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----- = Pov Switch

===== = Time Skip

May 25th, 2020

Well, today was just as uneventful as ever. Despite this, me and my freinds

"How the hell do I always mess that up?" I scribbled it out.

Despite this, me and my FRIENDS decided to go out and get some of the chocolate I left on my desk. Although it took awhile, it seems chocolate is much better when it's big.

I go on writing for a while about the day and the few things that happened during it. Although, it might be confusing to anyone but myself when reading it. Let me explain:


A few months ago, I went to bed, normal as ever. Despite this, I had a weird tingling sensation as I drifted into unconsciousness. When I woke up, I found my bed to be bigger than a city block. Or, rather, I was small enough to make it seem that way. I spend a good portion of the day trying to figure out what the hell happened. And then, I just kinda poofed back into my normal size. That was the start of my misadventures.

The next day, I did a few experiments. It seemed as though it was just kinda there. it was like moving your hand but required a bit of extra effort. That was when I found the small hole to the side of my bedroom. It was a small mouse hole, at least that's what I thought it was, which was no bigger than two inches. It might have a stupid decision but I decided to explore it. Well, I armed myself. I brought my pocket knife for defense, my rucksack I had for that one time I went camping, and a heavy winter vest. Why the vest? If there were mice, it might provide a bit of defense against bites. Thinking about it now, I don't think it would have worked. Oh, and if you're wondering how it shrunk down with me or how I knew it would: don't. I don't know either.

After a bit of exploration, I came across something crazy: A small tribe of small people living in my walls. It threw me for a loop, to say the least. It was also kind of odd to hear them say things like: "How did you hide from the human in broad daylight?" and "What were you thinking, you could have been caught by Lukas!" Which was me, if hadn't said it before.

I, Lukas Everstonn, was a big ass beast (at least in comparison).

And that was odd to think about.

After the shock of a new guy coming in, they asked for my name, which, if not obvious, I couldn't use. So I used an awesome name I heard once: Leon. I mean, it's better than Lukas, right? C'mon, admit you like it.

After introductions, I sneaked my way into their society. I also learned a few thinks:

1. They are borrowers: Little people who live in our houses and 'borrow' things that us humans won't miss like crumbs of food or paperclips.

2. The tallest one of them has been in their tribe was one and a half inches tall. I was currently one and a fifth inches tall.

3. Due to their size, they live in tribes and support each other like a family.

And one that I discovered on my own: They are like humans, but smaller.


So yeah, I'm a human by day and a borrower by night. Or something like that...

Sighing, I close my journal and tuck it into the bottom drawer of my desk before checking checking the time. 7:15. Perfect. I get up out of my chair before walking to my bedroom door and exiting. Looking around, all I see is my old man sitting at the reclining chair while watch something or other on the TV.

I walk down the hallway before flicking on the lights and opening one of the cabinets, looking for a good snack. I settled on pretzels, as they are always good. I take out a paper bowl and grab a handful to put in it before I hear my dad.

"Whatcha gettin?" He says, as straight to the point as ever.

"Just a snack, some pretzels to be exact." I answer. It's sort of late and dinner was a few hours ago so I should be fine.

"Hmph. Alright, just not to many. Don't want you staying up all night." I resisted the urge to laugh at that. If only he knew.

"Alright, see you later. Don't stay up to late." He laughed at that.

"I'm the adult here, I should be telling ya that. Alright, love ya."

"I love you too, dad." I say before walking back into my room and shutting the door.

Ever since the divorce, my dad has acted odd. Not bad odd, but like he just wants to make me happy. And I'm really glad that's the route he decided to take, rather than some self-destructive behavior.

I munch on a few crackers while I undress from my normal clothes and slip on my 'borrower clothes'. These are some clothes I patched together myself. And they are decently made if I do say so myself. I made them because I obviously can't be going to the tribe in some bright t-shirt or something.

After five minutes of putting them on and patching up some of the holes, I decided I was ready. I grab my rucksack and throw it on before taking the last few pretzels in the bowl and setting them on the ground. Alright, it's time to do this.

