Shrunken Anti x pred jack ( vore ) featuring the septic egos

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Anti's pov

I have moments where I blackout in rage and it takes contol, when I wake up usually someone had gotten hurt. I tried to tell them this but they didn't want to believe me, they think I'm lying and trying to give excuses.

That's not the case though, I don't want to hurt them but when my anger takes over there's nothing I can do to stop it. I almost killed Seán one time.....apparently he only comes to the house when im not around, he hates me but, I'm trying to control my anger, it isn't working, until lately.

I now have my anger under control but the others still hate me and want me dead even though I'm not blacking out and hurting them anymore.

My day was going normal so far, I had just woken up so I went to the kitchen. As soon as I walked in everyone glared at me, I tried to ignore them but their eyes were like knives in my ironic.

I got a glass and poured some orange juice and walked out to sit on the couch before going back to my room. I had to use the bathroom suddenly, I put my glass on the coffee table and got up and made my way to the bathroom. I finished what I was doing and walked back to the couch and started drinking my OJ.

I finished and went to put my glass in the sink but when I stood up I got light headed. I groaned and started walking to the kitchen, hopefully it will go away soon. I had just put my glass in the sink and turned to go to my room when everyone was looking at me.

At the same time I noticed my hand was shaking as well, I wanted to get to my room but they were blocking the exit and I tried to get my glitching to work. "Don't even try, it's not going to work."

Marvin had smirked at me after saying that, I looked at him but my eyes widened in horror as he started to get!

I looked up and saw everyone was glaring at me while I shrunk. I started hyperventilating and my heart rate picked up, they could kill me so easily now and I know they want to.

I finally stopped shrinking and Jackie came closer to me, I turned and started running but something grabbed my ankle and I fell to my stomach as I got dragged up into the air.

Soon I saw his hand below me and the grip around my ankle loosened I gasped as I fell into jackies hand, I quickly sat up and started backpedaling. "Nuh uh uh~ You don't get to run~"

He smirked at me and I got a sick feeling in my stomach, I started hyperventilating again and they just came closer and laughed at me.

"Oh, don't worry you'll get plenty of torture where we're sending you~ Who knows he might even kill you." Marvin added, I saw Marvin pull out his wand, my breathing picked up again as I saw the tip glowing and then he pointed it at me. "NO WAIT-"

Blue and purple sparkles surrounded me as I was suddenly somewhere different. I didn't recognize this place at first, I seem to be in a living room, I felt something lightly touch my back. I sharply turned around and backed up a little, a cat...they seem familiar for some reas- ' no no!'

I started running to the couch as BB started to follow me, I made it under the safety of the couch as I saw his paw swipe under looking for me. Tears now started falling as I realized just how truly fucked I truly am.

My breathing was heavy and I was scared shitless, BB kept trying to swipe me with his paw. Pretty soon I felt the ground start to shake as Seán came into the living room. "BB....what are you doing?" When BB didn't stop he lifted him off the ground and looked under the couch and spotted me.

I slowly started backing up when he just stood and left? I'm so confused, I heard a door open... "Stay in here BB while I take care of this." The door closed and he came back and got on his knees and looked at me once again, he laid his hand palm up on the floor, I looked at him confused.

"Anti, come here. I won't hurt you." I didn't believe him but he smiled gently at me, my shaking calmed a little and I made the mistake of trusting him. As soon as I got close enough he made a fist around me and pulled me out and up to his smirking face, I paled.

"You really thought I wouldn't hurt you? After everything you've done?" He sat down on the couch and dangled me in front of his face, I started struggling...he just laughed lightly.

"S Seán? Please....just set me down..." "Hmm You really are scared aren't you?" I bit my lip as I nodded my head, he just chuckled again. "Good~ You deserve to be scared and in pain for once."

I gasped as his grip began to loosen a little, then let go completely. I landed in his hand and started gasping for air but that didn't last long because his finger came down on me and started adding pressure.

I groaned as the weight got to be almost too much, but he pushed down a little more and now I couldn't breathe. I was on the verge of passing out and he lifted his finger off of me, I gasped and started taking greedy gulps of air.

I was picked up by the back of my shirt again and lifted into the air, "Please stop..." He brought me closer to his face, and smirked. "What's that? Stop? Hmmm no. I'm going to enjoy your fear~"

I started hyperventilating, but my breath got caught in my throat as I heard what he said next. "Hmm you know what? I might just give you to BB as a cat toy. Let him rip you to shreds~" I paled again and almost had a panic attack. "N NO! Please, Seán don't!"

Seáns pov

Teasing him is so satisfying, I smirked at his reaction when I mentioned making him into a cat toy. Although, this nagging voice deep inside me is saying that this isn't right, that he doesn't deserve this. I pushed that feeling down deeper so I wouldn't feel it again, a thought came to my head and I decided to go through with it.

I'm a pred but Anti doesn't know that which makes this plan 10 times better. "You know..." I didn't continue and just lifted him above my head.

"Seán? W what are you d doing?" "I want to hear you cry and plead for mercy from deep inside me." I then ran my tounge against my top set of teeth and saw his eyes widen with fear.

Of course I'm not actually going to eat him, he'll be going to storage maybe. He started freaking out and pleading but I just smirked at him and then opened and dropped him. I slowly closed my mouth and started moving him around, he tasted amazing!

