Fear (1)

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Kage's eyes glanced up at the counter looming over him. Borrowing was always intimidating for someone so small. Especially alone. His younger sister, Evelyn, normally went with him, but she had gotten more and more sick as the days progressed. It was too dangerous for her to borrow in her feverish state.

As his fishing hook lodged into the counter, he hoped he could get enough food for her. The stupid human living here was always so unpredictable, making borrowing more difficult. Kage's muscles screamed in anguish as he forced himself to climb the rope. He already felt weak and exhausted before he even started to climb. When he finally reached the counter top, he collapsed in exhaustion. As thick beads of sweat dripped from his forehead, he allowed himself a few minutes of rest.

Once he got his bearings he forced himself to get up, his knees shaking at the pure notion of it.

'I have to do this!' he told himself. 'Evelyn is counting on me!'

Kage's eyes skimmed the counter top, looking for food that he could easily grab without it being noticed. Just as his eyes landed on an open box of cereal, Kage felt his heart drop.

Fear filled him as he heard the door open. Why did the stupid human have to be home now, he was supposed to be at the beach with his friends longer! It hadn't even been 10 minutes since the bean left the house!

Kage quickly tried to find a place to hide. But it was too late. The bean's eyes had already landed on him. As the giant stared at him in shock, Kage's hand quickly shot into his bag.

Pulling out a thumbtack, he pointed it at the general direction of the human. If he was going to die, it wasn't going to be without a fight.

"I-I'm warning you," Kage's voice trembled, "I'm armed!"


Kai was having a shitty day. He had been excited to go to the beach. His best friend had given him a surfboard for his birthday awhile ago and he had been dying to try it out. The second he had gotten to the beach, it started raining. Then his parents had the audacity to call him as he was driving home and start harassing him about 'betraying god' and 'worshipping the devil'. He rolled his eyes, he thought the whole point of disowning your child was so you didn't have to talk to them anymore.

And now, after all this shit, he had to deal with a 4 inch person on his counter top. Great.

"I-I'm warning you," the tiny man said, obviously attempting to seem threatening, "I'm armed."

Kai snorted when he saw that what he was 'armed' with was a thumbtack.

"Alright little dude," He said in amusement, "and what exactly are you planning on doing with your dangerous weapon?"

When the tiny being spoke again, his voice trembled worse than before. "D-Don't c-come an-any c-closer."

Kai took a step forward and the tiny person visibly flinched. "Uhuh, and what are you going to do if I do go closer? This is my house, you know."

The thumb tack he was holding was trembling in his hands. "I-I'll stab you!" he yelled, surprising Kai how loud that tiny being could be. "I'm not going to let you kill me without a fight!"

Kai's brows furrowed in confusion as he processed what the guy just said. Did this dude really think he was going to kill him like some sort of monster? Then Kai realized. His shaky voice, his trembling hands, the little dude was terrified of him. Kai realized how scary this must be for him to have some stranger so giant so close to you, without knowing their intentions.

Kai took a step back, and the guy trembling on the counter stared at him with bewilderment. "Listen," he said in a tone that he hoped was comforting, "I'm not going to kill you dude. Relax."

Instead of calming the little dude down, the opposite effect happened. Instead, the dude seemed pissed off.

"So what are you going to do then!?" he screamed at him, anger replacing the fear in his eyes. "Imprison me like some sort of twisted pet!? Well fuck off you stupid giant! I'm not going to let you do that! If that's your plan you better kill me now or I'll do it myself!"

Kai took another step back. "Please don't do that dude. I'm not going to imprison you! What do you think I am, some sort of monster?"

One look at the guy's face told Kai the answer to that.

"Well I'm not," Kai continued. "I promise, I'm not going to hurt you in any way."

Now the guy seemed even more pissed off. God, what did he do to this tiny dude to piss him off so much?

"Hey asswipe! I may be small compared to you, but I'm not an idiot! I'm not going to fall for your pretending to be nice act! I know what you giants are like!"

"I'm not doing that I swea-"

"Quit with your fucking bullshit! If you giants were kind, my parents wouldn't be dead!"

That immediately shut Kai up. God, what had this poor guy been through?

"Listen," Kai tried again, "I'm so sorry for what my kind did to you, but I promise I would never do that to you."

"God would you just fucking shut up already!" The man screamed, radiating with anger. "Why do all of you giants have to be so fucking fake!? Fuck this, I'm not going to let you torture me to death!"

Before Kai could stop him, the man started sprinting towards the edge of the counter. Luckily, the man fainted right before he reached the edge. His thumbtack rolled off the counter and fell to the floor with a clink.

What the hell?