I focused my thoughts onto shrinking while staying perfectly relaxed and closing my eyes and then-


I felt the air pull around me, signaling it worked. I open my eyes and find myself face-to-face with my small pile of four pretzels, each one a long as my arm. Smirking, I pull the grappling hook out of the sack before rapping it around me and the pretzels. I then pull the string over my shoulder and hold them like a bag. They aren't exactly heavy, but it is still quite straining.

I proceed to lug them into the hole and disappear into the walls.


Me and the gang are just hanging around, waiting for Leon to get here. This is because almost every night we like to go out and borrow some nick knacks from around. We once found these building block thingies: Legos, Leon called em', that are pretty neat. You can build with them as that was what they were intended for, however, the tribe tends to use them to patch up holes and things. Us, on the other hand, are a bit more creative. We have competitions to see who can build the biggest and coolest creation in a minute, or see who can throw them the farthest, or, hell, we even built a small house with them once. Currently, however, we're just tossing one back and forth.

In our group of misfits, we have a fair amount of people. There's me, Matt, and I'm kinda like the leader here. We got Zeke, who is totally the daredevil of the group. He went so far he almost got found out my Lukas! Luckily, he's blind as a bat. We have Ezra, the smartest out of all of us. He knows algebra! I have no clue what it is, he tried explaining it was a type of math humans know but I kinda fell asleep in the middle of his lecture. Oh yeah, he also built a sick elevator to get to the attic. That was cool. We have Pete, the big brute. He's super strong, but deep down, I know he's a teddy bear. That's the saying right? Ah whatever. He's dating Elizabeth, who we just call Liz. She is super fast: both speed and personality wise. And finally we have-

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late!"

Leon. He's kind of shy but he knows a bunch about human stuff, making him a valuable asset. Besides, he's my best friend.

"Ey, Leon, wha took ya so long?!" Pete piped up before getting smacked in the side of the head with a Lego brick. "Wha the hell was tha fo?" He grumbled, massaging his temple.

"Look at his side, smart guy." Zeke replied before getting up to greet Leon.

"Pretzels huh? How did you manage that?" Ezra said as he got up and dusted himself off.

"The human was having a snack and dropped a few. And don't worry, they're all clean." He said before removing them from his side. As soon as he did it, Liz was all over them.

"Oh yeah! I haven't had these in a while!" She said while cutting off a bit with her knife.

"We had some last week." I sighed, knowing it doesn't really matter to her.

And that marked the end of the conversation, with us all eating a bit of the large pretzels. Despite this, we still had one to spare.

"Should we, uh, give it to the storage team?" Leon asked, obviously a bit concerned about it.

"Nah, man! Ya found it fer the gang, ya keep it fer the gang!" Pete said, asserting himself into the conversation, as he always does.

"Alright, I was just making sure." Leon mumbled again.

"Ah, it's fine. Now, what do you guys say we get to borrowing?" I said while they all gave their approval in thumbs up and nods. As well as a "Hell yeah!" from Pete and a "Let's go!" from Zeke.

With that decided, we head off towards the human's bedroom.


Our adventures were off to a fine start. Pete and Liz raced to the top of my desk all the while throwing compliments and joking insults at each other. Once Liz reached the top in record time with Pete getting up there a minute later, they started kissing like mad. Those two were something else.

Zeke went to the top of my cabinet to see if I left something up there. He found a few paperclips up there. I always leave something up there just in case they decide to come and explore. After that he went bungee jumping. He called it the 'super jump' as he had no idea what bungee jumping was.

Ezra found his way to my nightstand and began to navigate my phone. He found anything electrical to be another addition to the Seven Wonders of the World.

As for Matt, him and I sat on my dresser talking about stuff.

"So, anything happen while I was gone?" I ask, wanting to make sure I was up to date with all important things relating to the tribe.

"Ah not much." Matt replied in a sigh "Oh, a rat did make it's way into Ms. O'Ryan's house. She had to get a knight to flush it out." He said with a laugh.

"Really? How loud did she scream?" I chuckled as well. I screamed when I saw my first giga-rat. Luckily, I have got used to them.

"Loud. I heard it all the way from the east side." He commented.

"Wow, really? I should have been there."

"Heh, yeah, you should've. Where do you go during the day?" There was that question again.

