Snack Time: Marvin x Shrunken Anti (Vore)

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Anti's pov

I was in the living room watching the newest season of Stranger Things and eating buttery popcorn. I felt tingly for some reason, I paused the show and stood up.

I put the bowl down where I was sitting, I was going to go into the kitchen for water to see if that would help, when I suddenly shrunk to a couple of inches.

What's even worse, I landed in the popcorn....I tried to use my powers but they weren't working for some reason. I just hope none of the other egos come in here, suddenly I felt vibrations and paled.

FUCK!!! I JINXED IT!! I could sort of make out which ego it was, I heard an annoyed sigh. "Who left popcorn on the couch!! whatever, might as well have some." My eyes widened in utter horror, and I felt a pit in my stomach as the bowl got moved into someone's lap, I looked up and it was Marvin.

"Huh, haven't seen this episode before." He then unpaused the TV, I started hyperventilating knowing that I'm absolutely fucked.

A few pieces next to me got grabbed, he popped them in his mouth without even looking away from the TV. He looked as if he went into mindless eating mode, then he grabbed me with a few pieces, I managed to struggle just enough to fall back into the bowl.

I looked up just as he swallowed the pieces he just had in his hand, the pieces I was mixed with....when he swallowed there was a very faint bump, I couldn't help but watch in terror as my eyes followed the little bump.

I just now noticed that I'm smothered in butter, my heart stopped as he picked me up, just me. I was frozen as he brought me up to his mouth, my eyes watered as I realized there's nothing, absolutely nothing I can do to stop this.

Although before he opened his mouth, I could've sworn that I saw him....smirk for a split second. I was then placed into his mouth and he sealed me in darkness, he started licking every inch of me and humming at the buttery taste I probably gave off.

Marvin's pov

I was sick of Anti, the little fucking parasite. He has done nothing but hurt us and made us suffer since he was created, I didn't know what I was going to do though. I saw him sitting on the couch eating popcorn and watching the TV, then an idea flipped through my mind.

I decided to shrink him to only a couple inches, my idea worked and he fell into the popcorn bowl. An even more wicked idea crawled into my head, I walked into the living room and sighed annoyed. "Who left popcorn on the couch!! whatever, might as well have some."

I could see him in the bowl and smiled internally to myself. I grabbed the bowl and sat down...then put the bowl in my lap, I saw he was watching Stranger Things. "Huh, haven't seen this episode before."

I genuinely hadn't seen the episode yet and was excited to watch it, but I also said it to scare Anti even more, I could sense and practically smell his fear and it was beautiful.

It was satisfying, for Anti to be the one in fear for once, I grabbed a few pieces next to him and ate them while watching the TV, I then decided to grab him with some other pieces.

I let him fall off my hand to give him some false hope that he would make it out alive. He stared up at me as I swallowed and followed the pieces down with his eyes, I decided that it was time.

I grabbed him, only him and slowly lifted him up, he looked so god damn delicious almost drenched in butter. He was frozen in fear and I couldn't but help but smirk a little as I put him in, as soon as I closed my mouth an explosion of flavor hit.

I had to get all of it, I couldn't stop myself from humming and moaning at his taste, I started licking every inch of him. I shoved him to the roof of my mouth and started tasting him even harder then before.

I heard my stomach growl a little and smirked, I pushed him to the back of my mouth and towards my throat. He tried to stop it but he's too fucking tiny to do anything to stop me.

I knew that deep down this isn't right, good thing I'm a pred. I used my tounge to push him into my throat and swallowed he pushed on the throat walls and was able to stop...I growled and gave a very strong swallow and he started moving again.

I brought my finger up to my neck and traced along as he sank deeper and deeper, into my storage stomach. I rubbed my stomach a little and sighed. "That popcorn really hit the spot...I've probably had enough."

I didn't really feel him there, I yawned, got up, and stretched a little. "I'm getting tired, I guess it's time for a nap." I felt him squirming after I stretched, and heard him whimper after I finished talking.