Kai picked up the thumbtack and shoved it in his pocket, then cautiously walked over to him trying to figure out why he passed out. When Kai got a closer look, he immediately knew why. From far away he wasn't able to see it. But up close he saw how frail the man was. He looked like he hadn't had a proper meal in his entire life. Then Kai realized, that's why he was on the counter. Instantly guilt filled as he realized that the poor dude probably was looking for food.

Kai glanced over at the stale cereal he had forgotten to close the night before. Nope, no way was this dude's first decent meal gonna be shitty cereal. No, he was going to make the best meal ever as an apology for scaring this poor dude so badly. But what to make? He sighed and resolved to ask his best friend for advice, and pulled his phone out to text her.

[Me] Hey Trace, I got an important question..

[Tracey] What's up dum dum, need some relationship advice?

Kai glanced at the cute guy on his counter and then back to his phone.

[Me] Um kind of?

[Tracey] God, Kai. What the fuck did you do?

[Me] Ummmm, I fucked up my first impression with him really badly. I was planning on making some food to make up for it.

[Tracey] ...

[Tracey] Of course you fucking did.

[Me] Traceeeeee, I have no clue what to make! You gotta help me.

[Tracey] Just do his favorite food dude.

[Me] I just met him! I don't even know what he likes!

[Tracey] Just make some fucking pasta. Everyone likes pasta.

[Me] You're only saying that because that's your girlfriend's favorite food!

[Tracey] Yeah? So what? You asked for advice and you got it.

[Tracey] ooh she's calling me. Ttyl! Hope you don't completely ruin this relationship like you did all the other ones!

Kai angrily shoved his phone back in his pocket. God, why did he think texting Tracey was a good idea? He sighed, and decided to follow her advice anyway. If he fucked this up he could at least blame it on her then.

Kai glanced back at the tiny person resting on the counter. He showed no signs of waking. It was strange seeing someone who was so angry and afraid earlier look so peaceful.

A small smile graced Kai's lips as he gently picked him up. He wasn't sure what to do with him. He couldn't just leave him on the counter, Kai was afraid that he might try and jump again. But Kai also knew this person would be terrified if he woke up in his hands.

Kai bit his lip and decided to set him at the very back of the counter and keep an eye on him. He would make sure the person didn't try to jump again.

For the next several minutes, Kai kept an eye on him as he made some pasta. After he was done, he realized he had no clue what to dish it up on. It wasn't like he just had tiny plates around.

Glancing around the kitchen, he saw some plastic water bottles and improvised. He took the lid from one of the bottles and decided it could work as a tiny plate. He then took a single bow tie shaped noodle and placed it on the lid. Then covered it with a tiny amount of sauce.

Kai pushed the bottle cap near his guest, took several steps back so he wouldn't startle the dude again, and then waited for him to wake up.


In all honesty, after Kage passed out he didn't expect to wake up again. He spent several minutes laying on the counter, pretending to be asleep. He didn't want to open his eyes and be forced to accept that this terrifying nightmare was all too real. He lied there, heart beating far too fast in his chest, wondering what his fate was.

God, why didn't the giant just kill him already!? Tears started to pool in his eyes as he realized the answer. The giant wanted to torture him. Of course he fucking did. It's no fun hurting someone when they're unconscious. Maybe, just maybe if he pretended to sleep awhile longer he could buy himself more time. He knew if he got up there would be no escape, he knew the giant would make sure of that.

God poor Evelyn, what was she was going to do without him? She couldn't borrow in her state! If she did, she would definitely be caught! Oh no, he could handle dying but not Evelyn. He hoped she was still in her room. She wouldn't be stupid enough to go out looking for him, would she?

"I know you're awake." a booming voice said somewhere around him.

God why did his torture have to start now? Kage's heart beaded faster in his chest. He didn't want to be tortured! All the horror stories his parents had told him flashed through his mind. At least his parents had a quick death, Kage knew he wasn't going to get that. If the giant was that merciful, Kage would have been with his parents by now.

"You don't have to pretend to be asleep you know. I know you don't believe me but I promise I would never harm you."

God, please shut up. Kage whimpered and prayed to a god he didn't even believe in.

Please, just go away.

"Listen, I know you're afraid of me, but you have no reason to be. I promise."

Your promises mean nothing.

"I want to apologize for scaring you. I deeply regret how I acted earlier."

Stop lying.

"Please, just open your eyes. I want to talk to you. Please."

Are you going to torture me if I don't?

"Okay it's fine, you don't have to. I'll just give you some space."

Kage heard footsteps retreating. But he wasn't fooled. The giant wasn't just going to leave him alone. They never did.

For several minutes, Kage lied there, terrified on the counter.


1973 Words

So basically @IWriteShittyStories asked if I would post a story by them here.

So I did.

They said that they are making a part two so: yay! This story was pretty good, wouldn't you agree?

Um, anyways...

Who wants to loot a Target or something?

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