Sleepy Kennedy

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A/N: Fluffy chapter! I know you all love Kennedy and I have honestly loved developing Kennedy and Dylan's relationship! Even though I am and have always been a single pringle, I know what bad relationships are so I try to make this one good! Hope you love the sugary sweetness of this chapter!

Dylan's POV:

   I glanced around the cabin of all the sleeping passengers. My gaze then landed on Kennedy, who was peacefully sleeping against me. The steady rise and fall of her chest assures me that she's okay. I smile and ignore the temptation to kiss her in her sleep. Never have I seen such peace on her face when she was awake.

   She slightly stirs and her eyes flutter open. Her gaze locks with mine as she sits up. "Sorry for sleeping on you." She says through a yawn. I smile and say "You are fine Love." She nods and says "In that case, I might just intentionally cuddle up on you." "Now why would you do that?" I ask teasingly. 

   She yawns again and says "Because you are like a big cuddly teddy bear and I feel safe with you." I blush lightly but chuckle. "I think you're still a little tired Love, I'm not sure you know what you're saying." She giggles, confirming my suspicions, and says "Maybe but you're comfy." Her eyes are half-lidded and she looks almost like she is about to pass out.

   I pull her down onto me again and she wraps her arms around me, snuggling up into my chest. "Goodnight Love." I whisper quietly. She giggles again and says "I love you my prince, goodnight." A scarlet blush lights up at my cheeks but Kennedy is out cold. I decide to finally get some shut eye and settle in.

A/N: Sorry it's short but I wanted to write in a bit of fluff before the really intense part of the story. Kennedy is basically like a drunk when she is too sleep deprived. She acts out of character, can't control what she says, and doesn't remember anything in the morning. Have a lovely day my readers!


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