His squirming felt soo good...I started walking to my room, and laid down on my bed...I placed my hand on my stomach and slowly fell asleep.

Anti's pov

He pushed me to the roof of his mouth and started tasting and licking harder, at this point I know he knows it's me and not a piece of popcorn. I heard a sudden growl and I paled again, I was back in the middle of his mouth...he started pushing me back towards the throat.

I tried to stop him but I'm powerless against him...I started to silently cry in fear as I got closer. Soon I was pushed into his throat, the muscles quickly became snug around me as he swallowed.

I was able to push on the walls and stop myself from going down, I was about to start trying to climb when I heard Marvin growl. The muscles quickly tightened as he swallowed and I was pulled down again, I could feel his finger as he traced my journey down.

"Please don't...don't do this." I said quietly despite knowing I deserve this. Deep down I know that I'm just getting what I deserve, I've been nothing but horrible and mean to them.

Torturing them for no reason, making everything worse for them....all because I was too weak to stop him...Glitch would possess me but I was never strong enough to gain crontrol back from him.... I deserve to die like the parasite that I am.

I finally fell into his stomach, I just looked around depressingly getting used to that last things I'll ever see, I felt a rubbing sensation and heard him sigh. "That popcorn really hit the spot...I've probably had enough."

Great...If I had moved out of the way, he would've grabbed another piece and not me...I probably wouldn't be here. I heard a yawn and my eyes widened, he stretched and the walls closed in on me a little I started struggling and squirming.

"I'm getting tired, I guess it's time for a nap." I whimpered and felt him walking, probably to his room... I sat down and curled my knees to my chest and hugged them, tears were still streaming down my face and I sniffled a little.

It's no use anyways....I'm going to die here and no one will even care, they'd probably be happy. I could soon hear soft snores surrounding me....I buried my head into my knees and started sobbing.

Marvin's pov

- Dream -

I was......somewhere, I'm not sure where, I walked around and felt bars...almost like as if I'm in a cage. I heard Anti's laugh and he appeared in front of me, but the roles were reversed. I'm tiny and he's gigantic.

I whimpered and backed away from him, knowing he's after revenge for what I had just did. "A Anti..." He laughed again.

"Me͢?́͢ Ǫḩ͜ n̵ò n̷͢o n̕͡o̷,̵͞ ̢̡I̶͟'̴҉m̶҉ ͠͡not͘ ͝A͝n҉͢t͞i̢͞ ̀̕pup͏pe̵͢t̀͠" "W what? Anti you're not making sense." He growled at me but it turned into a crazed laugh.

"M͠y̶͢ nam̶͢e ͘i͟͝s G̷l̕i̴̛tc͢͢h͘͟!̶̀ I'͘m̴ surpr҉̧í̸se͘d́ A̷ņ͡t̷̀i̕ h̴a̶͡sn'́t̸͏ m͜en͞ti͞o̸n̵e͡d ̷m̸̡ę́,̛ ͏͟oh̵̀ ̸wa̶͝ì͝t͠!̕͟ T̵h̴át's͘͏ ̶҉ri̡͟g͢͠h̛t!̷ I͘ thr҉e͞a̴ţę͝n͝e҉͜d̡ h͢i̸̷m ̶̨t̛͢o ̕͝ǹot̡̀ ̕t͞͞el͞l̕ y̧oú͘ g͞ųys̵,҉̵ o̶͞r̵̨ ̛͡e̡͜l̀se͘ ̶̡I͘̕ wou͘͝l̕d͡ m̴͟ak͝e͠҉ ̛͢hi̢m҉͝ wat͝͝cḩ ̸͢as ̢́I ̴͝k͏il̷l̛ ̶̧al̴l̷͢ o͏͘f ̶́y͏̴o̕u̸ ̸ìn̶ ̴f̵͟r̸o͘̕n̵t̵̕ h̡̡i͜m̷̨!"

I gasped and backed away from him, I could tell he was telling the truth. Tears swelled in my wasn't Anti who attacked and hurt was this motherfucker....and we just...blamed Anti, but he was trying to protect us.

