Meanwhile with the Bad

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Red and blue eyelights watched three Skeletons walk by, ignorant of his presence. He'd been following them for quite awhile now, they all have. Taking turns watching the Star Idiot and the children. They'd been watching since they were in Underbeats. Nightmare had demanded that the follow him since, and wait for a time to strike and take the children. Apparently they were his heirs, so they weren't allowed to be harmed. Unfortunately that meant protecting Blue too. A portal opened behind Dust and Killer stepped out to relieve him of his duties. Dust went back to the Castle to report to Nightmare about their situation. Nothing has changed, they still seemed lost. Dust knew better though. They were looking for something. A certain au. He knocked on his bosses office door. "come in." Dust entered, sitting across from the goop monster as he waited for Nightmare to finish whatever the hell he was doing. "report."
"they are still searching. the girls are safe. the idiot is still as oblivious as he was six years ago." Nightmare nodded slowly, though Dust didn't miss the warning glare. Blue WAS the mother of his children, after all.


It had been a risk, choosing to take Blue on as the one to breed with. He'd been thinking of having an Heir for awhile now. It had to be someone strong, someone he was at least somewhat aquainted with. It definitely wasn't going to be his brother. Nor Ink who was literally infertile because he didn't have a soul to produce soulings. Nightmare had been plain lucky that Blue happened to be in heat. All he had to do was wait for results. He hadn't really taken into account that Blue would run away. That made finding him again a bit difficult since he was constantly traveling then they'd stopped at Underbeats. Nightmare was able to finally get a solid location and sent out the boys to watch them carefully. That's the way it had been since. When the time was right, Blue's guard was down, they would grab at least one, if not both of the girls. Nightmare blinked as he caught his reflection in the mirror. He would not let either of them to end up like this. They would be good sisters, choosing family over friends, unlike his brother. They would never be able to meet him.


Nightmare did get some personal information on his daughters. Their names were Lumine and Cimmarian, beautiful names, he had to admit. Blue choose good names, though 'Lumine' was a bit ironic seeing as they were daughters of negativity, or so he thought. They were six years old, were just learning their magic, and tended to stick close to Blue. Both a blessing and a curse. It ensured their safety while also repeling Nightmare from having them. Apparently they were also passive in form. No corruption to be seen from his daughters. It was relieving. He'd been told they'd been in school, so they had some sort of an education. He wondered what their interests were? How should he decorate their room? Were they for or against violence? They were still Blue's daughters as well after all. If Blue truly wanted to stay with them as well, he could swear allegiance to Nightmare to stay with them, otherwise it was the young ladies he wanted, nothing more.

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