Shrunken Anti x Marvin ( freedom )

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A/N: So I sort of made up a character.....I call him Glitch, he's the evil side to Anti. Anti never wanted to hurt the others but glitch would possess him and do horrible things to the rest of the egos. Anti would have no idea what happened because he would blackout whenever glitch possessed him, that is until glitch would tell him what he did. He threatened anti to not tell the others or he would kill them while Anti watched.

Marvin's pov

I had shrunken anti and was trying to find him. He had infuriated me by stealing multiple things from me and burning them in front of me. Luckily I knew a spell that would let me get rid of him for good. I shrunk him and he started running, I laughed and tried to find him.

Anti's pov

Shit shit shit!!! I don't even know what happened!!! Why did he shrink me! The last thing I remember was standing outside his door getting ready to ask him something, when I blacked out.

Then the next thing I know I'm only 2 inches tall and running from Marvin. I'm running as fast as I can, when his foot slams down infront of me I whimpered and ran the other way and under his nightstand.

I started hyperventilating hoping he doesn't find me, I don't know what he wants from me.

Marvin started walking around his room slowly, like he knew where I was but searching every place I wasn't on purpose.  He was terrifying me so much, I let out a small whimper which apparently he heard.

I heard him let out a dark chuckle as he slowly walked over to me. "Oh're going to pay for what you've done."

I saw his face come into view and he had his fangs bared in a face went pale as I just now remembered that Marvin is a predator.

I tried to run away again but his hand shot forward and grabbed me at an alarming speed. He pulled me out from under the nightstand and lifted me up to his face.

"How should I torture you?" "Please! I don't even know what I did!" Marvin growled at me and he used his magic to show me what happened.

He had a fireplace in his room and I saw myself standing in front of it holding some of Marvin's things.

For one his spell book, and some other things, Marvin himself was tied up to the side forcing to watch as I threw his spell book into the fire. He was yelling at me and begging me not to do it, When did this happen?

I started to put the pieces together and realized glitch did this.... oh god. Marvin looked at me angerily, "You've done a lot of shit over the years...but this is the last straw for me. I'm gonna kill you~"

As soon as he said that his stomach growled and I saw him light up and smirk at me. No no no, I'm going to die....tears gathered in my eyes as he lifted me to his mouth.

Marvin's pov

I'm not going to kill him, I only said that to scare him even more. When I was lifting his to my mouth I noticed he had tears in his eyes, I pulled him away.

"Any last words before I digest your pathetic miniscule form?" I decided to keep teasing him, but part of me is saying that I'm taking it too far. To my surprise he nodded his head,

"I'm so sorry.... for everything. For letting this happen for so long.....for not telling you about him, I had to protect you guys from him." I was so confused what the hell is he talking about? He continued.

"I never wanted this to happen, I never wanted to hurt you guys. He threatened to kill you guys, if I didn't let him-.......fuck I'm putting you all in danger by telling you any of this." 

I had to know what he was talking about, I have this power where I can see someone's past and what's happened.

I placed my finger on his head and I was suddenly in his memory's, I was outside his room. It sounded like he was arguing with someone,  I teleported in the room to see what was going on.

3rd person pov

Anti was standing in front of what looked to be a clone of himself, "T̶h̴e̸y̶'̷r̸e̸ ̷n̸o̶t̶ ̶g̵o̴i̶n̷g̸ ̸t̶o̵ ̴b̴e̴l̸i̶e̵v̷e̷ ̶y̵o̸u̸ ̸a̸n̸y̴w̸a̸y̵s̶,̷ ̴t̵h̴e̸y̸ ̷h̴a̴t̷e̸ ̴y̵o̶u̴r̴ ̷g̶u̸ts." "Once I tell them-" Glitch cut anti off.

