| Chapter 1 | ❤️

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"You've finally done it!" Christian, an angel of light, said angrily. 

"It isn't my fault that the Highest One decided to give me timeout on earth," Rose defended herself, smiling mischievously at her pitch black wings. She was an angel of light, like Christian, but broke so many rules that her white wings had turned black. Not that she minded the dark color anyway. 

His anger was beyond words. He was older than her and she was the only one who could make him so angry. The only one that dared to break rules and yet, still loved by many. No matter how he wished the Almighty would send her to earth forever, he wouldn't trade her bright mischievous smiles for anything. Because of their close friendship, Christian was sent to earth to guard a human and keep a close eye on a certain black-winged angel.

"It can't be that bad, Christian. I mean, three years down on earth," she said, smiling brightly at him, as if it were not a kind of punishment at all. He glared at her and said, "You know your job. Don't mess it up for both of our sake." She nodded and made her way to the front door.


I knocked on the door twice, trying to be polite. The door opened, revealing a tall man with fair brown hair and lovely brown eyes. He was in his twenties and the look on his face was.......well....I was not something he was expecting.

I raised my hand up to wave a little, but he slammed the door shut. My smile dropped and knocked again. Rude. I was being polite and he just slammed the door to my face without letting me introduce myself. He didn't open the door so I just walked right through the door—a special ability of an angel—into his living room. He was reading some book when he walked in.

I crossed my arms and cleared my throat, glaring at him. How on earth was I suppose to guard him when we couldn't even get along? This definitely was harder than it looked. The Almighty above really knew how to give me timeouts. 

"Excuse me?" I did a little wave. "I'm Rose. Your Guardian Angel." Unfortunately.

He dropped his book and pulled out a gun from behind, aiming right at me. His eyes averted from my face to the my large black wings behind me. He swallowed and directed his attention back to me. 

"Who are you?" he asked, emphasizing every word.

"But I already told you," I replied, seriously concerned about his memory.

He moved closer to me and asked, "How did you get in?"

"Through the door."

"But I locked the door!"

"Literally. Right through the door!" I explained, artfully gesturing to the front door. 

He shook his head and muttered, "Impossible."

I shrugged and said, "Eh, not really. I am here. You are here. I'm talking. You're listening. You're real. I'm real. Like I said before, I'm your Guardian Angel." Just accept the truth, you idiot!

"Angels aren't real."

I placed my hands on my hip and said, "Hey! That's offensive! I'm guarding your life for free here. Be a little grateful, will you?" He lowered his gun and pointed to the door.

"Whoever you are or whatever you're up to, this is my last warning. Get out!"

I narrowed my eyes at him and replied, "No can do, you ungrateful human! I'm bound to be your Guardian Angel for three years." This human was as stubborn as an unmovable rock. And I had nowhere to go. My human was here. We've practically been arguing for half an hour already and I still don't know his name.

He put his gun away and said, "Look, whatever you want—"

"Oh, just stop it! You're ruffling my feathers!" I exclaimed, sitting down on his couch with my arms crossed over my chest.

He frowned at my words. "Ruffling your feathers?"

I rolled my eyes at him and explained, "It's a celestial term. It means you're making me angry."

He nodded and ran his hands through his hair several times. He started pacing back and forth, looking like he had a ton of questions to ask me. I feigned a yawn and stood up, walking into the kitchen where I could smell something really sweet. My human—I still don't know his name—followed me closely, his eyes flickering my wings that almost reached the ceiling every once in awhile.

On the kitchen counter top were jars of sweets. They were colorful and looked worth trying. There aren't sweets up in Heaven. I opened the jar and picked a red-colored one. I plopped it into my mouth and bit down on it. The outer shell broke and I tasted something extremely sweet and chewy inside. I liked it. A lot. Smiling, I grabbed a handful and offered some to my human. He shook his head and watched me eat as if I had grown a second pair of wings.

"This is really good. What is it?" I asked, licking my lips clean. 

He cleared his throat and answered, "Those are M&Ms. The brown stuff inside is chocolate." Chocolate? Hmm. I love chocolate. I smiled at him and wondered what his name was.

"What's your name?" I asked, looking at the colorful M&Ms.

He didn't reply. I looked at him and noticed that he kept staring at my wings.

"This is worse than Hell," he muttered under his breath, but I heard.

I went and stood right in front of him, staring up because of his height. He looked down at me strangely and asked, "What are you doing?"



"So you know how it feels to be stared at all the time," I replied, moving away from him. "You still haven't told me your name."

He closed the lid of the jar and placed it into the cabinet along with the others. He turned around and said, "Dimitri. My name is Dimitri Belikov." The look in his eyes clarified one thing: he didn't believe me when I told him I was his Guardian Angel.

"You don't believe me," I stated, blocking his way of out the kitchen. 

He remained silent and collected. "It's hard to believe that someone is guarding me while I've been guarding others for a great part of my life." I didn't know anything about him. I guess that was the hard part of being a Guardian Angel. You had to know your human, really know them. I was not doing a very good job at this. I was sure Christian had a better way of introducing himself.

I took a deep breath and said, "And to your opinion of this situation being worse than Hell, I can assure you that Hell is much worse." 

"You've been there?"

I smiled mischievously. "Too many times."

"Don't you have to go through earth to get there?" he asked, leaning against the kitchen counter.

I shrugged and replied, "There's a shortcut."

Then we both heard the front door being unlocked. Dimitri was fast to it. I followed him and he looked at me. "Go!" he whispered, trying to keep the door closed, but someone outside was eager to come in.

I smiled and shook my head. "No." I knew something that he didn't

The door swung open and there stood an elderly woman. She didn't smile, but she carried a container with her. She looked right through me. Dimitri turned to me, confusion written all over his face. I laughed and the old woman still couldn't hear me. 

"This is your dinner. Your mama told me that you had a late shift last night," she said, handing him the container. Dimitri thanked and hugged her. I guess she was his grandmother. She obviously looked old enough to be his grandmother. 

She left and as soon as the door was shut, Dimitri bombarded me with questions.

"How?" he asked, dangerously low like a panther about to pounce on its prey.

I sighed and said, "Believe me now?"

"I asked how." He sounded dead serious.

I pouted. "You're the only one who can see me. Others can't. That's the way it is."

He closed his eyes and leaned against the door. I regarded him with curiosity. He opened his eyes and said, "Rose, listen very carefully. I believe that you are real—" I smiled at him. It was nice to have someone believe in you. "But you can't be here. You can't be my Guardian Angel. I don't need or even want a Guardian Angel."

I felt this small ache in my chest. Strange. I had never felt this odd ache before. My smile faded away and I asked, "Why? Nobody will know. Nobody has to know." Did he really detest me that much? He believed that I was real, but why? Why didn't he want me to be his Guardian Angel? I was just doing my job.

He struggled to find an answer. I came up with an answer that seemed most reasonable to me.

"Is it because I have black wings?" I asked, looking at him through my lashes. 

He frowned and shook his head. "Your wings? This has nothing to do with your wings. They're—they're beautiful. But I can't have you around in my life."

"But that doesn't still answer my question. Why?!"

If I were return back to the Highest One's graces, I had to guard him. I had to be his Guardian Angel. I couldn't understand what he was struggling with. I couldn't see any problem at all. The only problem around here was him.

"Fine! You can stay," he said and walked away from me, going into another room. Probably his bedroom. I sighed and went after him. I knocked on his door, waiting for his reply.

"Yes?" he drawled.

I smiled and asked, "Can I eat some more of your M&Ms?"

What do you think? I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. It's probably going to be one of my favorites. Thanks for reading, guys— girls.....

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