Grounded: Shrunken Mark, Jack, and reader x Anti and Dark

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Y/n's pov

I don't remember how I got here, but I know I'm not supposed to be in a VIDEO GAME! I'm currently in the video game Grounded, that one shrinking game that recently came out. I'm just walking around and I decided to sit and think of ways out of this mess, when I hear two familiar voices. The voices are coming closer until I see the game characters spot me and walk over to me, they spoke but the mouths didn't move on the characters.

"Hey, I don't remember them being a player option." A deep masculine voice said, my eyes widened as I recognized him as Markiplier. The other voice spoke up, "Maybe it's an NPC." The voice was a little higher and had sort of an Irish accent to it, it was Jacksepticeye. Before I could say anything they ran away and started gathering stuff, they don't realize I'm not supposed to be here.

That I'm not a character or npc in this game, that I'm a person somehow trapped here and if I die....well I die for real. They shortly came back but were equipped with spears?! "It's not doing anything..." Seán said, I started backing up, "Well it has reactions, should I try to kill it?" My heart dropped into my stomach, he wouldn't hurt what he thinks is an npc right?

I then thought back to all the times I watched them play games like these and constantly try to hurt / kill the npc. "Sure, nothing else to do." My eyes widened as he got into a fighting stance, he had pulled the spear back and was about to thrust it forward.

"WAIT!!" I shouted he stopped, they looked at each other, "Woah, dude you activated it!" Seán laughed out, Mark was about to speak but I continued, "Please you have- OW" I got cut off by Mark poking me with the spear, "Hey, shut up I was about to talk." I looked at my arm where he had poked the spear and some blood was seeping out.

"Mark come on, seriously you can't do that, it's bleeding now." Marks character looked at me and I backed up and then ran. It's not safe for me to be here near them, I need to find somewhere safe. Just then I bumped into something, and when I looked up I screamed. It was a fucking spider!! I backed up when suddenly they were spearing the spider and it left so it could heal.

"Thank you.." "Hope it makes up for poking you." Mark had said, "So are you here to help us?" Seán asked curiously. I took a deep breath, "No, I need your help, look I'm not an npc, I'm not supposed to be here, the reason "my character" isn't playable is because I'm not a part of the game."

"What do you mean?" "I mean, I'm a real person trapped in the game, also I'm a fan of you guys......" "Ummmmm I'm not sure how much of that I believe." "Yeah, stuff like that doesn't happen."

No, they don't believe me....suddenly their characters started to glitch a little and were soon replaced by Seán and Mark. They looked themselves over then at me, I put my hands up showing I didn't do anything. "H how?"

Seán said confused, "I I don't know.." I replied back. "Wait, you said you were a fan? What's our real names." Mark had asked I pointed at him "You are Mark. Aka Markiplier." I then pointed over to Seán. "You are Seán. Aka Jacksepticeye."

Seán walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Mark, they're telling the truth, if they were an npc I wouldn't be able to physically touch them like this." Mark then paled in realization and looked over at my poke wound that was still bleeding a little.

"Oh oh god, I'm so so sorry." He walked up and hugged me and I felt my face heat up, one of my heroes is hugging me. "It's fine, you guys saved my ass from that spider." I smiled at them after Mark pulled away. "Soo what do we do now?" Mark asked, Seán and I shrugged our shoulders, we suddenly felt the ground begin to shake a little.

I didn't think much of it, but then someone suddenly appeared....I gasped as they started walking towards the house. I was paralyzed in fear but then a shadow casted over them, I instantly grabbed Mark and Seán and pulled them towards me right as the huge being stepped down where they just were. The giant continued walking and I sighed in relief, "Are you guys ok?" I asked them, they both just clung to me,

"Oh my god.... you, you just saved us from death! Th thank you." Seán said while hugging me tightly, I looked back up at where the giant was, but they were gone? I didn't get a good look at them, but they were wearing all black. "Yeah, no problem! By the way, my name is Y/n."

Seán's pov

They just saved our lives!! They told us their name was Y/n, pretty I like it, I looked for the giant person but couldn't find them. Strange, they just disappeared into thin air....I didn't see them that well but Y/n said they got a look at what they were wearing, all black.

My heart froze as my mind wandered to Anti, but that's impossible, first off he isn't real. Second, he doesn't have these kind of powers, we continued walking towards the house it was going to be a long trip. Suddenly a shadow cast over all three of us, I looked up and saw a familiar looked like me?

