn't finish the sentence before he starts staring blankly into the forest. When I turn around to see what he's looking at, I see her.

The tiny giant.

Stacy's Pov

I knew that girl was acting weird, but this! I watch as she talks to the giant teen as he seems to... Soothe her. What in the world? I then hear a whimper and feel squirming. Oh yeah! Chris! I gently pull him out of my pocket and hold him in my hands in front of my face. He's shaking. Poor little guy.

"I'm scared. That guy is humongous! He's taller then your house and he's just sitting down!" He whimpered. I begin to pet his head a little, knowing that calms him down.

"I know," I whisper, "Let's go before he sees us. He timidly nods. I look up at the giant one last time. But he must have felt our eyes on him as he turns to look at us. His eyes widen and he stops talking. His might have been out of curiosity but I stopped out of pure fear. The girl in his hands noticed this and turned around as well.

My legs finally stop feeling numb from fear. I press Chris into my chest and begin to run. But it's no use. A giant hand, taller then me even on its side instead of its finger tips, lands in front of me before guiding me backwards. I yelp and curl up in a ball. It might not save me but at least I won't see my death. So this is what Chris experiences huh? I now admire him even more. I press him against my cheek in an odd hug awaiting my fate of being crushed. But instead, I felt the hand scoop me up and lift me up. So I was being eaten, huh? I was awaiting anything to happen, but the thing that happened surprised me. I began to feel a light yet large pressure run over my side. Was he... petting me? I open one eye to see.

When I do, I see a giant face of concern. Concern? Am I seeing this right? I begin to feel his finger on me again and I shut my eyes again. This is just a dream right? Please be some weird-ass dream.

"Hey ya big lug! Get off of her, you're scaring her!" I hear a female's voice say. It sounded like the one from earlier.

"Sorry, I'm just trying to calm her down." I heard a loud and rumbling voice come from above me? Was the giant talking to the girl?

I then feel a much smaller pressure on my arm. "Hey, you're fine, can we talk?" I open both my eyes this time to see the girl kneeling next to me. "Oh, hi, uh, sorry how I acted earlier, I never saw someone my size before, let alone a small giant." She said with an awkward smile.

"T-thank you." I say, returning with an equally awkward smile.

"And I'm sorry if the giant scared you. His name is Marcus and he wouldn't hurt a fly. Well, scratch that, flies are annoying, but he wouldn't hurt you or me." I uncurl a bit and look over to see the giant face now having an awkward smile. What is this, awkward smile city?

I try to say something but air keeps coming out. After a few tries, I finally say "H-hel-lo."

"Hi." He says in a very low voice. His awkward smile is replaced with a warm smile. I give him one back.

"Sooo..." I hear the girl start. I look over and she continues. "My name is Jacquelyn but my friends call me Jack. Well, only Marcus calls me that but he's the only person I know."

"Oh, well it's nice to meet you as well, Jack, I'm Stacy."

"That's a pretty name." She says. I don't know if she's just trying to make me feel better, but I will accept it nonetheless. "So what exactly are you?" She asks.

"I'm a human, what are you two?" I reply before asking a question of my own.

"Well Marcus is a giant and I'm a borrower." She replies. A borrower? This is so weird.

"Humans? I thought they were myths." I finally hear Marcus enter the conversation again.

"Well, we aren't. And I thought giants were just myths as well."

"Huh. Peculiar." He says while it seems like he was pondering. "Oh, also, how did you get here." He adds.

I decided to stand up, which was a bit of a mistake. Apparently it's really hard to stand on flesh. "I just came through the forest." I said while pointing my free hand toward where I came from. My borrower bud is still trembling in my hand.

"Cool. Oh hey look Jack, you're still the shortest one here." The gentle giant points out. He was sort of right. I was a couple inches taller then Jack. But she wasn't the shortest one here. And I should likely introduce them to Chris.