I couldn't hold myself back from mmmm- ing at his taste. My saliva started to build up a lot, I pinned him to the roof of my mouth facing my throat and swallowed the saliva.

I lowered him down and pushed him head first into my throat, I tilted my head back and placed two fingers on my throat and swallowed. I traced his wriggling form all the way down to my stomach, and then gently rubbed when he landed.

Anti's pov

He licked his teeth and my eyes widened with immense fear, before I could even say anything he opened his mouth and dropped me in. I turned to face the front and his lips slowly closed the light on me, trapping me in the dark.

I started to be pushed around by his massive tongue, I started sobbing realizing there is no escape from this, looks like the others would finally get their wish.

He slightly moaned at my taste and next thing I know the saliva is up to my knees and then he pinned me to the roof of his mouth. He had me facing his throat as I was forced to watch the muscles work to swallow the saliva.

I whimpered quietly knowing that I would be next, he lowered me down, but used his tounge to push me into his throat headfirst. I slid deeper as he tilted his head back, I felt a little bit of pressure from the outside as I suddenly got pulled down.

I finally started struggling even though I knew it was too late, it wouldn't help. As the walls pulsed and continued to drag me to my grave I started to think that I really do deserve this.

If I had just tried harder to get my anger under control...none of them would've gotten hurt, none of them would blame me for the shit that transpired. I finally slid into his stomach, I felt rubbing motions and realized just how much he enjoyed this.

I curled up against a wall and started sniffling and crying, my eyelids started to close against my will and I fell asleep for what was probably the last time.

- Dream -

I woke up in an unfamiliar environment, I looked around and saw Seán in front of me looking scared. We were the same size, I started backpedaling away from him not wanting to get hurt again.

He started walking closer to me, and an invisible force appeared behind me and I couldn't back away anymore. He got closer and closer, I braced for pain with my arms out in front of me with my eyes closed. "An-"

"Please don't hurt me again!! Please..." I started crying and shaking knowing he wouldn't listen anyways, he grabbed my arms and forced them down. I didn't want to open my eyes but they worked against me, I looked into his eyes and he was crying? Why?

"Anti...that's not me out there, well, ok yeah it is me and my body but I can't control what's happening. I I don't know what's going on, I just remember seeing you and telling you I wouldn't hurt you, when I got pushed back by something. Just something snapped when I saw you, I need help."

I just stared at him for a moment but he continued. "I've been forced to watch everything you've gone through..." He sighed and backed away. "Who am I kidding, you wouldn't help me after I pushed you probably don't even believe me do you?" I stood up and walked towards him, I took his hands in mine.

"I do believe you. I kind of know what it's like....all those times that I hurt you guys, I wasn't in control. My anger would completely take over and I would blackout when it happened. Although I never saw in the moment the carnage I did to you guys."

I hugged him and sobbed into his shoulder, "I'm so fucking sorry, I never wanted to hurt you's my fault you guys got hurt." He hugged back, "Hey, if what you're saying is true, then nothing that happened is your fault, you weren't in control. I need your help to get back control and save you." I pulled away and nodded my head.

"You have to take deep breaths and focus on positive things, or things that calm you down. If what snapped was your anger then it will fade and you can take control." He nodded and closed his eyes, he slowly started to fade away and I was left alone.

- End of dream -

Seáns pov

I opened my eyes and I was now in control, I sighed in relief but then remebered what happened, I gasped and started gagging to get him out. I'm praying to God that he isn't hurt, or worse...dead, I fortunately felt something in my throat and I spit what it was into my hands.

I sighed in relief again as Anti looked un-harmed, the anger must've sent him to storage. I grabbed a dry paper towel and gently started to dry him off, he woke up and looked at me. "Seán? Y you back in control?"

I nodded my head and hugged him to my chest, "Anti, I'm so sor-" "Hey, you weren't in control I know now that you never wanted this to happen. It's ok." I started rubbing his hair with one of my fingers and I heard him giggle a little.

I laughed lightly and then sat on the couch again, my eyes widened as I saw BB running towards me. How did he get out? Before I could even anything BB hopped up and...

...started sniffing him? Anti turned and looked really scared, I was about to pull my hand away when BB gently licked Anti. I tried to stifle a laugh but couldn't help it, and sighed and gently started stroking BB and he started purring lightly.

I should've known BB wouldn't hurt Anti, he's a gentle soul, not to mention me and Anti look very similar so BB probably just thinks it's me or one of the other egos. Anti smiled when he heard BB purring.

Anti's pov

As I was gently stroking BB, a thought came to my head. "Hey, umm I think I might be stuck like this. Marvin did this, I is it ok if...if I stay here with you?" "Of course Anti, I don't mind, maybe we can start over and I can help take care of you." I nodded my head and we talked for a while until Evelyn came home and noticed me.

She instantly wanted to hold me and show affection to me. "He's not a pet babe!" He laughed out "I know but he's so cute!! Is he going to be staying with us? W wait... what about BB?" "Don't worry about BB, he's gentle with Anti and already fell in love with him." "HEY!" I laughed, I can tell this is my chance to start over, now that I have my anger under control.... I think I'm going to like it here, I'm sure.

Ok~ so that was a really long one shot! Over 2300 words. I'm proud of this one, I hope you guys enjoyed this. Have a good day.

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