Chapter 1

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Things you'll need to know
Y/N-Your Name
E/C-Eye Color
H/C-Hair Color
F/C-Favorite Color

Italics Are Thoughts

"Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no reason."

---Y/N's Pov---

I lean up against a tree to rest. I've been running for hours on end and at this point I'm exhausted. I groan and stand again, annoyed about the whole situation I was in. I had no idea where to go. There weren't any places for someone like me. There isn't even a point in trying.

I rest my hand on the tree, still trying to catch my breath. I'm done with being there. Im done with that horrible village.

I start to think back to Zenix, who actually gave me the truth. He was offering for us to be partners and the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to accept. Everytime I think back to my 'home' I just feel angry.

"I still can't believe I fell for their lies." I mutter quietly. "It was so clear all along. I mean, who would want a shadow knight in their village? I certainly wouldn't."

I sigh and continue walking. I gripped my sword quietly and shook my head. "I should've joined Zenix..."

"Yes, yes you should've." I whip my head towards the sound and roll my eyes as Zenix steps out of the shadows. "Wow, what a grand entrance..." I mutter sarcastically.

"My offer is still on the table. I would love for you to join me."

I nod my head. "I'll join you, but you need to answer something first. You said I had powers. What were you talking about?"

He chuckles. "Oh Y/N. If only you knew. Don't worry, I'll make sure we work on them. Once you've finally mastered them, we'll fight Phoenix Drop."

I smirk and he puts an arm around me. "Let's go."

---Laurence's Pov---

I ran through the trees with Aphmau hot on my trail. I knew she was going to run, but by the time I got to Aphmau she was long gone. My hand self consciously grips onto my sword, thinking about the danger she could be in. I felt a hand on my shoulder and look over as Aphmau gives me a warming smile. But even her chocolate colored eyes held a little bit of worry. I run the tiniest bit faster until we get to a clearing. Two people were walking away from us, one had his arm wrapped around the other, and I heared someone laughing. I recognized it immediately of course, but it was different. The normal melodic laughter it used to be had turn into a cold horrific chuckle.

"Y/N?" Aphmau asks gently, walking up to the two, that had suddenly halted. The brown haired woman lays a hand on her the same way she did me, except this time she was immediately launched into a tree as a result. "Aphmau!" I yell, running to the girl.

"Are you alright?" I help her up and she nods. "I'm fine, but....but I dont think Y/N is."

"Fine?" A cold voice snickers, making is whip our heads towards the two. Y/N turns around with a sadistic grin on her face. "Of course I'm not fine! I'm great! Im amazing, actually! I can finally embrace who I am! A monster! I'm being myself and it feels great!

You don't understand how it felt not knowing where I belonged in this world! Everything bad has always happened to me! But I've realized something. I've realized that all those horrible things happened because I wasn't being myself! But look at me now! I haven't even started practicing my magicks and I'm already so powerful!" She cackles with a crazed look on her face as she turns her head towards the other who had just turned around.

"And he's going to help me!"

I recognize the man immediately as Zenix, the shadow knight who had attacked Phoenix Drop a few weeks ago. The man who Y/N had defeated herself. "Z-Zenix?!" Aphmau growls, scowling at him. "What did you do to my best friend!"

He laughs and walks up right next to Y/N. "Nothing." He grins. "She's the same girl you have betrayed over and over. She just has realized her true potential. You can't say that anything you did was a lie, because it's all true. You all have just been trying to get under her skin."

He nods at her and the once happy girl was charging towards Aphmau in a second, sword unsheathed. The brunette quickly responded by pulling out her own sword. "Stop this." Aphmau orders. "You know I can't hurt you. We've been best friends forever. We just got you back. We can't lose you!"

A flash of sadness showed in her eyes before it was completely replaced with anger. "SHUT UP ALREADY!" She screams, kicking Aphmau in the stomach and lauching her into a tree. She lay unconscious so I immediately run over and pull out my sword.

"Stop being so stupid Y/N...please. I cant stand this world without you. We can return and everything will return to normal." I plead, a sad look on my face. "I need you

"No. You need to stop lying. I-.....I had feelings for you Laurence." She quietly snickers. "I actually fell in love with you. I wanted to tell you, but instead i saw you kissing Aphmau. I thought after our little date.....I thought you loved me too."

Her eyes showed everything she ever felt as tears leaked from her eyes. She looked down and suddenly, sadistic laughing filled the air.

As quickly as she looked down, she returned her gaze to me, but with cold heartless eyes.



Don't kill me....

I uh don't have an excuse for why I didn't post this chapter. Tbh I was just really freakin lazy. I hope this chapter filled your guy's needz for a chapter. I like it so I hope you do too. Ciao!
~Ally <3

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