Pred jack x tiny mark

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Jack's pov

I was texting mark in the middle of the night

M: Hey you up?

J: Yeah can't sleep. What you need?

M: nothing just wanted to chat.

We talked for a while and then I got hungry.

J: hey I'll be back, I'm going to get a snack.

M: me too.

I put my phone down and got out of bed and walked into the kitchen. I flicked on the lights and walked over to the fridge and opened it. I started sniffing the air and closed the fridge. I recognized that scent. It was a borrower.

I let my nose guide me and it lead me to the toaster. I smirked and slowly moved the toaster but quickly grabbed the borrower and lifted them above my head and opened my mouth, when I actually saw the borrowers face.

My eyes widened and I closed my mouth and put my free hand over it. Marks eyes were closed and he had tears rolling down his face. I placed him down on the counter and backed up, hand still over my mouth. Tears started to form in my eyes.

Marks pov

I had closed my eyes when I got grabbed. I knew I was going to die, I wanted to text seán so badly and tell him goodbye. I had no idea I was living with a predator. I was lifted in the air for a few seconds, then I was placed down on the counter.

I could tell the predator started backing up, but why? I opened my eyes and gasped. Seán?! I started backing up, then sprinted back to my hole and ran into my room. I was terrified of him now to say the least.

Jack's pov

He ran away from me.... I started full on crying, I probably scared the shit out of him. I went back into my room and tried to text him but I think he blocked me. I started crying hard.

Time skip

It's been weeks since what happened, I haven't seen or heard from mark since then. I haven't eaten anything, or really drank anything either. I rarely leave my room, I rarely sleep, I only leave to use the bathroom.

I wanted nothing more then to die right now. I destroyed my friendship with him, I started crying again. I have to end this somehow. I sighed, I got up out of bed, my clothes baggy on me and I walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a post it note and started writing on it.

I'm sorry. I know you're afraid of me, and you have every right to be. But I can't live with knowing that I almost hurt you... I did hurt you. I'm sorry
- Seán

Tears were rolling down my face while I was writing this. I placed the note in front of the entrance to his hole. Then I grabbed a knife and looked at his hole one last time.

Marks pov

I was starting to get worried... Seán hasn't left his room in weeks.. I was in the kitchen doing my daily food run, when I heard Jack's door open. I was still afraid of him, but not as much as before. I hid behind the toaster and peeked out as he walked into the kitchen.

He looked horrible. His clothes were baggy on him, he looked like he hadn't eaten or showered or even drank anything in weeks... Was this because I blocked him for a while?

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I noticed he grabbed a post it note and started writing something on it while crying... He then placed it by my hole and grabbed a knife?! W was he going to kill himself!! He looked at my hole again before raising the knife. My eyes widened as I ran out from behind the toaster "SEÁN DON'T"

Jack's pov
I was about to stab myself when I heard my name. I looked down and saw Mark sobbing. I was a little surprised because I thought he hated me after what had happened. I slowly put the knife down, and bent to be eye level with him.

But backing up a bit as to not scare him so badly like last time. He started talking to me. "Seán.... Why would you try to do something like that?" I picked up the post it note and placed it in front of him. I started crying a little.

He read the note then looked up at me, with tears rolling down his face. He went to talk but I started talking first.

"I don't know why you care about me anymore.... I-I almost ate you.... I-I made my best friend afraid of me...." Tears were rolling like a waterfall out of my eyes right now.

"I care about you because you are my friend. Yes I got scared, but only because I was surprised and wasn't thinking. I I thought you going to hurt me... I I shouldn't have ran off like that."

He explained. He walked closer to me and motioned for me to come to him. I slowly made my way to Mark. I placed my hand on the counter to keep myself balanced.

I felt like I was going to pass out, probably because of the lack of sleep and food and water. Suddenly I felt something hugging my finger. Why is mark hugging my finger?

Marks pov
I hugged his finger but when I looked up at him he looked really pale, and it looked like he was trying to keep his balance... What the fuck is going on? "Seán? Are you ok?"

He shook his head no. "What's going on?" "I feel like I'm going to pass out." He told me. "Seán.... When was the last time you ate, or drank anything?"

When he didn't give me an answer I knew immediately that he needed food and water right now. "Seán please... You have to eat". He nodded his head and wobbled over to the fridge to look for food.

He grabbed a yogurt and started eating it. When he was finished he got some water. "Are you feeling better?" He nodded his head and I sighed in relief. "Seán look at me..." He did as told

"I really care about you, you are my best friend and I will do anything to make you feel better ya hear me ya big goober?" He laughed a little and nodded.

He gently picked me up and placed me on his palm and lifted me to his chest in a hug. Things are going to change around here for both of us.

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