My Feelings

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~(Y/n) POV~

MY EYES SHOT open. I glanced over to my window, no sunlight was anywhere to be seen. It was still dark out. I'm not quite positive if it was almost time for training or not. I haven't been up at 6 am in the North pole yet to tell. My tried to clear my throat but failed. I licked my lips attempting to moisten them a little. My mouth felt raw, I desperately needed a glass of water. I removed the covers off my legs and made my way towards my door. I was practically blind, There wasn't any light in my room anywhere, I didn't even have a lamp I could turn on. Normally, natural light is enough for me. I slammed my thigh into the dresser. I bit my lip, holding back the small yelp that I almost let escape my lips. I rubbed my leg as I opened the door. The hallway was dimly lit by small lamps that were lining the walls.

As I went to take a step, my foot slightly pushed up against something. I look down, startled. It was Jack. He was curled up into himself, sleeping in front of my bedroom door. I stared at him, confused about why he was even here. Why didn't he just come in? He knows I wouldn't have turned him away. In fact, I was hoping he would have come. I was disappointed when he didn't. His snow white hair was resting against his forehead. One strand slightly moved as he exhaled. His body raised and fell with each breath he took. He looked so calm, he looked like he was a child, someone who was so innocent and pure at heart. My stomach turned...I wish I could tell him how I feel- But It would just ruin everything we have already built between us. I don't want to jeopardize that. Suddenly, he scowled. His brows knitted together as his once calm feature furrowed into an expression of fear. His lip moved, almost quivered like he was trying to speak, but couldn't. 'He must be having a nightmare.'

"(Y/n)" He whimpered. He was calling out my name. What was he dreaming about? I knelt beside his frame, using my fingertips, I pushed a few strands of hair away from his eyes.

"Jack" My voice came out softer than I anticipated, I didn't want to wake him.

"Jack..." I repeated myself, a little louder this time. His eyes opened abruptly, locking with my own.

"W-What's going on?"

"I'm not sure. I found you like this in front of my door." Jacked looked puzzled for a moment before realization took over his features. He stayed quiet.

"You uh- wanna take a walk with me? I was gonna get a glass of water." I reached down to him, offering to help him off the ground. He took hold of my hands eagerly. He was a bit heavier than I expected. I pulled up harshly, I fell back into the wall that was behind me as Jack stumbled over me. I was now pressed up against the cold stone wall with both of Jacks hands on either side of my head, holding himself up. His face was so close to mine, even though it was dark, I still managed to make out Jacks piercing eyes that were searching my face. My stomach fluttered. He's never been this close to me before. It felt as though he may just kiss me. Was I wrong to think that Jack didn't like me too?

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" He asked. My breath caught in my throat. Was he talking about us? Is Jack Frost in love with me. My heart began to thunder inside my chest.

"Yeah," I said. We didn't move from where we were, but I noticed I lost Jack. His gaze was now hitting the floor and he looked upset. Did I say something wrong?

"Jack? Is everything alright?" He pulled away, turning his back to me. Not wanting him to leave, I walked over to him and rested one of my hands on his shoulders, attempting to comfort him. Almost as soon as I touched him he pulled away from me. When he faced me, he looked... angry. My stomach dropped. He's never acted this was around me before.

"Are you in love with Dylan?" His question seemed to have come from nowhere. What is he even talking about?

"What?" I was stunned.

"Are you in love with the merman, Dylan."

"No." I practically cut him off.

"But you just said you believed in love at first sight." I couldn't read Jacks expressions, it was too dark, I could barely see his eyes from this distance.

"That doesn't mean I'd just fall in love with every guy I see-" I was hurt by Jack's sudden questioning. He doesn't have any right pestering me like this.

"Is that how little you think of me, Jack?" I was angry, but my voice came out weak. That's when I realized this was upsetting me more than I thought.

"No- it's just that... Dylan told me he's in love with you- and that... you were, uhm... in love with him too." Jack's words surprised me. What am I supposed to think about that? I tried to swallow but I couldn't, now I really needed some water.

"I-... Uh, need to get something to drink..." Even though I wanted to move, I didn't. I stood still. In shock from what Jack had just told me. All along I thought Jack was the one who likes me... instead, he was just looking out for his friend. I shouldn't let my thoughts think about him like that. I'm so stupid.

"Here." Jack stepped in front of me, creating a small sphere of ice in his hands.

"Open." He stated, gesturing towards my mouth. I looked at him, questioning his motives. What good would a ball of ice do? I hesitantly opened my mouth as he dropped it on my tongue. The heat from my saliva instantly melted it, immediately quenching my thirst.

"Thanks..." It was quiet for a moment. I just stood there, seeing orange rays of sunlight coming through the windows.

"I don't like Dylan- in that way... He's uh- not my type." I looked down at my hands as I fiddled with my thumbs. I never would have thought in a million years, I would be having a conversation like this with Jack Frost.

"What is your type?" Jack asked, barely allowing me to finish my sentence.

"I-... I don't know..."

"I've heard that-" Jack started before stopping himself. Out of nowhere, he seemed nervous. What does he need to be nervous about? I've never seen him act this way before.

"What is it? You can talk to me," I gave him a reassuring smile as I took his hand in mine. I gently rubbed small circled on his skin with my thumb. Attempting to calm him. He felt so cold to the touch. For a moment, I found myself forgetting the situation we were in... I just wanted him to hold me. I felt as though I was in some kind of trance.

"There's a rumor- that, you like me..." I heard his voice flood through me. Calmness surrounding everything. I was in love with Jack Frost. I have been for a while now. I just didn't want to admit it. But now that I have. Nothing seems to matter anymore. I stared directly at his hand, still holding it in my own. I was aware of the chilly air radiating off him and enveloping my skin.

"Is that a problem?" I asked. My voice was barely above a whisper.

"No, (Y/n). I mean, more than like me." I nodded my head as I looked up to meet his eyes. That's when it hit me. I just admitted my feeling to Jack. I pushed myself away from him bringing both my hands to my mouth. I could feel my face heating up, a blush covering my cheeks.

"I-I'm SO sorry Jack... I didn't mean-"

"(Y/n), It's-" Jack was cut off by someone yelling down the hall.

"Hey! You guys are like twenty minutes late!" Dylan was making his way towards the both of us. My knees began to shake as my head felt like it was swirling around me. I can't deal with this right now. 'I shouldn't have told him.' I thought to myself. Everything is going to change now. I turned, darting down the hall, in the opposite direction from Dylan. I heard both of them yelling out to me, so I ran faster, leaving the factory. I flew into the air, putting as much distance between me and Jack as possible.

'I just lost my best friend.'


Thank you so much for reading guys!! Please let me know if you have any ideas for the story! I'd love to hear what you guys think!!

Comment, Vote and Follow me please! I appreciate your reads! :) <3

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