Finally, Dreamtale

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Blue wasn't really sure how it would be when he finally found Dreamtale. He'd at least hoped that the au would've healed just a bit overtime. That wasn't the case though. The sky was blood red with black clouds seemingly suspended in time, the ground was devoid of life I any shape or form. There was no way anything was a live there and there was no way he would be able to grow anything. He was going to have to go to neighboring aus to support them. Blue felt his girls cling onto him. "P-please tell me this isn't it..." Cimmarian whimpered. "... Unfortunately it is.." Blue replied, hugging his arms around them. "i-i don't like it... it... it feels so... sick.." Lumine buried her skull into her mother. If Blue had a lip, he would've bitten it. He was no expert on this au. He only knew about it because of Dream. But he did have a suspicion that the au wasn't healing because the lack of guardian twins. Potentially keeping the girls here could help the au balance out. But the girls didn't want to be here, he didn't want to force them.


"After this story, we can leave, ok? It's something I should have told you a long time ago." Blue requested to which both girls hesitantly agreed. He took their hands, leading them through the au. "This is the story of your father's, Dream the Guardian of Positivity and Nightmare the Guardian of Negativity." They both gasped quietly. It wasn't like their mother to bring up their fathers unless prompted. If they asked, he'd tell them about their fathers, but they didn't really ask often. Blue lead them up a hill, having spotted what he assumed was the stump. "I will admit, I don't know the whole story. You'd have to ask them if the four of you were to ever meet." Blue hesitated to sit himself on the stump and had the girls join him. "This stump was once a very special tree. The tree of feelings. It grew positive apples and negative apples that your parents had to watch over. For the most part they were very good at their job too. But something went wrong. For some reason that only Nightmare knows, he grabbed a positive apple. It turned negative though, they all did and Nightmare ate them all and cut down the tree. Dream was turned to stone and the people were killed. That is why Dreamtale is like this now."


The closest au was Utopiantale, a recently made au where the girls and Blue could stay until Dreamtale was a bit more livable. Apparently in the au there was no war, nothing bad happened, and all monsters and humans lived under the rule of the God who diverted the war path. He and the girls had come to an agreement that they would attempt to make Dreamtale a livable home and if it showed no sign of improvement by the end of the year, they'd go back to Underbeats. "You girls stay in here for now, ok? Well go exploring once we get all cleaned up." After weeks of au travel, they were all in need of a shower. Cimmarian went first, under Lumine's insistence. Then Lumine went at Blue's insistence. Finally Blue went to wash himself off. The girls set to exploring their hotel suite. She rounded the corner to their 'living room', bumping into some as she did so. "oh, i'm sorry cici-" He was not Cici. Lumine backed away, giving the large Sans before her a nervous yet friendly wave. "h-hi?"

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