Shrunken Anti x Marvin ( Unaware vore )

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Anti's pov

I was walking around, trying to find something fun to do, when I noticed that Marvin's bedroom door was cracked open. I smirked as I peaked in and saw him sitting at his desk studying.

He got up and I turned invisible, he walked out and towards the kitchen. I smirked and teleported into his room and tried to set something up to prank him with.

While I was glitching around I accidentally bumped into his bookshelf, it shook a little but then stopped. I sighed in relief but I noticed a potion was still shaking a bit, it was on the top shelf above me and I looked up.

The potion fell over and a small drop fell out and onto me, nothing happened so I rolled my eyes and put it back where it was, which was the worst mistake I could have ever made.

I turned around to continue what I was doing, I suddenly got an excruciating headache. I held my head and groaned, I closed my eyes to block out the pain. When I opened my eyes I froze, my heart stopped, and my eyes widened...everything was massive.

I calmed down and tried to use my powers to grow back but they weren't working! I started panicking again, I heard Marvin coming back into his room.

I panicked again and ran to his desk, I noticed he came in holding a drink of some kind, he placed it down on his desk and walked back out. My curiosity got the better of me and I started climbing his desk to see what it was.

I made it up to the top and walked over to the cup he had, I couldn't see what was in it since I was so small. Remember when I said putting the potion back was the worst mistake I could've ever made?

Yeah....I was wrong.

My curiosity was basically controlling me, I climbed the cup and looked wasn't anything special...just water. I sighed in boredom, I went to climb down, when Marvin closed his door hard.

It spooked me and I ended up falling in, I gasped as I surfaced and coughed out water. I saw him sit back down and go back to studying, I tried to get his attention, but he didn't notice me because I'm so small.

I'm just sitting here, trying to find a way out of this mess. The glass walls are too high and slippery for me to climb up. I sigh, not knowing what to do...I start to get a bit thirsty myself and cup my hands in the water and drink some of it.

My body gets thrown against the glass as apparently Marvin had the same idea...I start panicking and freaking out as he grabbed the glass. I try to call out to him but notice he's wearing earbuds....shit!

Why today does he decide to listen to music while studying!! I try swimming around so he might see me, but he's not even looking at the glass. He starts drinking and I panic and try to swim, but he seems to be chugging the glass like a maniac.

I whimper and scream out his name, he stops and I get hopefully that he heard me. He removes an ear bud and looks around "Hello?"

I try to get his attention again but he just shrugs, my gut turns to water as he puts the ear bud back in. "No!" I see him reach for his phone and I get an idea, why don't I text him and ask for help that way?!

Altough my heart sinks when I realize my phone was in my pocket this entire time and is now destroyed because of the water. I want to scream for him again because he seemed to hear me last time, but he had grabbed his phone to turn up the volume on his music.

He then goes back to chugging the water and I get pulled closer and closer,  he opens his mouth to gulp down more water and I get pushed in.

He immediately swallowed and I got pushed down with it, within the next few minutes I was in his stomach. I whimper as the rest of the water gets dumped on me and I look around frightened.

His stomach growls a bit and I hyperventilate, realizing I'm going to die here...and no one would even know what happened to me. I sit there for a while, trying to contemplate if I should try climbing out or not.

Suddenly my world flips and I hear a yawn and panic even more...I feel him shift around a bit before stopping. I hyperventilate as I then begin to hear soft snores, emanate from him.

I figured I could wait until morning to try an get his attention again because with nothing in here to digest...the acids arent working...but then I hear him get up?

Stuff suddenly falls on me and I look around, my eyes widen as he had just eaten a cookie and some milk. "No no no no!"

The acids suddenly kick into full gear and I hear him snoring again, tears begin to crawl down my face as I know I'm fucked. I start to get churned as his body tries to break me down as the acids grow hotter and hotter.

I whimper in pain as the acids do their job, I can feel them eating away at me. I curl up and sob as I know I'm going to die here soon.

A/n poor anti...anyway I hope you all are doing well. I might not be able to post often over the summer. I got a job at a summer camp working in the kitchen. So I won't have a lot of free time. Soo...sorry in advance for the lack of uploads 🤷🏽‍♀️ Have a great day guys!!

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