Micropolis (2)

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Jake's Pov:

Hello again, douches. My name's Jake and kick adult humans in the groin and punt children into orbit. This excludes my buddy, Alex. Yes, I'm his buddy now, got a problem?

It's been four weeks since he gave us a home in his house and I have to admit, it's quite different then what I expected. 

The first week was probably the worst as literally all of us were confused, scared, angry, or all three emotions at the same time. I hate to admit it but I was one of the ones that was feeling all three. Dom was just confused and happy the entire time. Typical Dom. Although I did get a "job" from Alex. He told me that he knew no one really trusted him so he said I should listen in and see what people wanted. This brings me to my second week.

During the second week I started to listen in to peoples' conversations. (I'm not a creep I swear!) Anyways, I overheard one of the younger children, maybe nine or ten, say she wanted to try a strawberry. I told Alex and the next day: BOOM! Strawberries! I now think she thinks he's a wizard. Heh, kids. Cute but dumbassess.

The third week is when I think we all really started to like Alex or think he's an idiot. I'm not sure where I stand. He noticed everyone but a few were really uptight and nervous around him. So he pulled a stunt I don't think I will forget.


I was in my house, resting on my couch. I have no idea why, but I was. That's when I heard it.

*Thump Thump Thump*

This is normal to hear (and feel, the vibrations are like fucking earthquakes) but it sounded like it was coming for the room with the town in it. What does he want now?

I exit my house. I notice a lot of the others have done the same. Most people live on their own but some "cage buddies" lived together as well as the younger kid living with some older people. Anyway, he walked around the corner and faced us.

"So..." He started, his voice booming, even if he was trying to keep it down. "I have noticed some of you are still uneasy around me, and I totally get that. However, I want to do something to help with that." He reached around the wall, into the hall, and grabbed something. He pulled out a bag of "Tiny Chow". This scared some people and made many just stare. I was just really fucking confused.

He noticed our expressions and quickly started to explain. "Oh, crap, nonono, that's not what I'm doing." We calmed down but were still very confused. "I just wanted to show I'm not a bad person and that I want you to be my equals. And to show do that," he reached into the bag "I want to endure, even a small portion, of what you had to endure." He's not. No way. God dammit Alex.

He quickly ate a handful of the shit, chewing slowly with a look of disgust on his face. "Oh my Gaawwd." He said as he chewed and swallowed. He's done right? Wrong. He grabbed another handful and ate it. "Oh jeez. I will be right back." He quickly dashed down the hall to the bathroom.

*Thump Thump Thump*

We all just stood there in awe that he actually did it. That stuff tastes terrible and is worse if you eat a lot at a time. That's why we usually nibbled on it. But he ate two entire handfuls! There were mutters going around.

"He actually did that?"

"Oh man!"

"Wow. Maybe he ain't so bad."

*Thump Thump Thump*

After a solid two minutes we heard him returning. He walked in and just said "Man, you guys ate that stuff? That's horrible." And you know what we did? We just clapped. We were so dumbfounded, amazed, and respecting of him now, we just clapped. "Oh- I- Thank you." He stuttered before bowing. He might be an idiot but I'm glad that he's a friendly idiot.

End of flashback:

"Hey, Jake. You good?" Alex questioned. Because we became friends I often came to his room and hung out. We were watching some show on his laptop on this website called... Netflix! That's it! We were watching this show on Netflix about a family with superpowers and their dad died and the world is gonna end or something. I don't know.

"Sorry must've been lost in thought." I said.

"Eh, it's fine. I'm just gonna see if there is anything special going on in the news." He said

"Why?" I ask.

"I dunno, I just have a feeling." He says. He closes the tab and opens a new one. After searching up "News" and scrolling around he notices someone very interesting, as do I.

"A new type of tiny?" We say simultaneously. He clicks on the article and it reads:

"There have been rumors and sighting of a new type of tiny. These tinies hide in your house- walls, floorboards, anywhere, and make a house for themselves in your house. They survive by stealing food and supplies from you. Although there is no specific name for them, there has been a name floating around: Borrowers." It goes on talking about precautions, where they might live, and what they might steal.

"Borrowers?" Alex repeats. He quickly types it into google and hits enter. All that comes up is the article and things on a site called "Wattpad". He clicks it and it turns out there are a bunch of stories about them.

"Who writes about this stuff?" I ask. "And who reads it?"

"Weirdos, probably." Alex cuts in.

(We are not! We just like fluff. And G/T stuff. And things that a lot of people don't even know about... Maybe you're right...)

