Beginnings of Trust and Some Trouble

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Shattered Light smiled gently at her sister. "yes and no. you already realized that though. don't worry, the sister you know is safe." Cimmarian got to her feet nervously. "How can I trust you?" Shattered Light looked around, her tentacles twitching as she sensed more corrupt beings in the area. "you don't have a choice right now, danger is near. and if you're here, no doubt mom and our dads are here as well. we could probably meet them at where the tree was." Yes... she could feel both Dream's Positivity as well as Nightmare's Negativity. They were here. She could see the gears turning in her twins' skull. Finally, she nodded. "Only because my LuLu wouldn't want me to be hurt." The message was clear, she wasn't trusted. It didn't matter right now though, she grabbed Cimmarian's hand and pulled her along toward their parents' auras. "HEY I NEVER SAID YOU COULD-"
"shh, get down!" Shattered Light pushed her sister down with her tentacles and ducked down herself. The twins watched one of the corrupted stalk by. Shattered Light carefully watched until it disappeared around a building. She waited a minute longer before standing and pulling Cimmarian along.


Nightmare expected to meet Blue and Dream. He didn't expect for Blue to be the one firing arrows at him rather than Dream. Naturally, they didn't hurt, but still. "hey, stop that, would you?! i'm here to help-" Dream had an arrow nocked and ready. "you're here to take her away again!" He accused. "you don't know the first thing about this town and its residents. nothing about what my corruption did to them." Dream nearly fired the arrow, he was fully prepared to keep his brother away from his daughters. Nightmare knew that. "... they are my daughters too, brother... i don't want them to be harmed any more than either of you... and when they are found, i'll leave of my own accord." Nightmare promised seriously. Blue had a moment of hesitation before lowering his bow. "Fine." Dream blinked rapidly, as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Nightmare... called him... brother... not the other way around. "let's find them before something worse does." He started down to the town. "Wait, we should go to the tree! That's somewhere they know here, somewhere easy to find. The brothers hesitantly agreed. Hopefully, that was where they would be.


That is where Shattered Light brought Cimmarian. The youngest went running to Blue and Dream. Shattered Light was a little more reluctant, considering her form. She could probably change back... but she didn't want to leave herself vulnerable. "n-no... nonono, please no!" Nightmare was absolutely horrified, having followed where Cimmarian came from to Lumine. He dropped to his knees. "this is my fault, it's my fault, my fault..." Shattered Light certainly couldn't leave him like that. Shattered Light approached her goopy father as Dream and Blue caught sight of her. Blue gasped while Dream watched with an unreadable expression. Shattered Light crouched beside her father and hugged him, shushing him. "it's ok... this form is only temporary, you will have your lumine back in no time..." She reassured. "i'm sorry." Nightmare apologized. "it's ok, we were born this way."
"it's my fault."
"you couldn't have known."
"i'm here papa, let's go home." She pulled Nightmare up and smiled at her other father and mother. "shall we?" She asked, hoping someone would make a portal. With a sigh, Dream opened a portal to the base. "You two are so in trouble when we get home..." Blue said as Shattered Light nudged Nightmare along to the portal.

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