"A magician never reveals his tricks." I said plainly.

"Do I look like I know what a magician is?"

"Ah, never mind." I reply. The real question they always want to know is where Lukas, er, human me is. The first time they realized I wasn't in the house they started betting on where I went. The best three guesses were:

1. Having sex.

2. Doing drugs.

3. Having sex AND doing drugs.

Of course, none were right, but I kinda wish they were sometimes.

At that, we just sat and watched our friends go about their adventures.


After a while, we all regrouped by the mouse hole.

"Is everyone good?" Matt asked, being his caring self as always.

We all responded with a chorus of 'yup's and 'mmm-hmm's.

"Alright, if we're all set-" His response was cut off by a booming voice.

"Lukas?" Shit. My dad.

This gave a mixed reaction from the crowd.

"Wait he doesn't know he isn't here? That sunuva gun." Zeke said, giving a couple small claps.

"Idiot. Why did he go out? He's gonna get caught." Ezra added, being his simple, judgmental self.

Pete and Liz just kinda laughed at the fact that Lukas was an idiot for sneaking off. It kinda hurt.

Matt finally responded with common sense. "If Lukas isn't here, it might get the dad upset. We don't want to be around for that. They all agreed on that and started heading back into the hole

As they headed inward, Matt turned around expectantly. "Well? C'mon Leon." This isn't good.

"I, uh, have to do something. Don't worry I won't get caught." I said as Matt narrowed his eyes.

"Mmm... Fine. I won't wait up for you though." With that said, he made his way into the hole.

"Lukas?!" I heard my dad yell again. This time, I heard him get out of his chair.

"Shit, shit, shit." I chanted like a mantra as I made my way to the middle of my bedroom.

Once I got there, I quickly did the steps. I closed my eyes, calmed myself, and focused.


I opened my eyes again to see that everything was back to normal size. I quickly rushed to my door and opened it before peeking my head out and came face to face with my dad.

"Sorry dad, had to finish something, what's up?" I ask, hoping he couldn't hear the nervousness in my voice.

"Oh, ok. Just wanted to tell ya I'm going to bed and you should do the same soon too. Love ya." He said as he ruffled my hair.

"Yeah, I love you too, goodnight." I said as I closed my door and put my back to it. I then slid down the back of it and counted my blessing. However, I noticed another thing as well.

Matt, looking at me with wide eyes from the hole. I felt mine widen as well.

"M- Matt-" I tried to begin but as soon as I did, he dove back into the hole.

And I didn't really know what to do.


We all ventured into the hole, yet, something didn't sit right with me. What did Leon need? He doesn't forget anything. I wasn't about to risk anything with my best friend so I whipped around and hurried back to the bedroom.

Once I go there, I was faced with a worrying sight. He was just standing in the middle of the bedroom with his eyes shut. I was about to call out to him when suddenly-


He was gone. And in his place was a behemoth. It was Lukas. Did this mean that Leon was Lukas? Or was Lukas actually Leon? So many things rushed though my head as he went to his bedroom door to answer his dad, each step shaking the ground.

How was he Leon? How was the giant monster in front of me Leon? I mean, it explained how he got a hold on all his stuff. It explained why Lukas was never around. It was why he couldn't tell us where he lived and why he looked so strange the first day everyone saw him. It was how he knew so much about humans.

Because he was one.

I was shaken from my thoughts as he shut the door and slid down it, landing on the ground with a thunderous boom. I looked up just in time to see his gaze land on me. Both of us were surprised with wide eyes, but I think I was more so.

"M- Matt-" A voice like thunder shook my frame enough to make me realize I need to get out of there. I turned tail and practically dove into the hole, before stumbling my way through the dark hallway.


After a short while, I sat down, leaning against the cool interior of the walls and cried. I might be the most collected one in the group but I think this might have been my breaking point. My best friend is the thing that we're supposed to stay away from and fear.

I sat there for God only knows how long before I heard something. A soft, shuffling noise, broke the silence of my own sobs before another noise broke through.


It was Leon. Or Lukas. Or whoever the hell he actually is. And despite his voice being practically mumbling, it still made my head want to explode.