Glitch laughed again. "O͡h͘͝,̷ ąn͟͞o̧the̴̴ŗ̧ thi̷n̡̛g̛!̧̨ ̷͜He'̸̡s̀ ̕n̴͠ó͝t in҉ ̴́s͡to͟ŗ̷á̧g̵͏è̴.̡͢" My eyes widened and I clasped my hands over my mouth, I tried forcing myself to wake up but he just laughed again.

"I'̀m ̡҉n̷̡ot́̕ ̸̡gǫ͝ing ͘t̕o ̕͠let̷͏ y̨o͠u͠ ̛͢w̛ak͏̨e ̡͝up̧ ́͢u͡n̴t̶̀il ̵͠he'̵͘s g͢͟on͠͡e̷͘!̷" I started hyperventilating now, I gave everything I had to wake up and Glitch frowned and growled right as I was able to wake up.

- End of Dream -

I shot up in my bed and heard a squeak...I started panicking with tears in my eyes. I don't know how long I was asleep for, I know he's still alive because he just squeaked but I don't know if he's injured or not.

I started forcing myself to gag him up, when I felt him in my mouth I quickly got him out and into my hand. He was curled up and hugging his knees to his chest, he briefly looked at me and then looked away.

"Anti....I...are you hurt?" He sort of glared at me. "Why do you care if I'm hurt or not, you were going to kill me.....ʷʰⁱᶜʰ ⁱ ᵈᵉˢᵉʳᵛᵉ." He said that last part really quiet but I still heard it, he had tears in his eyes as he once again looked away from me.

"Anti....I'm sorry. I honestly thought you were in storage....hell, I shouldn't have even done this in the first place. You didn't deserve that and you most certainly do not deserve to die. You were trying to protect us...I know that now..."

He looked back at me when I had mentioned storage, and his eyes widened when I said I knew he was trying to protect us. "H how do you know?! O oh god he's going to kill you guys...."

"While I was sleeping, he appeared to me in my dream and told me. When he told me that you weren't in storage.....I tried waking myself up but it didn't work, he said he wasn't going to let me wake up were gone. I was able to force myself awake anyways."

Tears were pouring down my face at this point, I hugged Anti to my chest and started rubbing his back with my thumb. "I I'm so fucking sorry." Sobbed out, he started talking so I brought him up to my eyes.

"Hey, it''s ok. B but you guys need to find somewhere safe." "Don't worry, I can take care of him." I placed Anti down on my desk and grabbed a book and flipped through it until I found a 'Banishment to Hell' spell and recited it while thinking Glitch's name.

Anti looked at me weirdly. "I banished him to hell, if I had known about him sooner, I could have done something." "I'm sorry." "Hey no, I get were scared and you wanted to make sure we were safe. You wanted to protect us, even after the way we treat you. Do you want me to talk to the others about this?"

He nervously nodded his head. "Hey, you never answered if you were hurt or not." "Oh, I'm fine" I nodded my head... "Do you want to come with me to tell the others?"

Anti's pov

He asked if I wanted to go to the others with him, I shook my head no rapidly...I'm not ready to see them yet, I know that they all hate me right now.

"No, no. I can stay here....I don't know how they'll react to seeing me like this. By the there a way to get me to normal?" He sighed sadly and I already knew the answer then.

"Unfortunately not...I I'm so so sorry that I did this." He was sobbing now. "Hey It's ok! I can live with this. I'll probably need help with a lot but I'll be fine....if the others don't kill me." He nodded and then set me down on his desk, I sat down as I watched him leave.


It's been about a year now and slowly the others believe me and trust me now, they also apologized for the way they were treating me when I was normal size.

I forgave them of course, I never thought I'd be free Glitch. I never thought the others would want to be around me, much less consider me family.

It did take a while for them, they didn't believe Marvin at first...but he showed the others what his dream was and they soon started to treat me better. I may be stuck like this, but at least I have my family by my side.

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