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Kennedy's POV:

   I pushed open the doors to the metallic room. "Here's where you will be training. You might have skills but training will push your limits, make you work until you want to drop dead. You will be eating three meals a day and work from dawn to dusk. Under no circumstances will there be any whining or complaining. Am I understood?" I say strictly. They nod and look at me with slight fear.

   Except for Dylan. He is just standing there with a smirk. "If you are all so confident Mr. Demi-god, why don't you fight me?" I say, a smirk growing on my face. "I don't want to hurt you though." He says. I scoff and say "Is that an insult? Try me." He shrugs and says "Okay, but if you get hurt, don't blame me." 

   I walk over to one side of the ring and pull my shirt and sweats off. I'm now in a pair of spanks and a sports bra, both black. I turn to see Dylan in just black gym shorts. "Only rules, no powers and when the other person says 'give', you let go." I say. He nods and we square up. We slowly circle and he lunges first. 

   I drop in a spider-lunge and cut under his legs, tripping him up. He hits hard but bounces back up almost immediately. He lunges again and I grab his arm, flipping over him. I land behind him and spin around, catching the fist he throws. I grab his forearm with my other hand and flip over him once more, his arm still in my grasp. With my momentum and strength from training almost all my life, I flip him over and pin him down with his arm behind his back. "Give." He says and I let go, jumping off him. 

   I help him up and he brushes off his pants. "Nice work, where did you learn that?" He asks. I shrug and smile. "Probably the ten years of training I have had." I say casually. They all gaped at me and Dylan says "You trained since you were five?!" I nod and say "Mainly by choice. I was always fascinated with superheroes and how they just always took the antagonist down. I was never exactly a girly-girl but not quite a tomboy. A sweet mix of both I guess."

Adrien's POV:

   I guess I never got a good look at my cousin at the pool because wow. She was absolutely toned in every aspect of the word. I have never seen a girl with that much muscle, not even Mari. "She is kinda scary." Mari whispers to me. I nod in agreement as I remember the military like tone she had used on us earlier.

   "Alright, we are going to start with a course." Kennedy says, clicking a button on a small remote. All types of gear and equipment lined the walls and filled the stands. "I want you to try everything. I want you to find your strengths. Use them. This is full out hunger-games style so get to work." She then walks over to a set of stairs that wasn't there before and takes them to a balcony. I look at the equipment and grab a staff that seems to work like mine when I'm Chat.

   Over the next few hours, we work through rope courses, knife throwing, and many other crazy training things. Kennedy demonstrates at each, doing it once through in a masterful run. Her ability amazes me as she barely breaks a sweat. I find I work best with the obstacle run, sword mastery, and knife throwing. 

-Three days later-

Kennedy's POV: 

   Each person stood in front of me holding their favorite piece of equipment. Their classic weapons were still there but they were told to pick something else. Adrien with a sword, Marinette a bow, Alya a whip, Nino throwing knives, and Dylan an axe. "Lovely choices. Now when you transform, minus Dylan, your chosen items will be included in your outfits. You may put your items back."

   They put them away and returned to their spots. "Now I want you to pick the one person in the group that if Akumatized, you would refuse to hurt." I say. They pale and slowly look at the group. Adrien and Marinette pick each other. So do Alya and Nino. And of course, Dylan picks me. I smile and say "Now, time to fight them. No weapons, no powers, just basic hand-to-hand combat. I can heal any serious injuries if needed." 

   Alya and Nino take the ring first. They fight and Nino just barely wins. Next, are Adrien and Marinette. They end up in a stalemate, neither moving. Then it's my turn to go with Dylan. We take our sides and slowly circle. I watch him and he rolls his wrist out a little bit. I fake an ankle injury and pretend to have a twisted ankle. I see a small smirk appear on his face as he lunges, going for my right leg which is "injured". 

   I catch his chest with my knee as I pull my foot back. I grab his wrist and spin behind him, kicking the back of his knee so his legs collapse. I pin him down and use the pressure point in his wrist. "Give, I give." He says. I let go of the pressure point and say "Do you need me to..." gesturing to the hurt wrist. He nods with a slight grimace and says "I had broken it before I had unlocked my powers so the injury has never fully healed."

   I nod and focus on the injury, my hands hovering around his wrist. I feel my veins heat up as white light pours from my fingers, encasing his injury and soaking through the skin. After a minute, it's fully healed and I drop my hands to my side. "There, all good." I say quietly. I look up and get lost in Dylan's warm chocolatey eyes. 

   He traces the scar on my abdomen and says "I don't want you getting hurt love. Will you please stay out of this one?" I look down and grab his hand lightly in mine. I  look back up in his eyes and say "I know you want me too, but this is as much my fight as it is their's." "How? You don't hold a Miraculous. Sure you take care of them now, but haven't you done enough?" He cups the side of my face softly. 

   I close my eyes and lean into his touch slightly, tears at the edges of my eyes. A single on slips down my cheek as I say "I have one last secret. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I thought it would be safer this way." I open my eyes and step away from him. With tears slipping down my cheeks, I whisper "Shining star rise." A mix of blue and magenta light consumes me as my transformation fades over me. 

   I feel the cling of the mask, the slight weight of the crown, the sharp talons that replace my nails, and the foreign appendages of wings and a tail. I look at him and say "This is me, Dragora Midnight, Guardian of the Miraculous." He just stands there, an unreadable expression on his face. "I know that we said no more secrets but-" I'm cut off as his lips are on mine. My eyes widen in surprise before fluttering shut.

   We break apart and he leans his forehead on mine. "All I can be is absolutely amazed at what you accomplish Love. I will never be mad at you for something like this." He says quietly. A blush lights up my cheeks. He chuckles and says "Tongue twisted Love?" I hear a squeal and wince as it is amplified.

   "Kendyl~~!!" Alya squeals, snapping pictures. A groan escapes my lips and I say "Don't you dare start that." Alya smirks and says "Too late, already started." I transform back and walk over to her, pulling out a tiny knife from my shoe. "Don't test me blogger girl." I say, eyes flashing. I see a flicker of fear in her eyes but she covers it up saying "Whatever." I sheath the small knife and walk out of the room saying "We leave tonight, everyone needs to pack up!" 

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