Jack Frost?

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-you pov-

    After i got off the phone with Lanna I got up ready to go take a walk, since I've been at the pond for a few hours already, I noticed it was going on 8:00 am. As I started to walk, the temperature started to drop and I stopped in my tracks. It felt like someone was standing right in front of me. My breath got unsteady, and it felt like cold fingers hand touched my face. I slowly reached up and held my cheek, for some reason a smile appeared across my face, and I automatically thought of Jack Frost. I closed my eyes and smiled. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes to see a white haired boy looking about my age, standing in front of me. "oh my god!" I yelled as I jumped scared and fell into the soft snow. My earmuffs slipped off my head, and the band landed right in front of my eyes.   

    "can you see me now..?" a male voice said in a calm tone. I picked up the ear muffs slowly, only peeking one eye out to see the pale skin boy standing in front of me. He was wearing a dark blue hoodie covered in frost, and he had brown pants on that looked a little ripped at the bottom. I pulled my ear muffs back into place and noticed he had no shoes on. This took me back a bit, and then I saw a staff he had in his hand. I looked up at him not saying anything.

"you can see me!" The boy said excitedly he did a backflip, almost as if he could fly. He smiled and all of his white teeth showed. 'wow he's cute' I thought to myself, and then shaking it out of my head.  The boy reached out a hand to me, I grabbed it and he pulled me up to my feet.

    "umm," i cleared my throat. "h-how did you do that? just come out of no where?" The white haired boy rubbed the back of his neck, and chuckled nervously. "and where are your shoes!? you're gonna get frostbite out here!" I said concerned about is health. I grabbed his hand and made him sit on the fallen tree I was just sitting on. "here get your feet out of the snow" I started ruffling through my bag. I always bring big fuzzy socks just in case my feet are sore after I skate, so here" I handed him the white fluffy socks. The boy smiled and looked at me with a small laugh.

    "That's alright I don't need them" the boy said standing up. Before I could protest, the boy held out his hand to me. "hi, its nice to meet you, I'm Jack Frost" I looked at him, and then at his hand and started smiling, almost giving out a little laugh.

    "Did you just say your Jack Frost?" a little giggle came out of my mouth not meaning to be rude, i covered my mouth with my hands. The boys smile faded and his hand went back to his side.

    "what's so funny?" he asked in a aggravated tone. I looked at him and smiled

    "Jack Frost does not exists." I said plainly as my smile faded away. The boy looked at me and smirked a bit

    "well if he doesn't exists... then why do you believe in him?" He said while leaning on his staff. I looked at him shocked.

    "well then, if your Jack Frost,.... prove it." I stated demanding. The boy gave me a big grin and then started flying. He whipped around the pond as fast as the wind, and I watched in amazement. It then began to snow only on top of me. I looked up at the Beautiful snow flakes that were covering my hair and shoulders. He then floated down right in front of me.

    "is that enough proof?" he said smirking at me. I laughed and smile at him.

    "well I'm sorry for doubting you Jack Frost, My name is (y/n) (l/n)." I said smiling up at him, reaching out my hand.

    "please, call me Jack, (y/n)" he said smiling shaking my hand.

    We were silent for awhile and I got a bit nervous. "well it was nice to meet you Jack! But i really should be heading off"

"well where are you going?" Jack asked curious.

"I'm just going to walk around for a bit before going home to get ready for....." I trailed off.

"to get ready for your double date?" He said with a smirk

"how did you know I have a double date tonight?" I asked a bit nervously. Jack looked at me and smiled. He then began walking with me through the woods.

I heard your phone call, I also saw you skate." he said with a bit of smirk looking at me. My face flushed a pink, hopefully it wasn't noticeable since my face was already pink from the cold.

"y-you saw all of that?" I asked him embarrassed.

"yes I did!" he stated proudly "and trust me, you are amazing at Skating! One of the best I've ever seen!" I smiled at his words and it got quiet again.

I also know you don't want to go on that date... thingy.. with your friend.." Jack said looking at me concerned. "you know if you don't want to go, you could always just come with me..?" Jack asked me with a nice smile on his face.

    "well I only just met you.... but I really don't want to go.. okay fine, what do you want to do?" I said looking up at Jack with a smile on my face. Jack smiled down at me.

    "really? Great!, well I was thinking since you can see me, you might be able to see the other guardians to." He said with an excited grin on his face.

    "other guardians?..." I asked wondering what he meant. Jack laughed at your question.

    "yes, other guardians, we protect the children, and people who believe in us from all the negative things in the world, Like fears, nightmares, and things that are evil." He explained to me. A chill ran down my spine, I shook my head away from all the negative thoughts in my mind.

    "who are the other guardians?" I asked Jack, thinking out loud. He smiled with all his teeth showing and looked at me happily.

    "I'm glad you asked!! Well there is me of course, Santa Claus, but he likes to be called North, The tooth Fairy, or as we call her Tooth, The Sandman otherwise known as Sandy, and then there is the Easter Kangaroo." Jack Then began to Laugh at his own words.

    "kangaroo?" I asked him I thought it was the Easter bunny?" I asked curiously. Jack Began to laugh again.

    "You'll see" he said with a bright grin. I then looked around realizing we have been walking, and not paying attention to where we where going.

"great, well I don't know where we are now..." I said with a worried tone.

"Don't worry, we are leaving now anyway" Jack said with a small smirk on his face.

"what are you talking about?" I asked as Jack grabbed me tightly around the waist and shot up into the air. I started to scream and I wrapped my legs around Jack's waist and clung my arms to his neck. He began laughing Hysterically.

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