"T̵e̵l̸l̸ ̸t̸h̶e̸m̴?̶" Glitch laughed " ̵N̵o̸ ̴n̸o̵ ̴n̶o̴,̵ ̴I̴ ̶c̶a̷n̴'̷t̸ ̸h̵a̶v̸e̴ ̷t̶h̵a̵t̶.̸ ̷I̵f̴ ̵y̷o̴u̶ ̸t̴e̴l̵l̷ ̵t̸h̷e̷m̴ ̷a̴n̸y̷t̷h̵i̷n̵g̷ ̴I̷ ̷w̸i̸l̶l̴ ̵k̴i̵l̸l̸ ̶t̴h̵e̶m̷ ̸i̷n̶f̷r̴o̵n̸t̶ ̸o̸f̵ ̵y̷o̴u̸.̷" Anti froze up, "No, No you can't, please!"

"Y̵o̸u̴ ̷r̸e̶a̴l̷l̶y̸ ̶a̶r̷e̶ ̸p̶a̶t̷h̸e̶t̴i̸c̴,̸ ̶d̶o̴n̷'̷t̷ ̵w̷o̷r̵r̸y̶ ̵I̶ ̶w̴o̵n̷'̴t̸ ̶h̶u̴r̶t̶ ̸t̵h̴e̴m̷.̴.̴.̴.̸ ̵Y̴O̶U̵ ̵w̴i̸l̷l̵.̶" Suddenly Anti looked terrified as glitch suddenly disappeared as Anti held his head in pain.

"No no no, Please don't do this!!" He squint his eyes shut and opened them to reveal pitch black. "H̷a̵h̷a̶h̸a̴,̵ ̴n̴o̸w̷ ̷t̵i̵m̵e̷ ̴t̵o̸ ̴r̴u̵i̸n̷ ̵h̴i̴s̵ ̴l̶i̷f̵e̸"

Marvin's pov

I gasped for air as my senses came back. I looked at Anti but he was gone! I looked across my room to see that weird clone swallow something and then rub his stomach.

I was livid, I grabbed my wand and pointed it at him. "HEY! Let him go right now!!" He took a step towards me "O̷o̷h̸ ̴s̷o̶m̴e̸o̵n̷e̴ ̵j̸e̶a̸l̷o̴u̷s̸ ̴t̶h̶e̴y̴ ̶d̴i̶d̴n̷'̴t̸ ̷f̶i̶n̵i̴s̵h̷ ̵h̸i̵m̶ ̵o̶f̴f̴ ̴f̵i̴r̴s̸t̶?̷"

He then made a pouty face and laughed, I've had enough of this.....I used a teleportation spell to get Anti out of there and into my hand.

The clone growled, I froze him in place so he couldn't move, he tried to and started yelling. I cast a spell to shut him up, by this time everyone was in my room, including Seán.

I walked out with Anti in my hand and talked to the others, I walked a little down the hallway. "Anti?" I called to him softly, he was crying, I brought him up to my eyes but he refused to look at me.

I lifted his head up with my finger so he had no choice but to look in my eyes, "It's ok, I'm not going to hurt you. Who is that?"

Anti's pov

I was quiet when he asked me that....I dont know what to tell him, I don't want to get him killed.

He seemed to know why I was quiet though. "Hey, he can't kill me, I promise it's going to be fine."

I sniffled a little and nodded my head. "His name is Glitch, he, he-" Marvin shushed me and told me of his power and what he saw. We started walking back over to the others, I whimpered and Marvin stopped.

"Hey it'll be fine, I'll explain everything to them." I nodded still pretty nervous if they would forgive me or not. As marvin was telling them everything I zoned out until I got handed to jackie.

Marvin went into his room, I looked up at Jackie terrified, I heard some shouts then it was quiet. Marvin came out, "He's gone, for good."

He smiled at me...that's when it hit me, glitch is really gone. I started breaking down, crying happy tears, Marvin then took me and went back into his room.

He placed me on the ground and grew me back to normal, he then hugged me tight. I started spewing out apologies, but Marvin stopped me.

"it's ok, you were trying to protect us from him." "But he hurt you guys anyways." I walked outside and suddenly everyone hugged me.

"Y you guys aren't mad at me?" "Of course not, he was possessing you, you weren't in control." I can't believe that they don't blame me for what happened, I finally have newfound freedom.

We lived in peace ever since.

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