???'s Pov

"Damn pets!" I say as I trudge through the grass. "Why do humans need them? They make life so much harder for us borrowers!" The owner of the last house I was in got a dog and now I have to leave. I will not deal with animals-

My though is interrupted as a squirrel gets in my way. "Back off, shit face!" I yell at it. It doesn't budge. "Alright, you asked for it." I poke it with my sword, which is just a sowing needle. Either way, it does the trick. The squirrel runs off towards a tree. "Thank you." I mutter. I put the sword in my holster and look up. I now see the house I was heading towards is right in front of me.

"Would ya look at that, I'm here already!" I say. "Now how to get in..." I spend ten minutes walking around it before I find an entrance. I climb into it, now finding myself in the walls of the house.

"Here we go." I mutter as I ascend using my grappling hook. After getting to the top, I walk around, trying to find a way to exit or move around better. After a while of searching, I come across a small hole in the wall. I poke my head out and look down to see something really odd. On the floor there's a small town. Like, borrower-sized. "Odd." Was all I could get out. I stick my head back in the hole and start thinking. I wonder why the house owner would make those. Maybe that's his hobby. Whatever, it doesn't matter.

I keep walking until I find a bigger hole. I look down and see a kitchen. "Jackpot!" I say happily. I haven't eaten in a day so I'm ready for a meal. I mount my grappling hook on the hole before scaling down the wall. I make it down to the counter before unlatch my hook and run off towards a cabinet. I'm about to toss my grappling hook before I hear it.

*Thump Thump Thump*


Jake's Pov

After a while, Alex decided to make everyone a snack. He offered his hand to me. I jumped on before quickly tumbling over. It's hard to stand on flesh, ok?!

"C'mon, Jake." Alex chuckles before lifting his hand to his should. Did I ever mention that even when he goes slowly, the g-force is fucking intense? Well it is. Anyway, I climb onto his shoulder before smacking the side of his face.

"What was that for, pip-squeak?" He chuckles again.

"For laughing! It's hard standing on a mountain of flesh! It's like... I dunno... Like trying to stand in one of those squishy block pits!"

"How in the hell do you know what those are?" He asks as he gets up from the bed we were sitting on while grabbing the laptop. Yes, we were laying on the bed watching Netflix. Yes, its more comfortable then sitting at a table or couch. No, we're not gay. I don't think. I mean, I'm not gay, I don't know about Alex. Not that it matters! Although we became friend pretty quickly...

Alex's Pov

"Does he think I'm gay? I'm not. I mean, its ok if you are!"

Jake's Pov

Anyway, I go to answer his question. "I dunno probably heard of it somewhere (or had some help from the writer *winks*). Also DON'T call me pip-squeak." I added gravely.

"Whatcha gonna do about it, shortcake?" He said jokingly as we exited his room.

"I know you social media passwords." I said mustering up as much seriousness as I could.

"Oh yeah? What is-"



"Wait a second..." I come to a realization.

"What?" Alex asks.

"That's the first time I've heard you say the f-word!"

"Yeah so?"

"I'm rubbing off on you!"

"Screw you." Alex chuckles, messing up my hair with his finger."

"You know it's true."

"Whatever." He says as we enter the kitchen. "What should I get as a snack."

"Not sure. I guess crackers."

"Okie dokie." He says as he lightly pinches my waist before setting me down on the counter. I plop down and watch as he grabs the crackers and put some in bowl. I glance over and see something scurry behind the toaster. 

"Strange." I think to myself. I get up and walk over. Just as I'm about to turn the corner I'm yanked behind it.

"Shh." Someone whispers.

"Who are you and why are you here?" I whisper back, now slightly worried.

"I'm here to rescue you from that human." She says as she thrusts her hand toward me "I'm Gabrielle and I'm a borrower, nice to meet ya."

"Uh, hi." I say as I shake her hand. "I'm Jake. And you don't have to save me from the human."

"What the hell are you talking about?!" She whisper yells.

"Well... Alex is cool and he takes care of us and feeds us. It's better then being in the pet shop of out all alone in the wilderness."

"Oh you're on a first name basis with the monster huh? Is this the Stockholm Syndrome or whatever?"

"What? No! He's just nice and trying to help us."

"Oh yeah? And who the hell is us-" She didn't get to finish her sentence as the toast was pushed away.

Gabrielle's Pov

Oh shit. I didn't get to finish my sentence as our cover was pushed away. We're so dead.

"Hey Alex." Jake said while looking up at the human. This Jake guy is gonna get me killed.

"Hey Jake. Who the hell is this?" The human said as he crouched down to meet with us at eye level. He then looked at me and glared slightly. Fuck me.

