Can you see me?

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Hey, loves!! I'd would really love it if you guys could follow me on Instagram DorothyGale1201 I figure it would be a fun way to share my day with you guys and be able to post funny pictures and captions about my stories!! Of course this is not my personal account and it will only consist of my wattpad content, but I'd love to get to know you all a little better! Like the saying goes, you must know your audience if you wish to create better content! :) alright thank you all so much for reading!<3<3<3

ALSO!! If you guys like HARRY POTTER! I suggest you read my book "I Am Your Teacher" It's a Severus Snape X Reader. And I know that normally turns people away from reading it, but I promise its worth it! It's my favortie book I've written so far!! And it is ranked #2 in SeverusSnape!! I post a chapter a day to this book, IT THAT GOOD. Lol I love writing it. Alrighty! Well enjoy this chapter my loves!! <3<3<3

-Jack pov-

    I was flying through the morning winter breeze like normal, and I decided to fly over the woods instead of the town today. "Change of scenery never hurts". I thought to myself. Well as I was flying I heard the sound of soft music playing. I stopped where I was, and decided to see where it was coming from. I flew down through the trees, listening to the music grow louder and louder. I stopped and hid up in the tree branches when I was close enough to the sound. I listened closely, it was a beautiful melody playing. I looked at the little pond I froze over in early winter, and had made sure the ice had stayed thick so no one would fall through. Juuuust in case if someone decided to use the pond for something. I haven't seen anyone here in such a long time, it was weird to even hear music coming from here. This pond is special to me, and I didn't know anyone else had been here since the man and the moon asked me to be a guardian. I looked at the pond to see a girl,. Figure skating? Haven't seen a figure skater in a long time, that's usually all indoors now. No one ever trust the ice that i create anymore, Kind of insulting in my opinion. But this! I look at the girl, This is quite definitely a compliment! I watched her for quite sometime, the way her body moved so fluently on the ice was so.. beautiful. I don't even think I could do most of these things, and I'm the spirit of winter!  "she's amazing" I thought to myself.

-Your Pov-

    I finished skating after the song was over, the music turned off and I laid down in the middle of the iced over pond, catching my breath. I smiled a cheeky grin and fist punched the air in excitement. " I did it!!" I yelled. "I finally did the triple axle!!!" I yelled again. "and landed it?" I said surprise at my own self. I grabbed my cheeks that were slightly flushed from the cold, and kicked my legs quickly up and down in little motions, making sure my blades didn't hit the ice to hard. I stood up smiling and did a quick simple one foot twirl. "I LOVE WINTER!!!!"  I yelled happily. I looked around making sure no one was around. "oh! and thank you too Jack Frost! For making this beautiful icy winter!" I said loudly, thinking of all the children stories, that i know and love. I am Big on fairy tales, even though some people think I am  strange for that, But that's just them not understanding the magic of a good story, and how it can make anyone happy in there own way, real or not.

-Jack's pov-

    I watched her get excited about a trick she did, I chuckled a bit at how happy she got. Then I heard her screamed she loved winter. Gosh what a compliment that is! That's another thing you haven't heard in a long time, kids are one thing, but teenagers and adults usually hate my work. Which I don't fully understand why? It's beautiful, yes is cold, but its fun, I don't understand how someone could grow out of that?.. But this time it looks like I found someone who hasn't. I smiled, but then my face dropped when I heard her say "Oh! and thank you Jack Frost! For making this beautiful icy winter!" I looked down at her, she was smiling and looked lost in thought. I flew down to the pond behind her. "did you just say my name?" I asked softly. She didn't turn around. I flew over her and stood right in front of her face. "can you see me?" I looked at her curiously. She didn't seem to take notice in me. She went to walk into me, but I quickly moved out of the way. I watched her pick up her music box and walk over to a log sitting down. Her phone started ringing another enchanting tune, that made me think of snowflakes.. I began walking up slowly towards her. She answered her phone, putting it on speaker and setting it beside her. "hello?" the (h/c) girl said. "hey (y/n) it's Lanna, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a double date with me? pleaseeeeeee??" Said the person on the phone, I guessed was named Lanna. Her name is (y/n). That's a nice name, I thought to myself. She wrinkled her nose and looked at her phone. "do I have to? Can't you and Greg go by yourselves this time? I'm sick of you trying to hook me up with random guys Lanna..." (y/n) said in a disappointment tone as she took off her skates and slipped on her boots. "can you please just come? I promise you'll have fun this time, we are just going out to dinner....aannnd i kinda already told Cedrick you'd be there...." Lanna said nervously though the phone, I looked up at the girl who sat before me and her face turned into a grimace and she stayed silent. "please? ill pay for everything, think of it as a free meal!" the phone buzzed with the sound of Lanna's voice getting excited. (y/n) face soften and she put her head in her hands. "fineee, what time?" She said in a softly annoyed tone. "yay! will come and pick you up at 5" Lanna finished the phone call and then hung up.

    (y/n) finished packing her things and then let her body slowly slide off of the log keeping her arms above her head still resting on it, but the rest of her body is in the snow. She looked up at the sky and gazed off for a while. "oh god, please some how get me out of this.... That Cedrick boy is such a creep..." She sat there for a while before she slowly stood and started walking straight towards me. She stopped just before her feet touched mine. We were inches apart and it felt as if she was looking right into my eyes. She stood there for awhile, almost as if she knew i was there. I reached out my hand and touched my fingertips to her cheek.

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