shrunken anti x Marvin and Schneep

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Anti's pov

I was walking around the house bored out of my mind. I was trying to redeem myself of my past. I regret everything I did.... I noticed Marvin's door was open. I always wondered what it looked liked inside.

I stepped in and looked around in awe. There were fairy lights on the top border near the ceiling, there were books lining a bookshelf with fancy covers. I walked more into the room but tripped on something and fell forward.

I landed on my stomach, I saw one of the bookshelves shake and a potion fell on me. I gasped and closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes, I whimpered, everything was fucking massive compared to me.

I started panicking, worried someone would find me. Everyone here hates me for the things I did in the past. I started hyperventilating worried about what would happen to me.

I felt the ground shake and I ran under his desk that had a pile of books under it. I hid behind those, I heard voices getting closer.

"I know I heard something crash in here Henrik." That was Marvin's voice, "You think it could've been Anti?" And Henrik's voice. I heard them walk in, and paled because of how miniscule I am in comparison to them. I heard Marvin groan.

Marvin's pov
I walked into my room with Henrik after hearing something crash. Henrik mentioned that it could've been anti, I groan when I saw the glass shards on the floor. I took a closer look at the bottle pieces and smiled, I looked over to Henrik, and he looked at me confused.

"Marvin... Vhy are you smiling?" He asked. "Because the liquid that was in that bottle was a potion.... A shrinking potion." I smirked. Henrik's eyes widened but then he smirked. "If it vas Anti...." I could tell he was getting excited. "Yes Henrik, if it indeed was him, he's shrunk to maybe an inch."

Henrik smiled and said, "Ve could experiment on him!" I nodded my head.

Anti's pov

When I heard that I was an inch tall, I gasped lightly. I could sort of see their faces, they looked excited. I covered my mouth with both of my hands to keep me from screaming in terror when Henrik mentioned doing experiments on me...

"He couldn't have gone far. So he's probably still in here." They started searching the room for me. I started backing up as Henrik got closer to where I was. His foot landed right next to me, and I screamed out of instinct.

My eyes widened as he bent down and looked at me. I started hyperventilating as he grabbed me with two fingers, one on my back and one on my abdomen. "Marvin! I found him!" I didn't like how excited he sounded. Marvin walked over and smirked at me.

I started shaking as they looked down on me. I know they want to hurt me... Torture me, like I did to them years ago. "Great! What should we do to him? Actually.. can I see him for a moment?" Marvin asked smirking at me. Henrik handed me to Marvin and left... But before Henrik left I heard Marvin. "

I kinda like the idea of experimenting on him, get the stuff ready?" Henrik smiled and nodded. When he left Marvin lifted me up to his eyes. I started hyperventilating like crazy again.

He just smirked some more at me. "Beg me for mercy." He growled out... "W what?" I whispered, he lifted me high above his head. He looked up at me and opened his mouth.

"NONONONONO PLEASE DON'T!!! I'M SORRY!" Marvin just laughed, then said, "Don't worry, you'll pay for the torture you gave us..." He lowered me again.

He then left and went to Henrik's lab, I whimpered when I saw all sorts of metal tools with sharp points, and syringes filled with weird looking liquids. I was petrified of what they were going to do to me.

Jackie's pov

I saw Marvin holding something and walking to Henriks lab. I used my powers to turn invisible and followed him in, curious on what they were doing. I saw Marvin place something down on a table and put tape over it to stop it from struggling? While they were talking I went over to the table and my mouth dropped open. It was anti!

But he was tiny.... I got a sick feeling in my stomach as I realized they were getting ready to experiment on him. Marvin and Henrik were still talking so I gently grabbed anti, and before he could scream I teleported us to my room. Anti looked confused, I placed him down on my dresser and turned visible.

He gasped and tried to backpedal away. "Anti?" He whimpered when I walked closer. "Hey, I'm not going to hurt you. I promise" "You're lying... You hate me too for the shit I did in the past.."

I gently picked him up and he started struggling. I brought him to my chest in a hug. "Anti... I've been watching you for a while.." "What?" He said confused.

"I've seen you try to change for the better. I can tell you're regretful of what you did in the past. It's called the past for a reason. I couldn't let them experiment on you like that." I felt him trying to hug me. "You want to tell me how you got like this?"

Anti's pov
I told him how I got like this, he told me everything would be ok and he would protect me. "Thanks, by the way, for getting me out of there." "Of course anti!" He said. I sighed in relief. I suddenly heard knocking on Jackie's door and heard Marvin's voice.

Jackie smiled nervously at me before putting me in his mouth and swallowing me... I was confused at first, but realized he was storing me to protect me. I heard their conversation.

Marvin's pov

When I was done talking to Henrik, I turned back to make sure anti was still there, but he wasn't. I used my magic to see what happened. Jackie took him, I went to his room and knocked. He opened his door a couple seconds later. "Where is he" I asked annoyed. He looked at me confused,

"Who are you talking about?" "Stop lying to me, I know you took anti. Why?" "Marvin I can't let you guys experiment on him, it's not right and he's changed." I just burst out laughing

"Sure. Anti changed. Did you forget what he did to us!? He's a monster!! He deserves to die!" Jackie gasped and pushed me out of his room and slammed the door in my face.

I just teleported in, "Jackie. Give. Him. To. Me. Now." I growled out. He just went over and locked his door, I them started shrinking. I tried using my powers to grow back, but they didn't work.

"You don't believe me?" He asked, "Then ask him yourself." He lifted me above his head and my eyes grew wide as I knew what he was doing.

Pretty soon I was in storage with anti, he looked confused and scared. I growled at him and he backed up. "M Marvin wait.."

I ignored him and walked closer. "Please! I I'm s s sorry for everything!" I just scoffed. I felt some of my power coming back and when I grabbed his hand to kill him, I saw everything he did to us.

I also saw a lot of him sleeping and waking up abruptly, crying and shaking. Then I viewed his nightmares and fears. I let go of his hand and gasped backing away.

Jackie and anti were telling the truth... And Henrik and I were about to..... Tears formed in my eyes. I could tell Jackie knew I was sorry and he started coughing us out.

He dried us off when I noticed anti looked sad. I hugged him and asked "What's wrong anti?" He sighed and looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"When you grabbed my hand... I saw all of the terrible things I did to you and everybody. I I...." He sighed "I don't deserve to live." Me and Jackie gasped, I hugged anti even tighter now.

"Anti please don't say that, it was wrong of me to try and experiment on you. Everyone's made mistakes, I forgive you." He gently hugged back. Jackie placed me back on the ground and grew me back to normal height. I gently took anti and hugged him to my chest.

Anti's pov

When Marvin grew back to normal, he hugged me to his chest. I asked him something. "H hey... Do you have a way to get me back to normal?" I asked hopefully. I saw him bite his lip, uh oh. "Anti, I'm sorry. I don't know how to get you back to normal. I I I'm so so sorry." I felt a pit in my stomach. "Hey, anti. It's ok, they'll trust you with time."

A few years later

Everyone has forgiven me and I've become a part of the family. I still couldn't get back to normal size, but that was ok. I'm happier then ever.

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