"Oh her?" Jake says, looking back at me. "Her name's Gabrielle and she's a borrower." Can this kid shut the fuck up?!

"I- Uh- H-Hi?" I said, now REALLY nervous. What is he going to do with me? Will he throw me out? Will he keep me? Will he kill or torture me? OhGodohGodohGod.

"Hello it's nice to meet you Gabby, I'm Alex, as he said." He said, calming his expression down. Why was he treating me this way? Like I'm human! Humans don't do that! "How long have you been here?" He asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh me? Well, uh, ab-bout 30 minutes." I manage to stutter out.

"So you just got here? Why did you come here?" He asks.

"My last house's owner got a dog..." I said, very uncomfortable with the current situation I was in.

"That sucks." He mutters. Yeah it- Wait what? Is he actually trying to be nice or relate or whatever? This is really weird... "Would you like to live here with us?" He questioned, quite gently. Ok this is really getting weird.

"Why would you let me?" I ask. This seems way to good to be true.

"Well I, um, really like tinies. I find it terrible they're treated as pets so instead I 'adopted' a few and made a small town for them." He responded, putting air quotes on adopted. And, wait, is he talking about the town I saw earlier? They have other tinies living in them?

"Yeah, the houses have, like, real things in them!" Said Jake, coming back into the conversation. "Would you like to see?"

"I- I guess." I say, not sure of what my other options would be.

"Alrighty then, hop aboard!" Alex exclaimed before lowering his hand to the counter. Jake and me climb on. I stand up while Jake is sitting.

"You might want to sit down for this." Jake suggested.

"Wait why?" I ask, confused. All of a sudden, I'm pressed into his hand as he stands to his full height. That's why. He proceeds to leave the kitchen and walk towards the front of the house. He stops in front of a large room. Before I can peer over the side of his hand, he the lowers down onto one knee before lowering his hand the rest of the way onto the floor. Now that I see it from ground level, I see that the houses have lights on inside and, wait a second, is that a TV?! How did he do all this?

"Oh snap, I forgot to grab the food, be right back." He says as he gets up and starts walking back to the kitchen. "Jake' show her to a house." He adds before he disappears into the hall.

"Alright so basically we all have our own house that has about all the same functionality of a real house. Yeah" He tells me as we walk towards a house.

"Am I going to be staying here?" I ask.

"Yeah, why? Would you rather be living out in the wild or scavenging for supplies?" He asks, saying a fairly good point.

"I guess not. Just, are you sure the human is harmless?" I question worriedly. I'm fairly good with surviving in the wilderness and very good with scavenging inside a house but having a human around is kinda worrisome.

"He's fine, relax! I even hang out with him from time to time. I'm basically another human to him. Also, why do you refer to him as 'The Human'?"

"That's just how I refer to humans. Once I feel warmed up I might call him by his first name."

"Ok, well, I hope you warm up to him. Anyway this is your house." He says pointing towards the house right in front of us. "You can go in and do what ya want, anyway, see ya later." He said now walking toward a house a little ways away.

"Huh." I say as I enter the house. It looks completely normal, other then the view from the windows. I look around the first floor finding a living room, laundry room, kitchen, and dining room. I head up the stairs to find three similar looking bedrooms, probably in case people wanted to live together. I enter the far right one and look around. It's not to shabby. I take off my backpack as well as my belt with my sword and hook and leave them in the corner. I open a drawer to find many clothes, both male and female types. Neat. I get out of my old, torn, and dirty dress into jeans and a sweatshirt. After getting dress I hear something.

"Alright, does anyone want a snack?" It sounds like Alex. Shit, did I call him by his name? I mean the human. Ugh whatever. I jog down the stairs and see him handing out crackers to some people. I didn't get any food from the kitchen, either. I might as well go get one. I open the door before walking towards the kneeling human. I have a home and he's even giving out a snack. 

How bad could this possibly be?


2,814 words and 4 hours after starting this, I'm done. I'm quite happy with this part. It gives a little more insight to Alex and Jake as well as introducing Gabrielle. I didn't focus to much on her though so if/when I do another part to this, I want to have more with her. Anyway, yeah I hope you enjoyed this.

Oh yeah also the voting thing. No one voted or whatever so I decided to simplify it. Would ya'll like me to add more to this story or start a new one? I just wanna make y'all happy.

Another thing: I have almost 30 reads! And I have two votes! That's pretty good!

So yeah, don't forget to vote if you liked this part and add this to your list if you want to stay updated.

Peace out.

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