Race to Dreamtale

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Dream shot up, startling Blue and Ink as they all tried to look for Lumine. "she's in dreamtale!" He blurted, fist clenched to his chest. "i-i can feel her there! we need to go!" Blue was up in an instant. "I was trying to take the girls their originally to try and revive Dreamtale and raise them there as the new Guardian Twins! She must've went back to finish what I started!" Cimmarian gulped. She'd really... went back there? To that desolate, lonely place that carried no food or water? Cimmarian gripped tightly to her sun cape. "i haven't been there in years, i don't know how dangerous it is. cimmarian should stay here-"
"No, I can't!" The adults looked to her. "I can't... sit back and do nothing again! I can defend myself!" She tried to convince them. "CiCi... I know you feel helpless, but your sister shouldn't even be there. Ink will watch you."
"i will?" Ink asked. "of course i am!" He quickly changed attitudes when the parents shot him a look. "on second thought, maybe you stay behind blue. i have to go to track her positivity." Blue shook his head.


Nightmare's eye widened. "no, no, no! anywhere but there!" Error gave his boss a concerned look while PJ colored on the floor. ("what's wrong?") "wh-at-s wr-on-g?"
"there are corrupted there, monsters tainted with the overwhelming negativity, she wouldn't last a second without... i must go, you're in charge while i'm gone." He got up and skirted around the child. ("wait, what is even happening.") "w-ai-t, wh-at-s ev-en ha-pp-eni-ng?" Error asked in confusion as Nightmare opened a portal. "... my daughter is in trouble." He stepped through and into the barren wasteland that had once been his home. He tried to find that spark of positivity in the negativity... but he couldn't feel his little positive princess. He was scared. Was she dead? Did the corruption get to her? Was she... like him now? "lumine!" He started a desperate search for her. "lumi!" He had to find her. He couldn't lose her. She was the only one that understood him. Loved him. And he learned to love again through her. He wasn't giving up on her. He would never give up on her. "lumine!" Please, be ok...


Ink wasn't even paying attention to Cimmarian. He was stuck on a puzzle he was piecing together. Every question asked was met with a 'mmhm'. It made leaving a lot easier. Of course, she had to learn how to do what Lumine did. She wasn't sitting out again. She wanted to, no, needed to help her sister this time. Doing nothing had metaphorically killed her last time. "Lumine..." She was being swallowed by the portal before she even realized she'd done it, free falling through purples, blues, yellows, and blacks before she was spit out and falling through the red sky of Dreamtale. "Oh stars, Oh STAAARRRSSS!!!" She screamed. Until she wasn't. Something wrapped around her ankle, lowering her to the ground carefully. She took a good few minutes to calm herself before she heard approaching footsteps. She looked up at the discolored Skeleton in her sister's clothes. It reminded her hauntingly of Mari. "are you alright, cimmarian?" Three tentacles swayed on the corrupt being's back as Cimmarian regarded it. "L-Lumine...?"

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