"Well... not exactly." They gave each other and then me funny looks. I then opened my palm to reveal a small borrower.

"Holy shit." Was all they could mutter.

Chris's Pov

When I realized Stacy was opening her hand, I was relieved, as it was getting cramped. But when I processed what she said, it was to late. I was sitting in the middle of her hand as another "borrower" the size of a human and a giant were looking at me dumbfounded.

"Holy shit."

"Um yeah, this is Chris, a borrower who I have known for a little while." I wanted to respond but I was trembling to hard and my mouth was dry.

"Another borrower? Um, hi." The borrower known as "Jack" said while rubbing her arm nervously. I gave a small smile knowing that she was a borrower, despite being as tall as a human. When I looked over to the giant he was still staring which made me shy back. He was so BIG. 

He must have noticed this, somehow. "Sorry for staring, it's just... Wow." He muttered. It was still only slightly lower then talking, for me at least, but it was fine.

"C'mon, say hi or something!" Jack said as she kicked his finger. It probably didn't hurt but I still cringed. I wouldn't do something like that."

"Oh, yeah sorry again. Hi, I'm Marcus." He said.

I finally got my mouth working again. "It's ok. And I knew your name. Perks of being a borrower I guess." I gave a small chuckle at the end and rubbed my neck. I hope I didn't come off as smart ass, especially to a giant.

"Oh yeah." He replied weakly before giving a small laugh himself which made me cringe. I finally got used to Stacy, now I have to get used to someone who was, like, 10 times her size. "I hope I'm not being to loud, I don't want to scare you."

"No, It's just you're so... well... humongous!" Speaking of, how is he hearing me? I must be so minuscule to him...

"And I thought he was big!" Stacy said with a laugh. We all began laughing. I guess we just need to calm down, this was a huge event... No pun intended. I mean it's not everyday someone meets a borrower or giant. He we all met both! Well except Marcus. But he met me so I guess that's equally as weird.

As the laughing died down, Jack came up to me. Or rather Stacy. Or both of us? I'm not sure. "Can I... Can I hold you." My eyes widened a bit at the request and she noticed. "You don't have to, it's just I never thought that something like this would happen... A borrower meeting a smaller borrower... And I want to see what it's like to hold someone."

I had to think about the offer for a second. But she seemed nice. And she was a borrower. She would understand how to do this, I think. "It's fine, you can hold me." I said with a reassuring smile.

"Awesome." She set her hand next to Stacy's. I quickly climbed on and she raised her hand toward her face. When I saw it she had eyes of pure curiosity yet gentleness. It was reassuring... I think. Honestly this entire thing was just confusing and full of unsureness. "This is so strange." I heard her say.

"Yeah, this entire fiasco was." At that she giggled a bit. 

"So what kind of tools do you have?" She asked. I get to discuss... borrower only stuff? This is so amazing.

"Well I have the essential grappling hook..." I began to explain my tools and she did the same with hers. We discussed how we borrowed and at what times. We talked about what it was like living with our humans and how we both got "caught". Even some of our trade secrets were shared. Like I demonstrated how I made my grappling hook almost unbreakable and she said how she made her clothes so warm and... Oh.


Marcus's Pov

After the two borrowers began discussing borrow-y things that I don't know about I set them on the ground and tried to start a conversation with Stacy. I lifted her up near my face which I think freaked her about a bit. I could tell from her stumbling back a bit

"I didn't mean to surprise you." I said trying to calm her down.

"No, no, it's all fine. I'm just used to being the lifter, not the liftee." She replied. I can't tell if she's trying to play off her fear but I won't pry.

We then sat there. The other two were borrowers so they had something to talk about at least. What can we... oh!

"So what's Chris like?" I could kind of already tell but I think we could start a conversation like this.