He finally came into view. It still amazes me how this scrawny kid was the same as the giant outside. I stumbled backwards as he came close, which caused him to flinch a small amount. As he noticed how scared he was, he held up his hands and sat down, his eyes full of sorrow.

"Matt? I- Are- Are you okay?" He asked, sounding distraught.

"I don't think so." I mumbled, still trying to wrap my head around the whole situation.

"It's ok," He started "I don't think I would be either in your shoes." He said with a soft smile before inching towards me and pulling something out of his pocket.

"S-stop!" I shout before cowering away. "I didn't tell anyone, I swear!"

"Matt, please look at me." He said with sadness coating his tone.

I look up and my eyes widen. It was pieces of paperclips formed into a necklace with a bead around it. It was the thing I gave him when he first joined our group of pals.

"I'm still me, I swear. I won't do anything." I looked down at necklace before looking back at him. I could see it in his eyes. It was him.


"Yeah, Matty?" He said using that slight cockiness he only uses with me.

"I'm so glad it's still you." I say before walking up to him and giving him a hug, which he returned.

After a few seconds, we released and just kinda stood there, awkwardly.

"So..." I begin, trying to find the words. "Should I call you Leon or Lukas?"

"You can call me whatever you want."

"Alright, bitch." We then began to laugh. We laughed so hard our throats began to hurt. I think we just needed something to reduce the stress.

"Anyway, what are you? Like for real?"

"I was a human. But a couple of months ago, I realized I could shrink down..."

"Which is when you found the tribe."

"Exactly. Although, I'm still not sure what I am."



"Sooo... What now?" I asked. There is so much I want to do with this new information, yet I don't know where to start.

"I'm not sure." He said "You wanna watch YouTube?"

"Wait, what did I tube?"


"Alright, c'mon, I have to do my homework." I said to the little guy in my hand while shutting off my phone in the other.

"Yeah, right. Why is homework even important? Besides, watching YouTube is way more fun!" He says while kicking my fingers. It doesn't hurt. It actually tickles a bit.

"I have to do it to get a good grade in class."

"Why is class important?" He looks up in sincere confusion. That cute look requires me to ruffle his hair a bit and chuckle.

"I've told you this before, buddy. I have to get a good grade in class so I can leave that class for good and make money at a job."

"Alright, fine. I'm only stepping down from my argument because I have no idea how any of that works."

"I wish everyone on the internet was like you." I mumble.

"What'd you say?"

"Ah, nothing that concerns you. How about we get a snack before I start working." I ask as I begin to get up from my chair and stretch.

"That's fine with me!" He calls up to me. I also hear him mutter something about me being 'Damn tall' but I don't pry.

"Alright, lets go." I announce as I scoop him up.

"A little warning next time?" He asks before punching my hand.

"Maybe next time."


My Brain: *Humming*

New Ideas: *Kicks down door* "C'MERE BITCH!"

My Brain: *Sighs* "This again?"


My Brain: "C'mon dude. I don't need you. Look at all these good Old Ideas."

Old Ideas: *Waves shyly*

My Brain: "Besides, I kinda already promised people stories in the shitty vote thingy a while ago. They would likely expect those to come next."

New Ideas: "YEAH, BUT, ARE THEY AS GOOD AS THIS ONE?" *Shows my brain this story*

Old Ideas: "Holy fuck."

My Brain: "Holy fuck."

Me: *Kinda drunk* "Holy fuck."

Me, waking up hungover the next day: "Yeah, they might have been as good as this one."


3269 Words

4 Hours

And many times doubting myself later...


Questions? Comments? Concerns?

Yeah it's 9:30 for me so I'm gonna go to bed but by go to bed I mean stay up reading until 2 in the morning but by reading I mean search for another story to read and then I find one that's super good but it only has like 5 chapters and hasn't been updated since like FUCKING 2016.

And if you're reading this and you're one of the people who do that, let me ask:

Y tho?

Edit, 5 seconds after this was published: Yeah, someone messaged me half a week ago. I just got back to it and it turns out they just wanted to say they like my story. So I dedicated this chapter to them because I wish I was able to just go up to a stranger and say that.

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