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"Wait so you are telling me that my life is in your hands and it's possible you could end up being the cause of my death rather then saving me?"



Jimin's POV

"I'm your Guardian Angel Jimin"

No no no no...

I die!?


I'm 24!

I rushed to the basin just before I vomited into the sink.

"Damn are you sick?" He asked rushing to my side to pull back the hair that fell in front of my eyes as I vomited again.

"I'm not sick, just nervous. How the fuck do I die when I'm 24," I gasped gripping the white basin.

"Do you know how I die?" I asked looking up at him.

"Yes I do." He answered.

I stared at him waiting for an answer.

"Look, I'm not going to tell you how you die because I don't want you to over think it or get scared by everything and not live your life." Taehyung said.

I scrunched up my nose annoyed.

"But it is something you can stop?" I asked and he nodded.

"If it was something like your body giving up you would have just noticed me more having fun with you but it's something that I can stop- Or make more likely to happen honestly if I mess up." He hummed biting his lip.

My mouth fell agape.

Something he could make more likely to happen!

Fuck is he going to hinder me and make me die!?

"Wait so you are telling me that my life is in your hands and it's possible you could end up being the cause of my death rather then saving me?" I gasped.

He bit his bottom lip pausing in silence.

"Yeah basically." He answered.

I covered my mouth with my hand taking a deep breath.

I'm definitely fucked...

"But don't worry, I have done lots of training for any possible outcome." He beamed as I held my forehead.

"Fuck I may as well die now-" I sighed.

I watched as Taehyung raised his hand slapping my cheek hard.

"Ou what the fuck-" I whined grabbing my red cheek.

"Suicide is a stupid way to die. Don't even think about it." Taehyung growled as I bit my bottom lip nervously.

"Look can I go get dressed now? I've been standing in a towel for like 20 odd minutes now because you ruined my peac-" "You weren't in peace." He muttered wrapping his hands over his chest.

"Yah whatever." I complained walking to the door.

But I paused as my hand touched the door handle.

"Can you see through walls?" I asked looking at him.

I watched him smile.

"I wish I could but no." He answered.

"Great. Stay here while I get dressed please then I will come and get you after and we can talk or something." I hummed.

"Or you could order the ingredients for your cafe." He stated.

My eyes widened.

"Fuck please remind me to do that after I get dressed. I definitely would have forgotten." I said with wide eyes.

He nodded.

"How do you know that though- actually I will ask you after I'm dressed. I will be back." I said walking out of the bathroom.

Part of me felt weirdly sick from knowing I was meant to die soon, but the other part of me feels rather excited about having Taehyung.

For once I have someone who actually cares about me which I haven't truly felt for my entire life.

So it feels nice for once to have that company and care.

I walked into my bedroom and put on a red and black stripped shirt along with some fresh black boxers and black ripped jeans.

Then I wandered back to the bathroom.

I peered in and gasped as Taehyung ran his hand over the mirror.

The entire mirror rippled as though it was a wave under his touch which didn't show his reflection.

"Woah." I gasped and he turned back to me.

He shrugged.

"How did you make yourself disappear?" I questioned walking more into the bathroom.

"I just made the mirror see what everyone else see's I suppose." He answered as I stood in the mirror now with his reflection in it.

"What do you mean?" I wondered aloud.

"Here, I will show you." He said grabbing my hand to pull me closer to him.

"Obviously we can both see each other in the mirror," He told me and I nodded.

Then Taehyung raised his hand running it across the mirror.

It rolled like an ocean before his reflection left leaving me alone in the mirror.

"That is what everyone but we see." He told me looking down at me.

"Wait no one else can see you?" I asked looking at him and he nodded.

"No one can see me, no one can touch me. Only you." He hummed looking at me still.

"Wait so you can't touch anything but me?" I gasped.

"On earth yep. I mean the mirror I can do things to but I can't feel it. But when I touch you I can feel you." He said running his hand across my cheek.

His hand was warm but tingled against my face.

"That's hella weird." I muttered under my breath which earned me a chuckle from him as he removed his hand from my face.

"It actually sucks to be honest, knowing people can walk right through you honestly makes you feel like you are nothing." He told me with his smile faltering.

"Hmm well I walk down the street naturally where people don't know I exist." I said walking out of the bathroom as he followed me.

"I disagree." He said making me scoff.

"I'm serious," He said making me turn back to look at him as I sat down on the couch.

I patted the other side and he sat down facing me with his legs crossed.

"Right well who knows I exist?" I wondered.

"Your work mates," He told me and I snorted.

"They know I exist because I do all their work for them." I answered and he shook his head.

"Yoongi thinks you are a hard worker and appreciates how every time he's talking to someone that you take over for him," Taehyung told me making me shake my head.

"Yes, and Namjoon always calls you to order ingredients and calls on you for work because you work hard. He finds you extremely reliable," Taehyung told me making me feel speechless.

"And Hoseok wishes you weren't such a hard worker so that he could actually talk to you." He told me making me shake my head.

"I don't believe it." I muttered feeling my eyes water slightly.

"How about tomorrow, I go to work with you and I will show you what I mean." He suggested.

I gulped but nodded anyways.

"Now you should order the ingredients and then we can continue talking." Taehyung instructed.

I nodded grabbing my laptop.

I bit my lip as I was very conscious of Taehyung's eyes on me the entire time.

I stuck my tongue into the side of my cheek before I looked up making eye contact with him.

I sighed, "Want to enlighten me with why you are staring at me?" I wonder aloud as he smiled sheepishly.

"I just want to remember everything about how you look. Like capture you in my mind because I'd been waiting 24 years to meet you," Taehyung hummed still looking at me.

"Alright then." I said looking back down at my computer screen.

"You are a lot more attractive then I was expecting you to be actually." Taehyung muttered.

I felt my cheeks heat up as a small smile perched upon my lips.

My heart danced inside my chest as my butterflies fluttered inside my stomach.

Chaos is an angel who fell in love with a demon - Christopher Poindexter.


(Helloooo! I hope you liked the second chapter of Guardian Angel- Also I'm sorry but how hot does Jimin look in that picture up the top of this page! Holy shiiiiit~

Please make sure you have added this book to your library/libraries to get all the updates as I continue to write it!

And also please feel free to comment and vote to let me know what you all think! Helps me to carry on writing because I know yal are enjoying the book!

That's all for now... Stay safe, healthy and warm my readers and fellow others... Till next chapter... Byeeeee :)

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