I Wont Drop You

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-Your pov-

"Are you scared (y/n)? Dont worry, I won't drop you." jack said with a smile. I took one hand off of Jack to make sure I still had my bag on my back, and then I quickly grabbed back a hold of Jack. I felt us starting to pick up speed and I closed my eyes clenching Jack, trying to find just a piece of warmth. To my luck, I didn't. Then everything slowed and Jack began tapping my shoulder. I looked at Jack and saw him pointing in front of him with a cheesy grin on his face. I looked in the direction he was pointing and saw all the guardians Jack names off right before he took me into the sky. I stared at them, and they stared at both me and Jack, it looks as if we have crashed some type of meeting. I look at them, and then back at Jack and realize I'm still wrapped around him like a little monkey. I clear my throat and slowly put my feet on the ground and take my hands off of him and put them behind my back. I could feel my face heating up and then i was saved by a giant man walking up to us, he was wearing a red sweater with the sleeves rolled up, revealing his Naughty and Nice tattoos.

    "Jack! Who is your friend here?" Santa said with a big smile,,

"I'm (y/n) (l/n), its nice to meet you...um.. North?" I said looking at Jack questioning if that was the right thing to say. North began to laugh and smiles at you.

"hey she actually got my name right!" he said happily. The Tooth Fairy then flew over to you, She looks almost just like a hummingbird I thought to myself.

"oh why it's so nice to meet you (y/n)" she said in a kindly, chipper voice. Sandman then came up to me and shook my hand, I smiled down at him as he returned it.

"heya mate, Its nice to see new faces around here" The giant Easter Bunny said to you with a nice grin. I looked at the Easter bunny and then looked at Jack.

" thought you said he was a Kangaroo?" I asked curiously, Jack gave me a worried face as North began to let out a chuckle. The Easter Bunny hopped  up to Jack.

"what did he tell you I was?" he said in an angry tone. Jack just smiled up at him.

"oh take it easy bunny, It was only a joke!" Jack said with a smile walking away.

"well it wasn't very funny" Bunny said quietly. All the Guardians sat down at a table, and call me over to sit with them. I walked over a bit nervous and took a seat next to North and Jack.

"soo, (y/n), May I ask how old you are?" North looked at me with a serious face, and i could feel my face reddening from the sudden odd question.

"well, I'm 17, but I'll be turning 18 January 29" I said proudly, wondering why he wanted to know my age.

"oh, hmm, usually people your age don't believe in us anymore, which therefore Can't see us. So why can you?" All the guardians look at me curiously. I hesitated a bit before I can think of my answer.

"well.. I'm and open minded person.. and I guess I always wished that all of you were real, I love fairy tales, and today I'm finding out that they are real, so pardon me if I'm acting quite strange" I look down at my hands and start rubbing my sweaty palms on my leggings. My body feels really heated and I start to sweat, it's really hot in this building I think to myself.

"oh dear, you're not acting strange at all. But you are a very special guess!! Its very rare when we come upon a person like you." North looks at you with a smile. "come stay a while" North stands up and puts his arm around me walking me into what looks like big Factory with giant hairy beast making toys, and little elves running around playing.

I thought the elves made the toys?" I asked looking around. North Begins to chuckle.

"we just let them think that" he says, and I let out a bit of a giggle.

"oh dear! you feel so hot! YETTIES! please make this poor girl some cooler clothes to wear." North hands me, to what I learn are called Yetties and they start measuring my body. When they are finished I walk back over to North,

"that wasn't necessary" I said

"oh sure it was, I want you to be comfortable!" he said as he takes me into a small room. A little elf hands him some clothing and then he hands it to me.

"here, get comfortable and then meet us back at the globe room, where we just where." And with that he shuts the door and leaves me alone in the room. I look around making sure no one is there. I then undress, and began slipping on White stretch shorts that from to my legs, and then a velvet red T-shirt that is snug to my frame as well. It is very comfortable, and it looks nice, a bit Christmassy, but what should I expect from getting clothes from Santa Claus. I take out my ponytail, and brush through my hair with my fingers. I walk out of the doors and find my way back to the room I was originally in. I walk through the doors and everyone is talking. But then I notice Jack staring at me. I feel like I'm blushing but I just ignore it and go sit down. Jack snaps out of his staring, and I swear I saw his cheeks turn a shade of pink. He then Joins the conversation they are all having. Something about pitch black? Which confuses me, why would they be worried about the dark? Maybe because some kids are scared of the dark? Jack did say they protect children from what they fear.

    As everyone is talking I see a dark shadow moving across the wall. No one is paying attention, so I decided to go see what it was. I follow the shadow down a hallway, far away from the guardians to where I couldn't hear them talking anymore. The hallway gets darker and darker, and then there is a door. I open the door and it leads to outside. The door is right at the edge of a cliff, slightly sticking my head out, but keeping a good grip, down below I see what appears to be toys. It looks like this is where the unwanted toys are thrown. one step out that door, and it's for sure a sudden death. I take a step back and then I feel like I'm being shoved. I scream as I feel my body falling to its death.

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