Marvin x tiny p4ttka male sona Patrick (Vore)

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Marvin's pov

Anti has been making a bunch of fake versions of himself. They get us to trust them and then they hurt us, I'm done with it! I have a plan for the next fake I see. I made it so our house looks abandoned to trick the fakes into checking it out. I set out an invisible trap, when they step on it a shrinking potion will cover them making them shrink to only 2 inches, it's the perfect plan!

I'm putting a stop to this, thankfully Anti doesn't live with us so I'm confident this plan will work. Although, they havent showed up in about a month, you can never be to careful.

Once they shrink I'll take them and force them to tell me what Anti is planning. It's been a couple days since I set the trap and nothing has happened yet, it was storming out today so I decided to just sit in my room and read some of my books.

While I was in the middle of reading I heard glass shatter, I smiled to myself because that meant someone set off the trap and the potion fell. I bookmarked my page in the book, closed it and set it back on my bookshelf. I got out of my bed and walked to where I had set the trap and sure enough it looked like a fake Anti.

Patrick's pov

I've decided to run away from home, I have been wandering in the woods for a couple days. It had been beautiful and sunny, but today it was was storming, hard. I needed to find shelter from the storm and came across this abandoned house, I gently pushed open the door and stepped inside.

I deemed it safe and walked further in, I was nearing what looked like a living room when something suddenly fell on me. My eyes widened when I looked around me, because everything was growing and stretching upwards. Soon enough I was really tiny and I felt the ground start to shake a little, someone else was here with me.

I saw a figure coming towards me, I tried to run but I got grabbed. I started struggling like crazy, I was being lifted through the air at great speed....pretty soon a face came into view I recognized him.

It was of jacksepticeye's egos!! I'm a huge fan of him and the egos, but when I looked into Marvin's eyes he looked annoyed. He started walking somewhere with me, I started to get worried because I didn't what was going to happen.

He walked into what I assume is his bedroom, he dropped me harshly down onto his desk and suddenly there was tape on me and I was trapped.

I was on my back being forced to look at him, I started hyperventilating. "Alright, you are going to tell me what he is planning. Why does he keep sending you guys here."

His eyes started glowing a powerful blue, what is he talking about? Who's he? "W what? W who are you even talking about?" I tried struggling again.

"Don't lie to me pest. I know he sent you. You even look like him." My eyes widened, friends have told me I look like one specific ego, Anti. Why would he think Anti sent me here?

"What? No I just stumbled in here to get out of the rain!" He rolled his eyes and suddenly picked me up, he glared at me but then this huge smirk appeared on his face. "Fine, don't want to tell the truth? I know what will get you to talk."

I was about to ask what he meant when, I saw his tounge run along his lips as I heard a low rumble from below me, my heart rate picked up.

No no no!! Th this can't be happening...he started lifting above his head and I started struggling again. "Marvin please don't!" His smirk got even larger. "I knew it. You know my name, so you must be working for him."

"I'm not I swear!! Please just put me down!!" He just chuckled a little... "That's what they all say, I'm done with this, either you tell me what he's planning or you're getting digested." He growled at me.

" I I don't know what your talking about!!" "Fine, I gave you a choice, bye-bye tiny." His grip suddenly released me and I was falling, once in he shut his lips behind me, I ran and tried to push myself out.

He opened his mouth a little and right when I went to move, he took his finger and pushed me back towards his throat.

I very easily slid into his throat, he removed his finger and I started slipping deeper, he hummed like he was enjoying this. "W wait!!!" It was no use, he swallowed me anyways, I started sobbing to myself, I just kept getting squeezed down, closer and closer to my grave.

I was going to die and I don't even know why, I slowly got fed into the stomach and curled around myself scared, frightened, and sad. I tried to keep my eyes open as long as possible, but they started to droop and I fell asleep.

Marvin's pov

This look alike was different from the others, first off he had black horns and a white demon tail. His hair was blue, unlike the other variations of green the other ones had and grey eyes.

I decided to just randomly text Anti, I had asked him why he sent another one and he acted confused, saying that he hasn't sent one in a while, and that he was just doing it to mess around with us but decided to stop because it got "boring" after a while I scoffed and described the clone I saw and Anti said he'd never even seen someone like that.

My face paled..... w who did I just..... I started panicking and found a spell to get him out. He appeared on my desk and was laying on his side, eyes closed. I quickly looked for any signs of breathing, he was breathing I sighed in relief.

But that just made me more sad, he was telling the truth, but then I remembered that he knew my name. I felt like puking, h-how could I do this to someone, a fan no less, he started moving.

I backed away, afraid he would yell at me and be angry, which I mean he should be after what I did to him. He slowly sat up and looked at himself confused, then his eyes landed on me. "I'm......" I was afraid to speak for some reason, "I'm sorry. I should've believed you."

Patrick's pov

He apologized to me, I looked at him and he looked afraid for some reason, then I remembered I look a lot like Anti. But I don't have any powers though, at least that I know of. "It's ok Marvin, you got me out, I'm thankful for that. Although, uhh why did you think Anti sent me here?"

He explained everything and then I understood, he was fed up and wanted to protect his family. He held me while explaining everything, I hugged his thumb after he finishes speaking. "It's ok, I forgive you." He smiled at me and I smiled up at him, "I'm Patrick by the way..."

He nodded his head in understanding but then got this sad look on his face. "Patrick, I don't have a way to get yoy back to normal, I'm so so sorry." "It's ok, I was actually looking for a place to stay because I ran away from home."

"You can live here with me and the others if you'd like." I nodded my head excited that I had a place to stay, not only that but new friends as well, hopefully they all like me.


Hi! Sorry this took forever I have so much going right now, and I didn't have any motivation to write. But I figured I should continue writing because it helps me take my mind off of some things.

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