"Oh, um... Hmm... I'm not 100% sure. I only have known him for a few months so he's mostly nervous and shy. He's very sweet too..." She went on about him and how she found out that not only do little people exist, they live in our walls and take our things. She didn't seem to care about the taking things part, which was good. She actually helped him by giving him things. And their first real moment together involved lightning and a bunch of cuddles.

After that she asked me about Jack. "Jack is ambitious, rambunctious, and just a bunch of fun..." I described my time with Jack as well. How after I met her, she tried to keep hiding and pretend it didn't happen. But knowing she existed made me notice many little things and realizing she was stealthy as a light up bouncy ball... And loved raisins. Our first moment involved a movie and her falling off a shelf and onto my head midway though.

We later discussed the similarities and differences between our worlds. Our conclusion? There are basically no differences other then the name of things and a vast size difference.

-Time skip brought to you by Jack and her raisins-

After a while we checked the time and realized we had been out there for a couple hours. We got our borrowers who were now comparing how fast they could climb up a tree. But before we left we had an idea.

"Hey, you guys wanna meet up here again?" Stacy asked. I was down for it.

"Sure, I got nothing better to do." It was true. Despite having a borrower bud, life still gets boring.

"Next time we should bring snacks." Chris added.

"RAISINS!" You-know-who said.

"Well how about tomorrow?" After we all agreed, we started heading back towards our houses.

Well today was certainly interesting. And I hope tomorrow will be too.


You know the drill, 3,495 words, 3 hours. Either I'm getting better at writing and doing it faster, or I'm progressively getting worse. It doesn't matter! Well... yeah, yeah it does.


Anyway, I enjoyed writing this. I might even want to make a part 2. Who knows?

I hope it was up to your expectations, because I'm not changing this.

But seriously I hope you enjoyed.

Anyway, onto VOTING.


Yes, yes I know, thank you, thank you, oh, you're to kind!


Giants come to earth and capture a bunch of humans as pets. What happens when one of them becomes a borrower? And a Twitch streamer? And his secret is revealed to 1000 giants? [Complexity: 7-8/10]

How would someone who likes reading about borrowers react when he meets one in real life? And how will the brother of said borrower rescue her? [Complexity: 7-8/10]

Misunderstandings led to a friendly race of giants to be deemed monsters and killed like such. How does a newbie fare when he finds a troubled teen that happens to be a giant? And is a pretty good artist? [Complexity: 6-7/10]

Humans are just pests. They have next to no brain functions and if you find a colony of them you should wipe them out before they spread. But... they were wrong. A giant finds out that they are just as smart as giants. Their "colonies" are actually villages. And that they have families just like his. How does he react to this discovery? [Complexity: 6/10]


Ok you're probably wondering "Wtf is this? The votes were up there!" Yeah well this is different. Sorta.

Basically I have a couple different ideas and events that don't really have a story fully imagined. Those up there I could finish if I started writing but these I don't have much, if anything, planned for them. If you understand, great. If you don't, well, comment and I will try to explain it better. Anyways, if you like the idea, say so and it might me in the voting part. If you don't also say that and I will burn it alive.

Borrowers exist. Buuuuuut, they're smaller then your nail.

Tiny people called tinies or micros or some other common name you find in a bunch of G/T books are considered to be bugs. A guy realizes they have feelings too, yadda, yadda.

"Ok so get this: Predators that eat tiny people." *booing* "Wait, wait. But," *flips through pages* "this one is a vegan." *murmuring* "But that's not all. There's fluff." *mixed cheering*

If you have any suggestions about a story or how I could make one of these previous ideas into a story, let me know.

And how do you all feel about raisins? I personally really like them.

Oh yeah. And it was my birthday on March 28th. Not trying to get any special congratulations. I'm just happy I'm one year closer to being able to drink alcohol.

*Looks at word count* "Hey the notes got it to over 4,000 words! Wait, shit, I should end it."

And now for something to end this off...


Stay in quarantine or I will smack the dumb ass out of you.

There we go.

Have a good day. Or don't

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