He had his foot raised like he was in the middle of stepping down when he noticed me, he smirked and glitched a little, I was dumbfounded....How is Anti real!!! I backed up and the others turned around as well. Suddenly we were in the house on the counter, a glass was placed over all of us and he bent down, but his eyes widened when he saw Y/n.

They were shaking, I stepped in front of them and glared at Anti, but before I knew it....they were in Anti's hands and he disappeared with them. "NO!" I banged my fists against the glass wall in front of me with tears rolling down my face. 

Anti's pov

I took Y/n upstairs to a secret room, I cupped my hands around them as I walked in and saw Dark sitting at a desk. "We have a problem." He looked at me confused and I placed them on the desk, they instantly started backing away from us which was odd because we're actually friends with them.

He tried reaching out to them to comfort them and they screamed....Dark looked at me worriedly and grabbed my arm and dragged outside the room. "What is going on?" "I don't know! Y/n was with.......them.....outside." "What?" He breathed out. "It's like they don't even recognize us.... I have an idea."

I walked back into the room and walked over to the desk and sat in the chair, I reached my finger out to them, they backed into the wall behind them. "D don't come any closer!!" "I know you don't remember but, you're our friend." I gently touched their hair and placed a spell on them that hopefully restored their memories, but also keeping the ones from earlier.

Their eyes widened as they looked at us. "Anti? Dark? Oh my could I forget you and all our memories together." They ran up to my hand and hugged my finger, I smiled at how cute they were. 

Y/n's pov

As I hugged Anti's finger I remembered a plan that they told me about. About how they were going to put Mark and Seán in the game to try and get them to see that they aren't bad or evil, I stopped hugging Anti's finger and looked up at them.

"Ok, what's next?" I asked, they looked at me worriedly..... "Look, you weren't supposed to be here, we don't even know how you got here." Dark explained. "I might have an idea of how to convince Mark and Seán, they didn't know you guys were alive...." 

Marks pov

Anti had taken Y/n, and Seán started banging on the glass we were trapped under, he eventually stopped and sat down and started crying into his hands. "What are they doing to them?" He wondered aloud.....he was clearly worried about them, so was I.

Suddenly Y/n was back under the glass with us, we ran up and hugged them...when we pulled away from them we asked them what happened and if they were ok or not. "Guy's....I'm fine!, they didn't hurt me. they didn't do anything to me." We looked at them confused.... "Hey, you guys should give them a chance, they were.....actually really nice to me."

I heard Seán sigh, "Yeah.....ok. We didn't even know they existed.....who's to say they are or aren't like the videos we depict of them on our channels." I didn't want to trust Anti or Dark, but Seán is right, I hesitantly agreed, suddenly they disappeared again. Though they came back a minuet later with Anti and Dark, the glass was lifted up...I wanted to run but decided not to.

"Look, I know you guys don't trust us yet but....we aren't going to hurt you. We just want to be friends with you." Anti had said, I saw Seán's eyes widen and he took a step closer to Anti, I looked at him like he was insane. Anti reached out towards Seán and my heart was pumping put of my chest, but he gently picked up Seán and hugged him to his chest.

Ok, maybe Anti is alright but I don't know about Dark.....Speaking of him, he looked over at me. "Hey, I don't want to hurt you either Mark. We've existed for a while at this point, I....I don't want to be alone anymore." I was still hesitant because he could be lying to me. "How do I know I can trust you?" I asked, hoping I didn't make him mad, Y/n stepped in....

"I've been friends with both of them ever since the existed, I haven't been harmed and they actually have saved me a couple times." I noticed they blushed a little, but I looked at Dark and he nodded his head. I hesitantly took a step forward, he reached his hand out to me and I got scared and took a step back. He stopped. "Hey it's ok.....I won't hurt you I promise."

He started to reach for me again, and I let him pick me up....he gently cupped his hands around me and lifted me to his face, he smiled gently at me and hugged me to his cheek. I was surprised but hugged back, this was actually really nice and comforting. 

Dark's pov

I was actually surprised that he trusted me enough to hug me back, it felt nice....... hopefully we can be like this all time when we exit this video game world. I started rubbing Marks hair and back with my finger, he looked adorable while this size. I could feel him practically melting into my touch, I smiled at him.

"So you guys ready to go home?" "Yes please." They both said at the same time. We teleported back to their respective homes and made them normal size. But for some reason Y/n didn't grow back to normal, they decided to stay with Anti and Seán. I was a little disappointed but at least I have Mark, everything is going to be ok with living with Mark from now.

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