Shrunken Mark x Jack pt 2

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!!Refer to first book for part one, this story won't make sense if you haven't read the first part!!


Previously on..... Shrunken Mark x Jack

He disappeared into a hole in the wall that I never noticed, I sat down on my bed and silently started to cry.

I heard glitchy giggling and I snapped my head up to meet Anti, he was smiling wickedly and slowly walking towards me.

I knew he had something to do with this " WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!?!?!" I screamed at him, he just laughed and I passed out.

Now onto the story

Marks Pov

I ran away from Séan as fast as I could. I dont trust him anymore, he says he won't hurt me...but he's the reason I'm stuck like this. He smashed the gun in front of me, he doesn't care about me.

I thought he cared about me, I was his friend! But apparently years of friendship meant nothing. I ended up in the walls and stopped to catch my breath, silent tears escaped my eyes as I realize I'm doomed.

I'm going to die here, out of starvation....or by Séan...I shook my head not wanting to think about it. I eventually found a little room? What? Well its a place ro hide, so I'll take it. I sat up against one of the walls to think of a solution to this.

Séans pov

Dream sequence:
The last thing I remember is passing out infront of Anti. I wake up and everything around me is massive, I walk around for a bit when I hear laughter surround me. I frantically look around knowing who that laugh belongs to.

I can't see Anti anywhere, something suddenly wraps around me and pulls me up. I look at whats wrapped around me, and its a giant hand! I turn as white as a ghost when I realize its Anti's hand. I start to hyperventilate and he just smirks at me, I try to speak. "Anti...what did you do?"

He doesn't respond, he just keeps smirking at me...he then loosens his grip and I gasp, looking down below me. Bad idea! Its a long way down, a drop from this height means death. I beg and plead with him but he keeps loosening his grip.

He lets go completely, I'm falling through the air wondering how can this be fair? 😉

End of dream sequence

I gasp and wake up, looking around...I notice everything is massive, just like my dream. I whimper as I feel the ground shake beneath me, fear is coursing through my blood and body. I'm still in the bedroom, the door swings open and Anti steps in and notices me instantly.

He smirks at me, just like the dream, he picks me up and drops me in his palm. I backpedal away from him before confronting him again. "Anti...what did you do?" He giggles a bit before answering. "Oh nothing~ Just ruining your friendship with Mark."

I glare at him. "What. Did. You. Do!" Flashes fill my head with what he did, it explains why Mark is scared of me. He thinks I destroyed thd gun, he thinks I hate him. I growl at Anti. "Why would you do this! What the hell is wrong with you?! Apparently I shouldn't have said that because he growls back at me.

He lifts me higher and higher, right up to his toxic green eyes. "Fuck you! You are the reason I'm like this! You made me! And I resent you for it." His grip loosens and I scream a bit. "Woah! Hey stop!" He laughs again. He releases me and I fall back into his palm, I have trouble breathing because the wind got knocked out of me.

He laughs at my pain but finally puts me on the ground, he smirks at me. "You better run~ Because if I find you, you are going to be dead~" He laughs evilly and I immediately start running away from him. I found a hole in the wall and run towards it, I hear his footsteps getting closer and I run faster, I just made it.

I keep running but buml into someone, he falls back and grunts. "I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" I actually look at him and... "Mark?" He immediately gets up and runs away, I run after him. "Mark! Wait!"

Marks pov

I was walking around, getting used to my surroundings when something bumps into me. I fall back and grunt, when I hear Seáns voice. I panic and run away from him, scared he's going to hurt me. He calls after me, but I dont stop.

I run back to the room I found, hoping he's not following still, I get to the room and lean against one of the walls to catch my breath. Seán runs into the room and over to me, I brace myself to het attacked but instead he hugged me? He then started to speak.

"Mark...I can explain everything. Please believe was Anti who smashed the gun...he possessed me. It was also him in the dream you had. Mark...I would never hurt you intentionally like are my friend, Anti did this to try and ruin our friendship, because he wants to hurt me." He had teads in his eyes, I dont know what to believe.

I dont want to believe him, but his tears are too real. I sigh and he looks hopeful. "I want to believe you...I do...but, I know what I saw...I'm sorry...but I can't be friends with you anymore." He looked crushed and heartbroken, I turn to leave when suddenly I'm teleportrd somewhere.

I look around and notice I'm on a hand, I look up and see Anti...I gasp and back away from him while he smirks. "Aww...whats the matter? Didn't believe your fwiend?" He mocks. "He's not my friend...he did this to me." Anti cackles. "Wow! You really are stupid, I can't believe my plan actually worked!"

I look at him confused, but he's still smirking at me. "News flash! He was telling the truth~" I gasp and feel horrible now. "Too bad you won't get to see him ever again." "What?" He suddenly lifts me to his face and licks his lips! My heart leaps into my throat and I start struggling.

Seáns pov

Mark turns and I just fall to my knees, tears streaming down my face...Anti won...Suddenly Mark disappears. I gasp and instantly start running from where I came from, I get to the hole and see Anti lick his lips. Fear washes over me...I have to do something, I run out onto the dresser.

"Stop!" Anti looks at me and smirks. "Well isnt this nice? You came to save him! The only way to save by taking his place as my snack~"

I freeze, but so does Anti...he grunts and sets Mark down near me we hug and Mark apologizes to me, Anti grunts again and he seems to be in pain. Me and Mark blink, and suddenly everything changes. We are back to normal, but now Anti is the one who's tiny.

