Gone Again

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Finally, the day came. While the girls were at school, Blue packed up the essentials and some of the girls favorite things so they wouldn't be bored. Maybe in their au travels they could pick up souvenirs or something, but for now, this was it. Over the past few months Blue had started practicing the bow again to re-establish his marksmanship, seeing as it's been a good five years since he'd learned to hunt. He'd been maintaining a garden for the entire time they were in Underbeats so he was pretty sure he was good in the farming department, and he'd been crafting bird houses and selling them as a starting source of income before he got the job at the daycare. So he was as prepared as he was gonna get here. He went and picked up the girls, who chattered happily about about how their day went. Blue listened, smiling, happy that they'd had a good last day in this au. "That's great, ladies! I'm glad you did so well on your spelling test! Your so smart!" He complimented, making the girls giggle as they held each other's hand. "Grab your bags when you get home... it's time."


This was their first time since they were babies that they'd been outside of Underbeats, so they were understandably nervous, grabbing onto the back of their mother's shirt as they took in their new surroundings. The au was empty, plain empty. No dust in sight. Blue assumed they were on the surface like the monsters of Underbeats. Until there was movement from his prephiral vision. Blue reacted quickly, nocking an arrow and drawing his bow. "Relax! I won't hurt you.." A human female stepped out, the glow of a cigarette behind her. Blue sighed with relief, reseting the bow and placing the arrow back in its quiver. "G... and you must be Echotale's Frisk. Hello, sorry for assuming the worst, but as you can see..." He glanced at his girls as they peeked out from behind him. "I'm trying to get them home." Lumine was the first to come out of hiding, Cimmarian following a couple steps behind. "hi! i'm lumine, this is my sister cimmarian. i guess you already know mama." She introduced. Cimmarian gave a shy wave and smile. "We just need to get to your machine and we'll be out of your hair."


"Stay close... very close." Blue had never been to this au, but there was no mistaking Underfresh with its 90's style EVERYTHING. Blue didn't want his girls getting infected by the virus that inhabited Fresh. His girls were strong, so much stronger than him. He knew it. They weren't there yet, but they would be, their magic expanding every day. "yoooooo, if it isn't another me with lil homies!" Aaaand there was Fresh. "Hello. I'm Blue, I'm trying to bring my kids home." Blue said carefully. He tried not to sound too suspicious though. He would rather few aus as possible know that he was once a major character in the Multiverse. His daughters seemed to have picked up on that too. "can you take us to your machine mister?" Lumine asked with wide purple eyes. "... why not, i can take ya to my digs, ya dig?" She really didn't but she made the best guess and her eyes exploded into stars. "yay! thank you so much!" Fresh chuckled. "this way, dawg and dawgettes." Blue took both the girls hands in his own as they followed the parasite to his home.

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