Tiny marvin x shrunken Pati

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Pati's pov

"Marvin?" I called throughout the house, I was looking for him curious of what he was up to. I wandered into his room and looked around for him, I went to leave because I didn't see him but I stopped as I thought I heard my name being called out, but it sounded distant...

I turned back around and scanned the room again. I caught slight movement coming from near his desk, so I walked over. As I got closer I saw what looked like a tiny person, I rubbed my eyes to see if I was hallucinating, I wasn't.

I bent down and it backed away, once I got a closer look I realized that it's Marvin! "Woah... M Marvin?" He nodded his head "What happened?"

He explained how he accidentally shrunk himself and needed his book to get back to normal. I nodded and got what I thought was the right book, I opened to a vague page that had growing and shrinking.

I gently placed the book in front of Marvin he briefly looked the page over before speaking in what sounded like Latin. Suddenly everything around me started to grow, my eyes widened in shock and worry.

I stopped at about the same height that Marvin was at, suddenly I was next to him on the desk and he was crying a little. "I I'm so sorry!" He buried his head in his hands "I'm so stupid.... I have no idea what I'm doing..."

I placed my hand on his shoulder and he looked up at me with tears in his eyes. "It's ok, we all make mistakes sometimes. I forgive you." I hugged him and rubbed his back to comfort him.

Marvin's pov

I don't know how she can be so nice to me still, I accidentally shrunk her as well...just then a thought crossed my mind, What if Anti finds us? Oh no, no no, I pulled away and looked at Pati terrified.

"What if Anti comes in here and finds us?" She just smiled at me, "It's going to be ok, maybe he can help us!" I looked at her dumbfounded, "Are you crazy? Anti wouldn't help us, he'd probably kill us."

Pati was about to say something when I heard a knock at my door, and then Anti's voice, I pulled Pati with me to a hiding spot.

Pati's pov

Does no one really see that Anti has changed? He's not the same monster as he was years ago. He walked into the room and Marvin looked even more scared then before.

"Mavin? Have you seen.....- Marvin?" He looked around confused He turned to leave and I walked to the middle of the desk, "Anti!!" He turns back and looks around again, then he spotted me his shocked face soon turned into one of confusion.

"Pati...?" I nodded my head, he got on his knees to be face level with me. "What happened to ya?" I explained how I was searching for Marvin and found him shrunken, and that he accidentally shrunk me as well. "Hmmm. Where is he?" "Hiding."

I walked over to Marvin and dragged him out, he looked at Anti with fear, while backing up, clearly afraid of him. Anti looked a little saddened that Marvin's afraid of him, I mean he has changed.

Anti's pov

I was sad that Marvin is terrified of me, but I tried not to let it show. "Ok, we need to figure out how to fix this. Any ideas?"

Marvin stayed silent, but Pati spoke up. "Well, his spell book got us shrunken in the first place so why not try that?"

I nodded my head and looked around for the spell book, I eventually found it and found the growing spell. I picked up Pati and Marvin, and placed them on the floor so that they would have space when they grow back to normal.

I read over the spell in my head a couple times to make sure I got it right, and started reciting the spell.

When I was finished I opened my eyes and sighed in relief when they were normal size, I looked to make sure that's what happened and I didn't accidentally shrink myself as well.

They were indeed back to normal, I hugged Pati and I left.....not wanting to bother Marvin more then I already had.

Marvin's pov

I was shocked when he actually helped us grow back, Pati saw the shocked expression on my face. "I told you he would help us." "But why? I'm still not convinced that he really changed....."

Pati looked at me a little angrily. "If he hadn't change, he would've killed us the moment he saw us, but he helped. If that isn't enough proof for you......then you're too stubborn and blind to see that he's changed for the better."

She then walked out of my room to presumably find Anti, I thought about what she said and started thinking some things over. He hasn't  hurt us in a long time, a couple years at this point, Me and everyone else just thought he was planning for his next attack on us.

He's also been quiet and distant, maybe he doesn't want to bother us........ I finally came to the conclusion that Anti has indeed changed, I left my room to tell the others.

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