Marks pov

Seán and I look at each other and smirk, we look down at Anti, he doesn't seem scared yet, we'll be sure to change that. I pick him up and place him in palm. "How the tables turn~" He rolls his eyes. "Please, you're too nice to hurt me, besides you can't hurt me."

I smirk at him. "Oh really?" I flick him with my finger, he flies back a little, he glares at me. He growls at me, but I can see the underlying fear forming, he's trying to hide it. I then pin him down with my finger and start adding pressure.

His eyes widen a bit and I can see more fear creeping into him, he's finally getting to see what its like to be the victim for once. I remove my finger when Seán taps my shoulder.

"Hey!" He whispers so Anti can't hear him. "He was going to eat us...lets give him a "taste" of his own medicine." I smirk and then look back at Anti.

"What were you saying about us never seeing each other again? And you said something about us being...what was it again? Oh! Right! The word I'm looking for is snacks~"

I lick my lips and see him freeze, I pinch his torso in-between two fingers, and lift him up towards my face. He yelps a bit and its clear he's scared.

Anti's pov

I yelp as he lifts me up, I'm terrified right now. I start to hyperventilate as he lifts me higher and higher towards his face and mouth. He laughs a bit and opens his mouth. I become more terrified as I realize he's serious about this, I look over to Seán.

"Seán! Do something! Make him stop!" He just looks at me. "And why should I? You were going to do the exact same thing to us." I whimper a bit as he moves me closer. "You're not just going to let this happen! Right?"

He doesn't respond and just keeps smirking at me. My heart is beating out of my chest, before I can say anything else, he puts me in his mouth and traps me. Slow tears finally crawl down my face, realizing I'm going to die, I let out a choked sob and close my eyes preparing for death.

Without warning I suddenly get swallowed. I'm now in his stomach...I just curl up and silently cry.

Marks pov

I keep him in my mouth to make him even more scared, Seán has been quiet this entire time so I forgot he was here. He tapped my shoulder and I instinctively swallowed, I pale and turn, he's also pale.

"D...did you...did you just swallow him?" "I didnt mean to!" I start to hyperventilate, panicking. "What do we do? do I get him out?!" "I don't know! Try spitting him up?" I nod and immediately start trying to spit him up, I eventually cough him into my hand, he's curled around himself.

He's looking at me fearfully, I go to comfort him but he flinches away. "NO! Stop! I'm sorry! Just...please don't put me back in..." I feel worse as he shakes and tries to back away again, I sigh and gently place Anti on the ground.

He immediately runs behind Seán...almost like a scared looks a little weird since he's only about 2 inches tall.

Seán notices and turns towards him. "Anti?" "Please...please don't let him take me." He whimpers out

Seáns pov

I carefully pick him up, wondering why he's not scared of me. I bring him up to my chest and he curls into my while crying, Mark looked guilty. Mark goes to speak, but Anti speaks first. "I'm sorry." Mark and I look confused, he continues. "I'm sorry for what I did, for everything I've done..."

I sigh and gently run his back with my finger. "Anti." Mark begins. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that, I..I didn't mean to swallow you. I got spooked and instinctively swallowed. I know you don't trust me, and probably won't for a while. Again...I'm sorry."

Anti only whimpers in response, and nods his head. Mark then turned and walked away, leaving me Anti for a while. "Anti? Why-why are you not scared of me?" Anti shrugs.

"I...I don't know...I...I just feel safe with you right now. I don't know if it's because I'm tiny now...or that I feel safe because you made me and brought me to life."

Anti is still curled into my chest and crying slightly. He eventually looks up at me with tears in his eyes. "Seán...I'm sorry for everything I've done to you and Mark...I...I'm a...a monster..."

He sniffles a bit, but continues. "I honestly don't know why Mark spit me up. I don't know why you guys didn't kill me. After all...I deserve it."

I gasp as tears start forming, I lift him to my cheek and hug him against my face. "Anti...please don't say that. You don't deserve to die. You've made mistakes, sure...but that doesn't mean you deserve to die or be killed. I have no idea what I would do if you died." He looked at me shocked, but I wasn't done.

"And you most certainly are not a monster. Don't ever think that. As for what you did in the past? I forgive you, its in the past." He got more tears in his eyes and then hugged me tighter.

"Thank you, I don't deserve your forgiveness." I look at him. "Sometimes people need a little kindness and forgiveness." "Seán...c..can we start over? I'm not sure how I shrunk like this...can I live with you?"

Anti's pov

I sigh, knowing I'm bothering him, I know he said he forgives me but I don't believe him. I know he hates me after everything I did to him. I just slowly and softly hug myself, knowing he won't want to take care of me...he'll probably throw me out like that trash I am.

"Anti?" Seán asks me, I whimper. He lifts my head with his finger to look him in the eyes. He smiles softly at me. "Of course I'll take care of you. You're apart of me Anti." I look at him shocked, he notices my shocked expression.

"Like I said, you are apart of me. I'm not just going to throw you out onto the streets. I'd be happy to take care of you." I wrap my tiny arms and legs around his index finger like a koala. "Thank you...I don't deserve it. Especially after everything I've done to you and Mark."

Seáns pov

I smile a little, he's actually kind of cute like this, I gently rub his head and back and he cuddles into my finger, I giggle a little. "Awww. You're too adorable like this Anti."

I see him blush a light shade of pink. I took care of him from then on, we've become close to each other and have become good friends. He eventually forgave Mark, and they became friends as well. Everything worked out in the end.

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