Shrunken Anti x Shrunken reader x Pred Dark (Vore)

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Darks pov

I was done with anti's shit, so to get back at him I decided to shrink his friend and crush to just a couple inches. I believe their name is y/n, I smirked and picked them up and teleported away. I put them under a glass cup and went back to bed, I also believe that y/n has a crush on anti...this is going to be fun.

I was about to go back to sleep but I got another idea, I teleported to his house and shrunk him as well, taking away his powers so he can't do anything to stop me. I brought him back to my place and thankfully he was still sleeping, I put him in a glass in the kitchen and then got some sleep.

- Time skip -

When I woke up the next morning
Y/n was still asleep, I smirked to myself and stretched then made my way to the kitchen to wake up anti and let the fun begin. On my way to the kitchen I passed a clock on the wall that read 10 am, Anti should definitely be up by now. As I neared the kitchen, I heard anti banging on the glass he was trapped in, my smirk got wider as I walked to where he was.

He saw me and instantly stopped, I saw his face turn pale and I chuckled to myself. As I got closer to him he started hyperventilating, I just rolled my eyes and stood in front of his trembling form staring into his soul. I bent down to be eye level with him and he backed up in fear, I smiled at this. "Hello~" "D dark? W what did y you do?" He asked shaking, I smirked and he paled even more. "What does it look like I did?" "W why s shrink me....? What do you want from me?"

I smiled wickedly at him and he backed up until his back hit the glass wall behind him. "To watch you suffer." He looked so confused, then realized what I meant. He was about to speak but I cut him off. "You wanna know how I'm gonna do that?" I chuckled before continuing, "By. Torturing. Y/n." His eyes widened and I smirked at him again. "That's right I have them here as well."

Anti's pov

My eyes widened and I started internally panicking, there's no way he's telling the truth... He can't be!!! "Y you're lying!" I tried desperately to think of excuses of how he could be lying to me. "You don't believe me? Well then... I'll just have to prove you wrong." He said menacingly, the lid on my jar was suddenly screwed off.

I looked up in terror as his hand reached in to grab me, he made a fist around my body and started walking somewhere. We got to his bedroom and I gasped when he opened the door, sitting under a glass on darks dresser was Y/n. I tried to teleport to them but my powers weren't working.....this can't be happening. I noticed that Y/n started to wake up, they screamed when they saw dark. Then they looked at me worriedly, they started hyperventilating and crying slightly.

Dark harshly put me down on the dresser and placed Y/n's glass over me and then picked up Y/n. I started banging on the glass, "Please stop!! Why are you doing this?!" He just chuckled, "Because I hate you."

He said simply, "I get that, but why rope Y/n into this?!" "Because I know you care about them. And they care about you." He held them in a fist and started squeezing them, they yelled out in pain. "PLEASE!! I'll do whatever you want!!! Just please don't hurt them!"

He seemed to think for a bit before his face lit up like he just thought of an idea. He brought them down to where his stomach is and lifted his shirt then pressed them against it. I started hyperventilating not wanting to think of what he was going to do with them. His stomach suddenly growled and they screamed in fear as Dark just laughed, he then lifted them above his head and opened his mouth.

"St stop!!! Please!" I yelled. "Have anything to say Y/n before I drop you?" They nodded their head and looked at me, "I love you anti." Dark chuckled then said "Say goodbye anti." He let go of them and they started falling, "No NO Y You CAN'T." He closed his mouth after they were fully in, he hummed and my gut churned.

Y/n's pov

I woke up to Dark holding anti, but dark was fucking massive, Next thing I know I'm in darks hands and anti is under the glass on his dresser. He squeezed me harshly and I heard Anti trying to make a deal with him, but then dark got an idea.

I was suddenly brought down to where his stomach is and my face was pressed against it. I heard it growling and gurgling waiting for it's next meal, which I didn't want to believe would be me or anti, but it most likely will.

I screamed in fear, when he brought me back up to his face, he lifted me above his head and opened his mouth. Anti tried to get him to stop, but he wouldn't listen. Dark asked if I wanted to say anything, "I love you anti." I knew I wasn't going to make it out a alive, he dropped me and when I was fully in his mouth he closed his mouth, the last thing I saw was anti's tear stained face.

I was suddenly shrouded in darkness, pretty soon I was covered in thick, sticky saliva as Dark was moving me around his mouth and pressing me to his cheeks. He tipped his head back and I started sliding to the back of his mouth and towards his throat, I tried to climb back to the front of his mouth but his tongue started pushing me into his throat. My legs got trapped in his throat, he obviously knew this because he starts swallowing me.

With every swallow I get pulled deeper down inside of him, I suddenly felt pressure I assume that it's darks finger. He must be caressing me from the outside, I started struggling and hyperventilating, soon I fell into a huge space which I assumed was his stomach I didn't really feel the acids that much yet.

Anti's pov

I saw him tilt his head back and I was crying at this point, I noticed he started swallowing. He suddenly grabbed me and lifted me to his throat where there was a bulge, he pressed me against it. I was too scared to move or talk, he swallowed again with me pressed up to his neck.....the bulge slowly moved down.

He moved me away from it a little only to trace the bulge they were making down to his stomach, my eyes widened with fear realizing the reality of this situation. Y/n and I are going to die....dark then lifted me above his head and opened his mouth, I screamed in terror.

Darks pov

I lifted anti above my head and he screamed in terror, it was beautiful. I just laughed lightly and loosened my grip on him a little to make him even more terrified. He whimpered a little, I rolled my eyes and smirked while dropping him in.

He tried crawling out but I closed my mouth quickly before he could. I hummed in satisfaction at how he squirmed around and at his taste, I could feel his fear and it was amazing. "D dark please...." I chuckled knowing where I was going to take this.

"Please what? Please swallow me to my death?" I chuckled again "If you insist...." I tilted my head back and started swallowing him having the time of my life. He started screaming for me to stop, but I ignored him and kept swallowing. I had put them in storage and laid down to sleep, I could feel them panicking when I started to snore.

Y/n's pov

Anti soon joined me, we hugged and then felt Dark laying down. I started to panic when I soon heard snoring. "A anti....what are we going do?" I asked scaredly. "I....I don't know." He whispered, I sat down and just accepted that I'm going to die. Anti sat down next to me and asked me a question.

"Did you really mean what you said? Th that you love me.....?" I looked to him and he was blushing, I hugged him close then kissed him on the lips, "Does that answer your question?" I giggled out, suddenly Anti started glowing, my eyes widened and so did his. "I think I have my powers back!" He gasped.

Anti's pov

I grabbed y/n's hand and tried teleporting, and it worked! We were back home, I then used my power to grow us back to normal. I hugged y/n and passionately kissed them, "I love you too y/n."

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