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Lumine was nervous, yes. But she didn't want to judge a book by its cover. Maybe this monster with the hole in his skull was lost and needed help getting home? She'd been a lot of places. "can i help you?" The monster tilted his head. "yes. i need you to come with me." Lumine glanced down the hall. "i should really tell cici and mom before i go with a stranger..." The monster crouched down, holding out a hand. "cici will be coming with us. we are going to see your father." Lumine perked a little. "my papa..?" Lumine did want to see her father. She wanted to meet him. "and you promise cici will be there too?" The monster nodded his to which Lumine reluctantly reached out to take his hand. "LUMINE!!" Blue and Cimmarian both came in, Blue feeling horrified for some reason. "mom-" Lumine felt herself getting grabbed, panic rising in her soul as the monster she was talking to started to run with her in his arms. "mommy! cimmarian!" She reached out desperately, her mother running to catch her hand. "LUMINE!!!" Was the last thing she heard before she was taken though a portal.


When Nightmare heard Horror got one of the girls, he was ecstatic! Finally he could he meet one of his daughters! Only to learn something unexpected... He froze upon feeling the child's positive magic. "dream that little..." Nightmare growled to himself, not having expected.... this. The child looked at Nightmare with big purple eyelights. That... was very much a Nightmare thing, confusing the goop monster. "hello... will you take me home...? mom is worried for me.." She whispered, still trying to process what was going on. "... would you happen to be lumine?" It would make sense if she was. The child nodded. "are you my daddy...?" Lumine replied. "i don't think so." She looked down, playing with her fingers. "your magic... it feels similar to cici's... so i thought you might be papa nightmare.." The negative king's tentacles twitched. "papa nightmare? but dream is your father? his magic is in you." Lumine blinked, understanding why Nightmare was confused. "as your magic is in cici. you are both our father's." Nightmare needed to sit down. "please excuse me a moment." Nightmare left the room. He and Dream both? A new set of Guardian Twins?


Lumine couldn't help but feel that she said something wrong. She should do something, apologize to her negative father or something. She hadn't heard the door lock. She slipped off the gold and purple duvet and walked over to the big dark wood doors. She tried the handle, and was rewarded when the door creaked open. She sensed for negative magic, following the trail down the hall, only for a string to catch her wrist. ("where do you think you're going, kid?") "w-wh-ere d-d-do yo-u-u thi-nk y-y-you-re go-ing, ki-id?" She looked over at the glitchy Skeleton who looked like he'd been crying... "are you ok..?" The glitch was put off by the question as he turned her around with his strings and started leading her back. ("i am fine.") "i-i a-m f-f-ine." She looked back at him. "is dad ok?" The glitchy skeleton stopped ubruptly, not expecting those words to come out of her mouth. ("givd him time. learning that he's not the only father is a lot.") "g-iv-e h-im t-im-e. le-arn-ing th-at he-s no-t-t th-e on-ly f-f-ath-er i-is a lo-t." The glitchy skeleton lead her back to the room. ("he will come back when he's ready.") "h-he wi-ll co-m-e b-ba-ck wh-en he-s rea-dy."

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